Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

I already pay annual premiun and in the last sale I bought the merkava premiun. If I am happy, I will cooperate.

If they do an event, it’s partly to build customer loyalty. Offer something for the commitment.

These people directly put you to work for them. With 2-day cycles that for me is the worst part.


You mean you have to look around more cause of lack of markers? Well, but what if you are trying to flank? Isn’t the lack of markers in your advantage?

You know that’s really not true. Or else, we’d have a lot of Ground RB players doing the event in Ground AB instead of bragging about how fast they got it done.

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Yes, and we also already established that those advantages also play against them by the enemy players.

It only shows the direction the plane is heading, not where you have to really aim, but it also shows to your enemies the direction you’re heading when they are aiming at you. Same advantages to all players that you can use and that can be used against you.

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Moving beyond that, like i said, i really dont want to keep this topic going into this direction. If offers absolutely nothing.

Allow me to repeat, i geniunely started this topic with intent of collecting and presenting data, and ahve the convo centered around that data. And i want to continue doing that.

In Arcade at more than 1km it doesn’t show you bullet drop crosshairs, you have to do it by eye.

When the whole tank is not in sight, the firing aid does strange things.

In this mode it is useful to mark the enemy with the light ones because they are more time in sight.

Tanks are more agile and aiming is faster so a bad move has more risk.

There are tricks such as hiding for a while to stop appearing.

Showing a small percentage of the tank avoids being singled out.

If you use binoculars you will see from farther away its silhouette in red.

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So there are ways for experienced players to deny those advantages (pseudorangefinder) to the enemy while keeping them.

Is it different in Ground RB? Aren’t there ways to deny enemies their advantages? Just curious to know your opinion.

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Im sorry im too exhausted and cant bother to write something down, i just want to get it over with the star. Tho good luck with your collection.

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I mean, sure.

I think i even said that yesterday

Being hulldown and only exposing the least possible amount of armor is beneficial in both arcade and ground, no denying that.

Issue is…well let me try to put it in word.

If we go with the jagdtiger hulldown example for now.

In realistic, i get into hulldown position and only expose my superstructure. This denies the enemy without proper high penetrating shells only viable option to pen me frontally and they either have to disengage or hit my barrel.

Here comes the second part.

Now i still need to hit that enemy. If hes sufficiently close and i dare to eyeball it, no problem there.

But with reload of 26 seconds, I cant really shoot and adjust my aim based on where this ranging shot lands. And if i miss, enemy now has 26 seconds to do as he pleases.

But if i dont shoot, i get no score by just sitting in hulldown.

The same situation in arcade skips over the second part of the example entirely thanks to pseudorangefinder. I denied the enemy his advantage, as even with his pseudorangefinder he cant hit weakspots i am not exposing, while i can land my shot with much higher certainty.

Do you see where i am going with this?


Best of luck farming.

You would be offered a high tier Object 292 but if that is something you don’t see as valuable then alright lol.

Actually majority of war thunder players are playing in AB. And because war thunder adjusted RB and AB to take same amount of effort to complete the event despite arcade taking less effort to play, the players will prefer their own gamemodes. Obviously with your logic if realistic was easier then everyone would play it, which they dont.

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It has to be something that you get as a reward for playing this game regularly. I understand that it has minimums.

This is not a reward now it’s a payment for a job. Where you get 2 day days.

Maybe because of language I can’t get the nuance.

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That’s the problem, it doesn’t. It requires around 40% more effort to do the same adjusted score per hour in Ground AB.

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The majority of players in the game play Ground AB already.

And using your logic, then Ground RB players would do the event on the “easy mode”, which they don’t.

You’re entitled to daily rewards for playing this game regularly. You’re not entitled to have a high tier vehicle only because you visit the game regularly.

It can take more time but it takes less mental effort and it is less exhausting.
It is adjusted.


Because in my logic the AB and RB is balanced which is why both RB and AB players are keeping to their game modes

If you think AB, RB and SB should have the same rewards all across the board, then you are delusional and clearly don’t want to put in the effort to understand other armor and tactics and be rewarded for it.

If you are as skilled as you claim to be, then AB shouldn’t be an issue for you. You continue to come off as salty and wanting AB club sealing to be an easy way to get the rewards.

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Ground AB is more fast paced, maps are usually smaller, anyone knows where you are, anyone knows where to shoot you(even below average players). The only effort I see bigger in RB is in your eyes due to lack of markers. In terms of reaction you have to aim much faster in AB.

And that “effort” is huge as you have to pay continous detailed attention. Aiming fast is just about moving your mouse a bit, doesn’t take much toll mentally.

And again, as i said both gamemodes have their differences so the time spent playing those gamemodes have been adjusted for effort which is why rb players are still playing rb and ab players are still playing ab despite obvious differences. Balancing is what allows differences to be balanced, obviously.