Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

yes, but that goes back to adjusting your playstyle.

granted, im not arcade player, but logic dictates that, for example, if i know my enemy has pseudorangefinder within certain distance, it will affect how i move through the battlefield, how much i expose myself and how much care i take with hiding weakspots.

or…you dont do that?

I adjust my playstyle for multiple reasons, the vehicle I’m using, the map I’m playing, the tank I’m facing and even the player I’m facing. I play for survival so I don’t expose my tank much unless I have to.

So you DO take in account that enemy has same advantages as you, and likely you play in a way that denied them those advantages while allowing to keep yours, right?

So, for example, if you deny the enemy the effective use of rangefinder while you can still use yours, you are at advantage.

Thus you have easier time to gain score.

That is what I have been saying since the start. Any player has the same advantages in each game mode.

If I compare myself with a beginner then I can say that I have an easier time to score, don’t you in Ground RB in a similar situation? So its easier to score also in Ground RB in those terms.

Yes but that is not what I was aiming at.

Again, lets take jagdtiger.

You gain score landing hits.

In ground RB, with 27 sec reload (i think), its hard to land hits past certain distance as i cant just adjust my follow up shot like i would do with gun that reloads faster.

In arcade, i have pseudorangefinder on my jagdtiger so its much easier to land hits and thus gain score.

Now we get to the part that the enemy also has the pseudorangefinder.

Both in realistic and arcade, you would play in a way that denies the enemy his advantages (for arcade thats his pseudorangefinder) while allowing you to keep yours (your pseudorangefinder).

I can imagine this working in both arcade and realistic for example with hulldown positions that expose only jagdtigers superstructure.

Now the enemy rangefinder is pretty much useless unless the enemy has shell capable of penetrating the superstructure, as he cant aim for weakspots - while you can land hits on him with use of your rangefinder.

The only thing that really matters is this:

Before multipliers Ground AB scores are around 4% higher than Ground RB, after multipliers Ground AB scores are around 40% less than Ground RB. That is a huge difference.

Multipliers make it much easier to grind events in Ground RB.

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How dare you! He went to arcade test drive and shot everything without getting shot. Thence, he proved his point, haha. Pointless arguing with him about arcade, when in fact he doesn’t have a clue about that game mode.


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First Stage took me like 4-5 Hours and ~32 Matches at 8BR with VIDAR+Strv 81 but i had a row of not-so good Matches, barely above 30% Winrate at that time.

Second Stage went faster, same Line Up but now got way better Matches and did it in like less than 30 Matches but didn’t count but was way faster probably like 3 Hours only and i did both Stages in one go

By the same logic i will dismiss anything you say about realistic, easy as that.

How about you go away, and let people talk in peace about stuff.

Be my guest. The only thing I said about RB is that it allows you to get the event done way faster, which in fact is something that Bruce stats prove and even you agree on.

I excluded winrates on purpose as they dont matter in regards to required score.

If i included them, then the US lineup would be extremely bad as all but one game were partial uptier at minimum, and well, we all know whos gonna win in match of sherman E8 vs king tiger

Yes, I was asking you, someone who plays arcade as far as i know, to either confirm or deny some thoughts I had about arcade, because I myself dont play it.

Because, as much as it might seem surprising, i want to hear what other side has to say on question i think are relevant, at least to me, to pass judgment.

So far, it seems arcade has easier time to land hits and thus gain score, and the counterargument to that was that it is easier to die in arcade because enemy also has easier time to land shots.

What i am interested in if experienced arcade player can play in a way that would allow him to land shots and gain score without getting killed.

Linking average score after multipliers does not answer that, sorry.

Yes, but also don’t forget the respawn system being different, below average players in Ground AB tend to respawn all their tanks cause they die fast and that is more score for those that kill them. I believe that below average RB players don’t respawn as much.

That’s exactly how I try to play, I play to survive the whole match, just finished a match where I got 9 kills and 1 cap and 0 deaths, first place and win, 2831 score. I don’t remember being hit the entire match.

Score: 2831
Capture of zones: 300
Ground kills: 1724
Critical damage to enemy: 517
Damage to enemy: 280
Receiving damage: 10

Then, would you mind try to record your battles like i did so we can have some comparison to go off?

I would but my time is very limited during the week and I already will have to squeeze my games in there to do the event. I would probably forget to record every match even if I had the time.

Just the round start/end and base score would do, i would put the data in the sheet myself, but cant force you.

The tanks can be practically invisible especially at range or during time of movement when you can’t stare at a single bush for 10 seconds because you have to scout the whole bushline to try and not die

If a human can’t reasonably spot a tank within a reasonable combat timeframe because its practically invisible and thats what matters. You can be practically invisible even if the game models the body of your tank

Bushes offer exactly two advantages

A) concealing weakspots

Which is objectively useful, as it increases required TTK, but still can be played around; moreso nowadays when bushes can be MGed off

B) making vehicle harder to detect visually under very specific circumstances

Bushed up hetzer on summer map that is standing still is hard to detect but it is not impossible.

Bushes are irrelevant at BRs with thermals.

And no matter the BR bushes are actively harmful in regards to detection on urban maps.

So yes, while bushes can be useful, even extremely useful, they arent some magical i win accesory as you portray them to be.

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Most BRs don’t have thermals

And? If it gives a clear advantange in a forest map, that advantange not existing in a desert map does not mean that now the advantange in forest map is non existent.

Most maps aren’t urban and the harm of bushes is almost irrelevant in urban maps because if you see a bushed up tank in city maps you would see a non bushed up tank too.

“even extremely useful” is pretty much when it fully conceals the tank and allows you to kill a player of enemy team when you could not have done the same thing without bushes. Pay to win in the sense that you’re able to win hostile players that you couldn’t have killed without the bushes. I didn’t mean that you automatically win whole match with them. Hiding weakspots is another significantly fucked up thing especially against noobs

But thats not RB limited is it?

You can hide weakspots with bushes in AB too.

Its much harder to spot “clean” tank with darker camo sitting still on urban map than bushed one

Bushes dont increase penetration.

Bushed up locust still wont be able to kill maus, even if the locust ran all the bushes aviable in the game.

Bushes also dont stop incoming projectiles.

Also the decreased likelyhood of detection doesnt stay the same. Hetzer could be bushed up like captain price in chernobyl but if he keeps firing he will get located sooner or later.

And even then, bushes are still situational - their color needs to match the map, you have to be on any other map than urban and you need to be in enviroment where foliage is already present.

And even then they only decrease the chance of visual detection.

Bushed up hellcat in a hulldown is hard to detect, sure, hut lets not pretend a clean hellcat in hulldown is so much easier to spot.