Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

Just the round start/end and base score would do, i would put the data in the sheet myself, but cant force you.

The tanks can be practically invisible especially at range or during time of movement when you can’t stare at a single bush for 10 seconds because you have to scout the whole bushline to try and not die

If a human can’t reasonably spot a tank within a reasonable combat timeframe because its practically invisible and thats what matters. You can be practically invisible even if the game models the body of your tank

Bushes offer exactly two advantages

A) concealing weakspots

Which is objectively useful, as it increases required TTK, but still can be played around; moreso nowadays when bushes can be MGed off

B) making vehicle harder to detect visually under very specific circumstances

Bushed up hetzer on summer map that is standing still is hard to detect but it is not impossible.

Bushes are irrelevant at BRs with thermals.

And no matter the BR bushes are actively harmful in regards to detection on urban maps.

So yes, while bushes can be useful, even extremely useful, they arent some magical i win accesory as you portray them to be.

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Most BRs don’t have thermals

And? If it gives a clear advantange in a forest map, that advantange not existing in a desert map does not mean that now the advantange in forest map is non existent.

Most maps aren’t urban and the harm of bushes is almost irrelevant in urban maps because if you see a bushed up tank in city maps you would see a non bushed up tank too.

“even extremely useful” is pretty much when it fully conceals the tank and allows you to kill a player of enemy team when you could not have done the same thing without bushes. Pay to win in the sense that you’re able to win hostile players that you couldn’t have killed without the bushes. I didn’t mean that you automatically win whole match with them. Hiding weakspots is another significantly fucked up thing especially against noobs

But thats not RB limited is it?

You can hide weakspots with bushes in AB too.

Its much harder to spot “clean” tank with darker camo sitting still on urban map than bushed one

Bushes dont increase penetration.

Bushed up locust still wont be able to kill maus, even if the locust ran all the bushes aviable in the game.

Bushes also dont stop incoming projectiles.

Also the decreased likelyhood of detection doesnt stay the same. Hetzer could be bushed up like captain price in chernobyl but if he keeps firing he will get located sooner or later.

And even then, bushes are still situational - their color needs to match the map, you have to be on any other map than urban and you need to be in enviroment where foliage is already present.

And even then they only decrease the chance of visual detection.

Bushed up hellcat in a hulldown is hard to detect, sure, hut lets not pretend a clean hellcat in hulldown is so much easier to spot.

Thats true but its way smaller of an issue because you have the penetration showing thing that you can use through a bus.

While it might be relatively harder, in total theyre both so easy to spot that you would spot both by looking at them while it can be impossible to spot some bushed up tanks in foresty maps

You still get free kills. Ofcourse its part of the game that you have to relocate, it doesn’t negate the benefits of bushes though, and its normal part of the game. It just prevents you from killing the whole enemy team which you shouldn’t be capable of anyway.

If you’re binocularing at a forest line because you have to move to the capture point, you might be able to just scan through the forest line and spot the unbushed hellcat but you wouldn’t be able to spot the bushed up hellcat, and then you would probably die.

I just got the mark on the next match. 3910 score(biggest score in the match) time played 7:36min but battle time was 13:24(I took a few minutes off before respawning).

58 battles to get 2 marks so far, in 42 matches I’ll probably have the average score for the entire event and number of battles it took me.

Again, I think it would be interesting to collect the data the same way I did to have something to compare.

Because, despite what you said in your very first comment in this topic, i didnt make this post to brag, but to collect and present data.

Anyway, like I said.

If you want, just log time of round start, round end and base score without multipliers, I will put them in the sheet and with your consent I would add them to the post, so that people have something to go off when talking about event balance.

Haha let’s go by parts because the more you write the more confused you get.

4.7 hours every 2 days is a lot, even more if one of the days you can’t play.

Let me give you my example, I have a wife and a child. If one day I can’t play I have to play the next 3-4 hours on a working day. That’s a lot of work!

