Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

The difference here is that i’m not pretending that my opinion about statistics is a fact when its an opinion which is something that you guys have been guilty of doing. You can’t claim an statistic to be true when its an opinion.

Don’t bother. I’m not gonna waste any more of my time with you.

The difference here is that you are pretending to pass your statistic-less opinions as facts, while others try to back up their opinions with statistics, which is how you build a proper argument btw.

But whatever, given that you thought that my screenshot was from air because I was in an Ar-234, it’s pretty pointless to talk with you about AB.

Same! There’s an event to suffer waiting for us!

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You can’t call your opinion about something a statistical fact. It is invalid arguing.

It’s psychologically recognized fact where having to spend more attentino towards something is more demanding.

Feel free to continue the event which means that you agree with my opinion because you’re playing something that is faciliated by what i have been talking about :).

One could argue, that in arcade, there is far more to pay attention to than in realistic, because visibility is increased. Personally, I have changed to realistic (air) because I find it more relaxing and rewarding than arcade air.


@aLiVe @sardinha08 @_retro_gamer @simbadumba @ItsOnyy @bananomet

The main reason i wanted to collect the data from individual sessions, the whole point of it was to be able to play with said data in excel spreadsheet later.

And im finally done with work related stuff, so lets do just that.


so first, lets look at what i already recorded.

rank VIII germany ground RB session
RB multiplier: 1.33x
rank VIII multiplier: 1.2x
average score per game without multipliers, rounded up: 1841
average score per game with multipliers, rounded up: 2937
average round length: 11 min 8 secs
number of games required to reach 45k score: 15
amout of pure playtime required to reach 45k: 2 hours 47 minutes

rank III/IV US ground RB session
RB multiplier: 1.33x
rank III/IV multiplier: 0,8x/0x9
average score per game without multipliers, rounded up: 2185
average score per game with multipliers, rounded up: 2563
average round length: 12 min 3 secs
number of games required to reach 45k score: 18
amout of pure playtime required to reach 45k: 3 hours 37 minutes

we can already see that the base score without multipliers was higher at lower rank. we can only speculate as to why, but it definetively wasnt due to spaded vehicles and expert crews, as those were worse on the US lineup.

There was also difference of only three games.

So, how about we apply the same rank multiplier of 1.2x to the US 5.7 session?


5.7 US actually becomes the superior lineup to grind with, as it now needs two less games than rank VIII lineup. Id say shaving off 5 games is huge, isnt it?

the required time for whole 45k with the US lineup, using 1.2x modifier, would be 2 hours 36 minutes, which is ten minutes faster than using top tier lineup.

and lets take this even further beyond.

assuming what aLiVe said to be true (this is the part where aLiVe can correct me if i get anything wrong)

seeing as his average score wihout multipliers is 2500 you can probably guess where this is heading. but lets do it anyway!

assuming his lineup is rank VI at highest

rank IV britain ground arcade
arcade multiplier: 0.93x
rank VI multiplier: 1.1x
average score per game without multipliers: 2500
average score per game with multipliers, rounded up: 2557
average round length:

seeing as games are ALMOST identical in length, and seeing as rank III which is the lowest aviable rank to grind event (excluding rank I and II vehicles) had average length of 12 minutes and rank VIII which is the highest had 11 minutes, id say we can go with the average length of rank VI game of

11 minutes 30 seconds

number of games required to reach 45k score:

simply dividing 45k required score by aLiVe adjusted average score of 2557 we get

17.6 games required, rounded up to 18.

which is only three games more than it took me to grind 45k using rank VIII ground RB lineup and exactly same as using my rank III/IV US lineup.

amout of pure playtime required to reach 45k:

simply multiplying 18 games by 11 minutes 30 seconds gives us…

3 hours 27 minutes.

which is one whole hour slower than using rank VIII ground rb lineup but 10 minutes faster than using Rank III/IV ground RB lineup.

so lets do the one thing theres left to do. lets give same game mode and rank modifier to aLiVes average score as to my rank VIII ground RB lineup.

so 2500 average score multiplied by game mode modifier of 1.33x and rank modifier of 1.2x would get him to…

3990 average mission score.

now, to gain 45k score, he would need to play…

11.278 games, or rounded up, 11 games.

Which is now even better than US 5.7 realistic lineup using rank VIII modifier.

time required would be

2 hours 6 minutes.

40 minutes faster than me using 12.0 GER top tier lineup.

now, theres already a big problem noticable.

My recorded games were using rank III/IV and rank VIII lineups respectively, while aLiVe was probably using only rank VI lineup. so we are already comparing different lineups.

also i can already hear some people saying “well captain obvious, thanks for saying what we already know” to which i say “thanks for the input, jeff, i dont see you trying to provide anything substantial beyond autistic screeching”.

so to have better comparison, I would need data from someone using arcade rank III or IV lineup and someone using rank VIII lineup.

also it would need to be someone with similiar global stats to mine, so that the relative skill level remains the same (and before anyone goes “hurr durr here to brag again”, NO. I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT).

so yeah.

there goes 15 minutes of my life, spent on schizo ramblings.

