Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

Indeed. I remember when they were task based. I could do air in 45’ (kills, x kills in one game and assists) and ground in 2-3h (caps, kills & assists, and sometimes x kills in one game). Good old times… Now I need 5-6h for ground and I don’t even bother with air.

I forgot to link the thread =P

thats not entirely correct and misleading tho.

my issue is that by making the multiplier the same for all game modes and ranks, event requirement will be balanced around that and it removes the option for working people like me to just go through the event more efficiently and in shorter time.

even as far back as 25th january, i was saying this.

second issue is that by making the multipliers universal all across the game mode and rank, people wouldnt need to weight their opinions - would they go and play lower rank, which has more newer players and thus its easier, but with worse multipliers, or top tier?

now would they go to game mode and rank which would allow them farm the most points. Which would be, most likely, rank I using event rank I vehicles and sealclubbing the everliving hell out of new players.

higher multipliers at higher ranks keep the turbosweats out ouf lower ranks.

The fastest I did Air was in 3 matches, 12 kills, 30 kills total and TNT on bases, then I just played more casually the Ground part, still it would take much less than now. More important, I would kept playing the game for fun after getting the event done, now I just get the star and log off.

I got a bit bored of Air but I would return to it during events, now I do not even bother cause since it takes so much longer I have to choose between Air and Ground, so I pick ground which is what I currently play.

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task based events were an absolute ass for everyone involved. i still remember ten R3s rushing cap as soon as they spawned and then J out and go into another battle, leaving you with team of 5 against team of 16.

Well you missed the flash news. They weren’t flashy enough I suppose. If they’d set the multipliers of your game mode and BR all across modes and BRs, you would be doing the event exactly as fast as you’re doing it now (and are happy with). I’m working people also, and I just started spading Israel tree. Why should I be punished by doing so?

Do you consider 7.7 “newbies area”? Or 6.0? Or 4.3? Well, guess what. Israel tier IV AB has vehicles of all these BRs. And you get 0,93*0,9 multiplier no matter what by playing this wide range of BRs.

Is tier III “newbies area”? Well, Gaijin itself doesn’t seem to consider so, as from most events it excludes only tier I and II.

And guess what else. If all experienced players move down to tier I, you won’t be farming as much as you think, as you’ll be trying to farm mostly other farmers.

Point is, they could be done way faster. They had other drawbacks sure. I had to stop spading what I was spading and use dedicated lineups, but as they were only 2 events a year, it was not much of a problem. I was back to spading soon enough. Now, in AB, even if I use dedicated lineups, I still need way more time than before. That’s why I decided to stick to the lineups I’m spading, and that’s why I don’t like the ever increasing points requirement and why I even stopped doing the air events.

And I won’t even get into how they nerfed point rewards along time, at least in arcade. A cap and three OHK kills nowadays may not even grant you 1000 points. They nerfed caps, they nerfed kills, they nerfed assists, they nerfed bomb drops… and on top of that we get <1 multipliers.

Yep, no worries. I read it too! :-)

I will try to say it again, and slowly so that you can catch up.

If they made the modifiers universal across all the game modes and ranks, score would be most likely changed as to accomodate for it.

Now the score would be the same no matter the rank or Arcade/Realistic.

Guess what, this would make it unfair for anyone NOT playing arcade, low rank or both, as thats where the most score per mission can be achieved due to being much more forgiving to mistakes and having all sorts of training wheels like pen indicator, automatic spotting system and all vehicles behaving like go carts on cocaine.

So in order to complete the event in the most fastest and efficient way possible, people like me that are not interested in arcade would need to go out of their way and play arcade.

So just like it is now, just reversed. And you have problem with it when it doesnt suit you. Funny aint it. Rules for the but not for me?

So yeah, whatever.

As i said MORE THAN A WEEK AGO, lower the required score. Hell, even balance it for the average player, even if that average player plays arcade exclusively, but keep both arcade/realistic and rank bonuses.

Tha actually benefits everyone, people still can opt in to finish even faster, there are no turbosweats at rank I farming new players, and average player can finish the event in reasonable amout of time.

Nothing you said here is relevant in any way.

EXCEPT for event rank Is and IIs vehicles which can be used to grind for event. THAT is the issue.

Not all. Turbosweats. New players would still outnumber them.

At the expense of anyone trying to play normally, like with R3s.

Unlike now, where people play relatively normally.

I don’t need to catch up. You are making an absurd assumption. If they make modifiers universal (aka remove them), and then increase the score needed, the complaining about taking too long to complete will still stand, which is what triggered this whole discussion in the first place.

So, obviously, me wanting multipliers to be removed implies also wanting to keep or even lower required score.

Guess what. In arcade is as easier to kill, as it is to die. And as Bruce pointed out in the other thread, the difference in average score is not as significant as the multipliers applied.

