Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

yeah, we are reaching a point where nations will start running out of top tier jets. I do also wonder if there is a line, a point in which they dont add any more modern jets. Will we see the current EF Typhoon variant for example? Or is it easier to limit to say 2015 or something (random year, no real reason for it) and not added anything after that date for the sake of information gathering.

The future is going to be… interesting, especially if the game doesnt evolve and keep up

I hope any day gajin might consider Eurofighter Typhoon development aircraft (DA) for germamy in the future

Britain too. Im thinking Q2 next year… maybe

And Italy could get EF-2000 typhoon development aircraft (DA) same time

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relative to 10m^2, rcs can be estimated at 1.5m^2 from this data

For transparency here is the quote in question:

“Ben,” he exclaimed, “we’ve lost our stealth.” He explained that Ken Dyson had flown that morning in Have Blue against the radar range and was lit like a goddam Christmas tree. “They saw him coming from fifty miles.”

Actually, Keith and I both figured out what the problem was. Those stealth airplanes demanded absolutely smooth surfaces to remain invisible. That meant intensive preflight preparations in which special radar-absorbent materials were filled in around all the access panels and doors. This material came in sheets like linoleum and had to be perfectly cut to fit. About an hour after the first phone call, Keith phoned again. Problem solved. The heads of three screws were not quite tight and extended above the surface by less than an eighth of an inch. On radar they appeared as big as a barn door!

So really there are two possibilities:

  1. The person in charge of developing the F-117 is lying in their book
  2. Loose screws can indeed severely impact the RCS of an aircraft (at least in some situations)

If you want another source:

Survivability Benefits from the Use of Standoff Weapons by Stealth Aircraft by John Paterson of Marconi Integrated Systems:

Caulk and filling material can be applied to openings, apertures, or non-conductive gaps. Access panels, rivet holes, and screws can significantly add to aircraft RCS if they are not flush with the aircraft surface or if they have gaps.

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At the time that the F117 was produced they did not extensively use RAM in the material design of the aircraft. I suspect panels and materials for the fasteners can reduce the impact on radar cross section. I’m sure it may reduce the performance of the stealth, however the fact that the F-22 can have these issues and remain “VLO” suggests to me that it’s not as impactful as one might think.

How is that calculated? Are there more accurate papers on the capability of the flanker radar and such from then that will further enhance our thoughts on the RCS?

Radar Detection Range is inversely proportional to the 4th root of target RCS, assuming same radar.

hence the curve

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IRIS-T integration wont happen until 2026 as well

Yep, because Locksneed Merlin are being difficult

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Why is this hidden?

Shini started abusing the flag feature on several posts that were on topic because I happen to be disagreeable sometimes. No big deal. I’m not going to be that petty about it. No skin off my back.

@Pacifica could u look over the last few posts and tell us if any feature got abused, or if them talking mainly about the stealth features of other aircraft can be seen as off topic. Additionaly could you please confirm that circumventing flagged posts trough edits and not changing anything is abuse of the feature?

If you would decide that their conversation is on topic i would of course stop and apologize,

The EF Typhoon if/when its added could very well be pitted against stealth aircraft. Was it entirely on-topic no. But nor was it entirely irrelevant. If we had been discussing the radar on a light cruiser, then maybe I could see the issue. But everything dicussed could very well affect the EF Typhoon once added to the game. We are entering an era where things like exposed rivets on an airframe and its effects on radar could actually have an impact on gameplay. Especially for a jet like the EF Typhoon that will likely be THE top tier jet for the remainder of WT life for 3 nations (currently)

Using Eurofighter as an excuse, they are arguing about the surface treatment of stealth aircraft.
I think there’s a no reason to be in this thread, because there’s only a few words in the conversation about Eurofighter.


Vehicle comparisons to me seems to be on topic. Comparing Eurofighter extensively in its performance to other possible competitors seems like a good thing.

But, you guys are all welcome to come to the Mirage 2000 thread and make lots of comparisons. Come make the M2K thread alive again.

Back to the thread being a desolate landscape of despair and silent agony then I guess, y’all would say discussions of the canopy is “off topic” because we’re discussing the glass and not the fighter it’s placed on or something.

Can’t you do anything but sarcastically say what people say?
It’s better to be quiet and desolate than noisy on this topic.