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I also made this table to better understand the average time it would take depending on the rank and game mode, I felt like rank 3 and 4 for low tier is enough since most people are in these ranks, with the average battle lasting 12 minutes.

A good AB player can still do this event in a reasonable amount of time if they were to take breaks. RB is still the best way to do this event in rank IV, which is, I suspect, where the majority of players are.

It is worth nothing that an AB player at rank III that scores on average 3000 points can do a star in 4 hours or 2 hours each day or after taking a break.

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which is in line with what i recorded with 5.7 US lineup.

It took you 50min more to do it in the lower ranks and 3 more matches, how can you keep saying it “needs two less games than a rank VIII lineup”? Aren’t you applying multipliers twice?

I’m sorry but you should check your calculations.

Go check how many Ground AB(or even Ground RB) players get those 3000 points on every match. ;)

On the other thread average score in a Ground AB match is 1156 score points, Ground RB is even lower at 1098. The top 20% players get on average 2176 and 2082 points, Ground AB and Ground RB respectively.

So are you trying to pick a 1% scenario as a general thing to prove something?

unless i misunderstood what do you refer to, using US rank III/IV lineup under the condition that rank III/IV having same multiplier as rank VIII would take two less games.

Here’s an example, of the 10 years I have been playing, the vast majority has been AB Air. The first is my PvP rating, which is pretty low, meaning I rank up there with a lot of the “good” players, the one on the far right is my “average” score per game over that time period, 1943 isn’t too bad, but not all that high either. Which means an “average player” is prolly going to be a bit lower, say maybe 1200 - 1500 thereabouts(just a guess there). So, as I mainly play around 4.3 BR, which is tier III, by the current multiplier(which is the same for air, ground and naval[also off base a good deal]) I would be getting 1554 after the “penalty”, whereas the same score at tier VI would yield 2,137 points or 600 more per game. Roughly a 30% “bonus”. I would just like to have that justified in some reasonable manner. Because for the life of me, I do not see anything indicating that this current system is equitable in any way except to a very few. Granted AB air has more opportunities to get kills with more than one spawn, but ground AB & RB are not that much different in kill count overall, yet both GRB & ARB get the same 2x multiplier for all the stats and tasks, giving GRB a HUGE advantage in those regards. So the time an “average player” would need to do the same amount of points is exponentially quite a bit higher and time needed a LOT longer . . . and this is the entire point of what these guys are trying to tell you. Current system is vastly inequitable to a huge portion of the player base. That’s all… . those that do not see either have no concern at all or simply are bad with numbers or have never played anything outside their comfort zone . . . and I fall squarely in the middle of that latter. I play what is fun for me, something I can do well at with some degree of regularity and get penalized at every turn for it. yay

and that average score has dropped 2 points from 1945 just playing 5 days of this event . . . . lol
But in the end . . . and I mean this with all sincerity. . .
It's all pixels man


thanks for the input, jeff.

No, I’m just using your data.

You say that your average score, rounded up after multipliers, is 2937.


So to get 45k you’ll need 45000/2937~15 matches, which you also confirm when you say the number of matches required to reach the 45k score:


You also posted the amount of time it took you on rank VIII to get the 45k: 2 hours and 47min


If you do the same for the lower rank using your own data:

You say it took you 3 hours and 37min, that is 50min more to do the 45k with lower ranks.

So, how can you say that it took you less matches to do it in the lower ranks? Cause that is not what your numbers say.

Not only it took you more matches but it also took you more time.

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unless im missing something

these two tables show that it took more battles at lower ranks and it took more time at lower ranks.


this table shows HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION that it would actually take TWO GAME LESS if the rank III/IV was same as the rank VIII modifier

These discussions ultimately just boil down to people who can get what they want and screw everyone else, and those who just want a normal game and events.


thanks for the input, jeff.

Ok, I got you now, but as far as I could read no one asked for the same multiplier by rank.

The result would be obvious if the rank multiplier was the same across all ranks, that is precisely why it exists, to balance differences in score between ranks.

But no one asked it to be the same.

The problem is in the game mode multiplier cause to compensate a 4% difference in Ground AB favour we end with a 40% higher Ground RB score per hour after applying multiplier. And it’s the score per hour that tells you how long it will take for anyone to get the 45k score.

45000/(your score per hour) = the amount of time it will take you to get the mark

Number of matches varies cause match length is not a constant between matches, between ranks and between game modes. The only way to compare everyone is through time spent to reach the goal.

You can jerk off over numbers and statistics all day long, the data is pretty clear that the event is way out of reach for an average person.

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A highly skilled player such as yourself shouldn’t have any issue reaching that score, if you’re struggling to get even 2000 score in AB you need a skill check. Even 2500 is a realistic amount for a skilled player, so get grinding is only 2 and a half hours a day.