Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

Im just waiting for the inevitable shutdown of this topic, which sucks as i made it with geniune intention to provide some data regarding event stars.

Oh well, what can you do.

Me being able to spend 20-30 bucks in every event vehicle is one thing. Me wanting to spend such money after having already tossed a couple of hundreds to a game that constantly increases any type of grind is a completely different one. I do want the vehicle, I do think the time to get it in arcade is absolutely out of touch for the average player and I have no intention of spending a dime more in a vehicle. Thence, I complain with the hope that if many do so, they’ll ease the requirements.


The “garbage mode” which you refer is the most played game mode in this game, and probably what kept this game alive so far.
If events shouldn’t be done in the most played game mode then there is something wrong about it no?

Ground AB players are not asking for you to get less, we just want the same treatment between game modes for all players to require the same effort to do the same task. While some you Ground RB players are trying to mock us for asking just that.

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Thats your choice. And it’s your choice to complain, but using your time to complain about something that wont change instead of playing the game is pointless. Also you aren’t entitled to have everything in the game because you spent money for some things in the game. You got those things, you were entiteld to have the things you paid for but you’re not entitled to have something you didn’t pay for.

I’m not even asking for making it easier, just to balance multipliers between game modes, so my effort is the same as any other player in any game mode.

And you know it won’t change because? I renewed premium some months ago precisely because of the changes they introduced due to last year backlash so…

Also, how I prefer to spend my time is up to me, but thanks for the tip.

Entitlewhat? Who said anything as such? I never said that because I already paid a lot I deserve this vehicle. I said two separated things:

  1. Because I’ve already paid a lot, I have no intention on paying for more vehicles.
  2. The grind in AB is awful and I want it to be at least equal to RB.

Yep, agree. I was referring to AB particularly.

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Can I ask what game mode you play?

Arcade and realistic.

Cause AB is simply easier to play and requires less skill and the matches end earlier than RB. And if the multipliers would be same everywhere it wouldnt make sense. Right now they are lowest in the easiest mode and highest in the hardest mode in terms of difficulty.

Not much. As long as some people are only interested in making a name for themselves and leading every discussion ad absurdum.
I’m not interested in the event itself. I just don’t think it’s good for the battles because many are only using tanks that are out of balance. CAS is also becoming more of an issue again. That will be even more fun from the 8th onwards when everyone is only using rockets. (BP Challenge)
Everyone feels powerless somewhere and the end of the song is increased ODL and toxic behaviour here in the forum.
Thank you for this wonderful event which is actually not a problem itself. Those who have the maturity just say “fuck it”.

Because yall have been complaining for years and the system still works for everyone except the entitled people. Why change something that only 0,7% of players complain about when it works for the rest.

Then don’t expect to have anything.

I grinded the previous events in AB and it was not awful to me. You probably lack skill.

Complaining how you have a busy life then using your free time for yapping in a forum is hypocrisy.

Maybe the event would be easier if you were playing the game instead of complaining?

But you do realize that there are players that either play Arcade or play Realistic? We just want the same treatment between game modes, we don’t want more than others, just the same, do you think that is unreasonable to ask?

It takes less effort to get the same amount of score in arcade so the reward is adjusted to have arcade player and realistic player spend same amount of effort to get the same score. I can confirm this because i often grind in AB due to it taking less effort, yet i still find it easy.

But then someone took the time to analyse the data:

And found out that:

Which shows that Ground RB matches last less than Ground AB matches on average.
And that the score per hour(which means the effort players have to do):

Is much higher in Ground RB than in Ground AB.

So which is the “easy mode”?

See what I just replied to the other player about the “less effort” you’ve mention.

Many things have changed along the years due to backlash. Also you get the 0,7% figure how? Ever incresing event grind complaints are not particularly scarce across the forum.

That’s how bad the grind is. I rather be here complaining than playing, haha.

Lol, another git gud argument. Yet with worse stats. The whole point we are making is that it should be easier (aka take shorter) for the average player.

Get your facts straight:

It takes more cognitive effort to get the same score in realistic. More cognitive effort means more effort from the human aside from just spending time in a match. Even if you’re spending less time, you’re “sweating” way harder. Imagine this: You have to spend 1 hour doing a high stress job, or 50 minutes doing a low stress job. You can’t use the time used as only factor because there is so much more to it.

Well, that’s pretty debatable cause you are considering that Ground AB players don’t have that too. Things like knowing where the weakspots are, where each crew member is, where ammo is, knowing maps, etc… do you really think that AB players don’t have that?

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You have to spend more attention in RB to perform well and to not die. I didn’t say that arcade battles is fully effortless but it takes considerably less effort than RB.

I mean I dont want to join this otherwise beautiful convo but we already eastabilished yesterday that arcade players have certain advantages such as the pseudorangefinder mentioned earlier, which shifted the debate towards “can arcade player play in a way that denies thise advantages to the enemy?”.

Actually I remembered another arcade advantage, automatic lead indicator on airplanes, no matter the rank or “sensors” aviable to them.