Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

I think 2:30 is how long most of us take.

In my case playing Arcade I do about 2500 on average.

I play the rooikat mk1 from Br 8.3 which allows you captures, assists and has a good cannon. In addition to Warrior and the olifant centurion. The advantage is that they are Tier6 with BR8.3.

Before or after modifiers?


Do you happen to remember average match length? What i have recorded was for for realistic.

Also still under impression that i am caricature? ;)

Says the guy whose multipliers give him an 40% extra score and does the tank event with PLANES.


Who is asking anything for free? I did much harder events before, what pisses me off is seeing people like you coming here to brag on how fast they did simply cause you are playing with an completely unjustified multiplier that gives you 40% more score than those playing the most played game mode in this game. And talking about whining, we just need to check the RB section or the chat in every RB match.



If it pisses you off, then click that red cross in the web broweser and go do something else.

Well, it’s not my fault I main RB, I never even touched AB. Should I be mad about SB’s higher modifiers? Not to mention 1.33x =/= 40% :D

You see the difference between me and you is that I do, you cry.
If you cried less and did more, you would already have your score done for today. You can clearly see in this thread who is still a child and who actually has a job. You can’t bear to play videogame for 2 hours a day, I can’t wait to see you endure an actual work 8+ hours a day, 5 days a week.

Chop chop now, the tasks are not gonna do themselves.

Go back to schoot and learn basic math before using it.

Ground AB has a 0.93 multiplier, Ground RB has a 1.33 multiplier, 1.33/0.93=1.43 so that gives you a 43% higher score in Ground RB.

I can clearly see who’s a spoiled child here, no doubt. You are a complete joke when you speak of enduring something when you just need to do 60% of the effort that others have to do, but seeing your math you probably think it’s the same.
About work, trust me, I get no lessons from you.

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Skill issue, literally just play the game mode and lineup with the highest multipliers that are available to you, if you don’t want to grind the event (nor have the fortitude to play a few hours a day) then you are better off getting a real job and buying the event vehicle off the market and stop complaining about someone having a slight advantage over you.

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Coming from someone with your stats I take it as a compliment.

I’m grinding the event, that’s not what is in question. But I like that logic of yours if someone doesn’t have the time to play the event to get a “real job”, you do realize that is probably the main reason why most can’t do these events?

Another one that needs to go back to school. Your “slight” advantage is 40%, and since we’re talking about “real jobs” I’m sure it would make no difference to you that someone doing the same work as you would get a “slight” higher paycheck.

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I have a social life and I still have plenty of time to do these events, you seem as if you want the easiest game modes with the lowest skill floor possible to be able to grind high tier EVENT vehicles for a quick profit. Sorry bud, no low-hanging fruit for you.


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Do yourself a favour and don’t speak about skill, cause you clearly don’t know what it is.

Lol, another RB guy that has absolutely no clue about AB yet he thinks it’s easy mode.

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The most hilarious thing is that he’s even worse in the “easy mode”.

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:D :D :D ironic

Thanks for proving my point that 1.33x =/= 40% but 43% :D


I took into account that scores in Ground AB are around 4% higher than in Ground RB before multipliers, bringing the 43% difference in multiplier to a difference of around 40% in terms of actual score.

Yes, you’re bad at math and logic.


If you’re an adult you can probably spend 20-30 bucks for something you want instead of spending hours and hours to get it. Thats what i’m gonna do, i don’t see any reason to complain. And if you don’t want it then you don’t want it.

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The behaviour of some clearly shows why this event continues to divide the community. Everyone is picking on each other without sense or reason.

I mean, he is right. You either optimize your time spent grinding the event by all means, or you just suffer in garbage mode that tank AB is.