Whether you are used to Korean game events is not our problem.

People have adult lives.

Regarding this event is not meant for people with low tier hahaha great joke .

So the level 7 premiun tanks ? haha

I was in shock when I saw 750k score requirement, but after getting to it, it is not that bad.

This one time it actually took me longer to complete one pesky daily task, than to collect 45k score.

Overall it takes me 150 minutes on average to get 45k score on average playing rank IV USA or rank V GER.

Frankly, I’d be even up for 1mil score for tradeable coupon. Because no way in hell am I paying 300 EUR of my own money to buy Bf 109E7 I want, but making these new event coupons very rare is my golden ticket to finally be able to get it.

To the people whining about it, nobody is forcing you to participate. If you want the vehicle for yourself, 22,5k score per day is trivial. That’s like 1h of playing a day. Don’t tell me you don’t have 1 hour a day. Skip facebook doomscrolling for once and you’ll have time.

Event is completely voluntary. To the whiners: You are not being forced to do it. You are not entitled to get it for free either. Deal with it or don’t, nobody cares.

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Seeing how some are salty here for some reason, i wanna throw in how i am doing so far.
I do that now every 2 days, and i am per star done in about 2,5 hours playing around just for fun (kinda important, because sanity at Rank I). And on the weekend (friday after work) i do more to later sell them. My score currently sits at 350k. Next weekend i do another 80-100k on friday or so, then i only need to play every other day for the star.

Nothing in the next one that you get a million to be able to sell the coupon haha.

What kind of people write on this forum ? Haha

Wait what?

150 minutes for 45k score?

With rank IV or V?

It took me 2 hours 47 minutes using rank VIII.

What was your average mission score without modifiers?

Sorry but its really hard to understand what so you mean this sentence thanks to your english.

If you play at rank I, would you be interested in providing the data so i can record them in the same way i did mine?

To have comparison for later?

Im currently at work, but ill take a look at what you did later. I can however tell you my lineup allready.
Hs 129 B-3, Sd.Kfz.234/1, Sd.Kfz.222 and Pz.Sp.Wg P204(f) KwK. (And i ususally use a Backup, i dont understand all the one death leavers, its not worth it leaving directly.)

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I would need just

  • what mode you played (arcade, realistic, sim)
  • time when each round started
  • time when each round ended
  • mission score without multipliers
  • screenshot of your lineup

i would then put it into the excel i made and with your permision pin it to the original post, as to provide people with data for comparison.

Of course, all of that after work when you have time and only if you want.

He says 750 is not that much. For the next event he asks to make a score of 1 million RP.

I see more and more clear that the 4 who write in this forum are out of all reality.


Yeah, 150 minutes is 2,5 hours so not really that different from you.

I usually get 2,5k minimum and 4,5k max on good games. Overall my average is about 3k score per game.

First I spawn Ru 251 to scout in order to lower base SP for planes. I am not the one holding back like most of the crayon eaters I get on my team, but rather go in and do as much damage as possible. I don’t care about my virtual life. All it matters is to spawn a plane ASAP, because that’s how you get most points. After I die I spawn Ar 234C and then I just bomb the Fk out of the enemy team. Once I am shot down, I spawn Ho 229 and continue the carnage.

Same strategy with 6.3 USA. Spawn M41, scout and aggressive play. Once dead, I either spawn F4U-4B if theres too many enemy planes, or A-1H if we have friendly fighters in the air and carpet bomb the enemy team. I wish the 5.7 lineup would be rank VI, because you can get even more score per game there, but rank III modifiers hold this lineup back.

Playing top tier is not worth it as there is too few action and too many one death leavers and rank III gives bad modifiers.
I used to play Sdkfz 234/4 coupled with KV-1B when events were based on tasks rather than score, but times change. We either adapt or go to forum and cry. :D

Well, yes.

But modifier is lower which means you need to have higher average score.

Which you say here.

I was just wondering what was your average score, thats all.