Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

not to mention, all but one games i played today were partial uptier to 6.0 at very least, and that one downtier i got i fumbled so much it wasnt even funny.

Being “uptiered” in top tier cant just happen, because even if i take 12.7 plane into my lineup, I will still only face 11.7 tanks.

compared that to 5.7 US lineup which can be uptiered to 6.7, facing much more superior vehicles, which should lead to lower average score as opposed to top tier.

This also needs to be considered when looking at average score.

So I actually took the time and a reasonable (100+ players) to work out the actual stats for this, as opposed to anecdata.

People here may be interested: Data Analysis: what is the actual average player's score per mode? (and how long will it take you to do this event)



altough how did you collect the data if i may ask?

A lot of factors to consider, but I think at top tier your advantage will be the greatest, but then that could be offset by the fewer targets and shorter games, nation matchmaking and all that, so it’s difficult to say one is better than the other.

It ultimately is just down to whatever you can perform best in, consistently.

You have an average score of 1373 since you started playing and 1726 in the last month.

So if we convert that score with the multipliers for rank VII-VIII Ground RB we get around 2755 per match. 45000 score could be reached in 16-17 matches.

If you were playing Rank III Ground AB your 1726 would be converted to around 1284, so that’s less than half of what you get in rank VII-VIII Ground RB. 45000 score could be reached in 35 matches.

Playing basically as good it would require you more than double the time.

But like I said, as with any stats, they can be misleading.

explained in post.

Everyone can see everyone else’s service record and their average relative placement and average score by mode.

Just needed to find a sample squadron and data-collect for half an hour. It doesn’t have to be a particularly good squadron to establish the function for relative skill to score, which for ground modes is surprisingly linear, as I explain in that post.

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wow, we are getting somewhere in civilised manner. never thought this day would come.


which would imply lower ranks, if we would go with average score without multipliers.

ah, ive read through the post already, i was just wondering where did you find data of 100 players and how did you extract it.

Open game. Pull service records of squadron X one by one. Type fast.

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I specifically wanted to collect data playing 5.7 lineup in 4.7 to 6.7 games and not just apply lower rank multiplier to score i gathered by playing top tier, as that could be misleading.

just by looking at the data, theres one top tier game where I scored over 3000 point and i had to sweat my ass off, compared to three games with 5.7 lineup which were just “keep spawning, it will work out” without any sweat tactics.

the gameplay at different BRs is just too different. sure, the core mechanics remain, but top tier is much more fast paced and less forgiving.

I feel same would be with arcade/realistic, as gameplay in arcade is quite different from what i remember.

IMO best would be to play AB with those same lineups and record the data the same way to have something to compare, but i dont have time for that. Moreso results would be skewed, as I simply dont play arcade and I would get my ass handed to me on a silver plate.

kudos for bothering with that.

which would imply lower ranks, if we would go with average score without multipliers.

Possibly, it’s just difficult to estimate if the multipliers outweigh the lower average score from top BR games and if it does so consistently.

well the average score with modifiers makes top tier the better choice by some ± 400 points.

as for consistency, i can record more stars further down the line the same way to make the sample size bigger.

with the data Bruce_R1 collected, that should shed some light on the whole issue.

one problem tho is that i really dont have time to play arcade on top of that, so if any volunteer would want to provide his data to record, that would be great.

You are comparing your performance there to be below average though despite picking the 80% to compare it to.

uh, im sorry, can you reword that?

Which puts the session i recorded with 5.7 US lineup to below average (1 hour 38 minutes)

Haha, nailed it. He first tells us that the time needed to complete the event is not that much, then opposes to suffer arcade multipliers because he will need more time to do it. Flash news! Making it even across the modes and BRs doesn’t mean to use arcade 4.3 multipliers all across the board. It could very well mean to use those from realistic 11.0.

Other than that, funny to see how some people can’t understand what the concept of average player is. Average is defined by looking the scoreboard at the end of every game, not by what someone thinks every player should be able to do (i.e, cap something and kill two or three enemies).

Events should be tailored for the average player, for the sake of discussion, 1000 points. Those getting less, will take longer, obviously. Those getting more will take less.

I needed yestarday more than 5h to get the star in an AB 6.0 ground lineup with an average score of 2000 points per game. So yes, I don’t need somebody from another game mode I don’t play at all to tell me that it can be done in less than 3h.

Data that was collected in the other post finally showed any concrete data on topic of what is average player or what is his performance. I could still argue, the sample size is relatively small (100 people as bruce claims) to the peak active playerbase (some 230k people) but its still the best data we currently have.

And, assuming the data is correct and not skewed, I am not as average player regarding ground realistic battles as I thought I am.

before that data was collected tho, there was nothing concrete to go off from, and I dont like to take claims as facts.


The average player doesn’t complete it in 1.6h though.

5.7 US lineup to be below average (1 hour 38 minutes)

You should check this thread, it helps us, as Ground AB players, to understand why we keep seeing some say the events are easy and quick to make, clearly cause they do not play Ground AB.

We’ve been having really unfair multipliers in Ground AB since they introduced them in events.

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