Well according to you, higher multipliers in higher ranks prevent people to go to lower ranks to farm on newbies. As tier III and IV have <1 multipliers, I’m just curious to know if you consider these two tiers filled with newbies too.

Yeah, except that very clause that they added not long ago and that they could remove as easy as they added it. The point still stands. Traditionally tier I and II have always been excluded from events. No exceptions.

So now you understand why the current situation is unfair to Ground AB players, cause RB players need less effort to score more and do the event much faster.
Also, those “training wheels” you mention, it’s as if those that shoot at you don’t have them. As in, it’s easier for Ground AB players to get kills but isn’t it easier for enemy Ground AB players to kill you too? So, it’s as hard cause your advantages are the same as the enemies have.
Ground RB also has some “training wheels” in the form of how the ragefinder works at higher tiers, while Ground AB players have to set the distance manually.

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yes, thats why I said lower the required score. That would actually benefit everyone.

again. As it is easier to gain score in arcade, removing multipliers would now make arcade THE most efficient way to grind, and people that dont want to play arcade but want to grind in the most efficient way possible would have to go out of their way to do so.

Something you dont wanna to do yourself.

yes, because of worse multipliers at lower ranks, turbosweats now have to choose. remove those worse modifiers and turbosweats now dont have to choose.

I wouldnt be opposed to fixing rank III and IV multipliers to be x1.0. because that would still be worse than top tier multipliers.

rank III and IV is pretty easily accesible to even new f2p players. Not as much filled with newbies as rank I, but they can still be encountered. Their average skill would still be lower than skill of someone who reached top tier properly through tech tree.

does not remove the fact that there are multiple training wheels aviable.

ground arcared

the base arcade score without multipliers is still higher. and remember, thats average.

both irrelevant and factually incorrect. tier I event vehicles are allowed to participate in events, and thus this fact needs to be considered unless they remove it.

should they remove it is entirely different question.

The most important table there and what really matters in the end is this:

And it shows that Ground RB players get ~40% more score per hour than Ground AB players

went into test drive on arcade settings, shells land pretty much at the white cross/penetration indicator at all times, tested this on Leo2A7 and Jagdtiger. As long as the target gets “highlighted” in red, the white cross adjusts the range automatically.

So let me get this straight.

  • arcade players dont have to remember or study armor profiles of enemy tanks as the game just tells them with penetration indicator
  • arcade players get upgraded mobility and agility on all of their vehicles, both air and ground
  • arcade players get highlighted enemies so they dont have to rely on their own reflexes

but on top of all that, arcade players also dont have to rangefind even with WW2 vehicles, with only slight advantage of ground realistic LRF at top tier against targets that dont get highlighted?


now im even more convinced that ENTIRELY REMOVING arcade/realistic/sim modifiers would be unfair to anyone not playing arcade and that it is much easier to score higher score in arcade battles.

i suppose that just like with thermals, you just adapt your playstyle to fit circumstances at hand.

You don’t have “white cross” at long distances in Ground AB. So it’s faster to aim at long distances in high tiers in Ground RB due to the ragefinder.

but at any other distance, arcade players get pseudo-rangefinder, as long as target is “highlighted”, in form of white cross, even on WW2 vehicles.

RB players can just buy bushes to conceal themselves while in arcade you can’t hide yourself with money

i guess thanks for proving my point that arcade players get highlighted enemies so they dont have to rely on their reflexes.

The problem with your logic is that you are comparing Ground AB with Ground RB but seem to forget that the advantages you say you have in Ground AB that make it “easier” are the same advantages your enemies in Ground AB have and use against you. It’s like you say it’s easier to get kills in Ground AB while omitting that it’s also easier to get killed by anyone, including beginners.

RB is more about pay to win. You can’t rely on a reflex if a bush kills you. There is nothing to react to.

And you can’t pretend to make this argument where you can somehow be superhuman and be expected to see through bushes, even experienced real life tankers have died to bushes because they weren’t able to see through the pay to win camouflage. And its pointless to bring thermals into the argument because most br’s dont have thermals and thermals reduce the skill required, right?

using pay to win bushes to conceal yourself isn’t skill and it can be practically impossible to spot those bush users as tanks in many situations. You can’t just “skill” over it. I just got the wiesel 1a2 and i’m going to abuse the bush system lol.

im not omitting anything.

I cross terain differently when i know there are no enemies with thermals, like at WW2 tanks. I adjust that when i get to play top tier where pretty much everyone has thermals.

You know beforehand your enemies have those same advantages. You can thus adjust your playstyle to account for them.

answer me this - do the bushes make your invisible or harder to spot?

they reduce amount of skill needed to spot, they increase amout of skill needed to avoid getting spotted.

again, do the bushes make your straight up invisible, unable to be spot at all or harder to spot?