EPHAG: Crocodile killer

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Hunting crocodiles has never been so much fun!


One bird, One stone… at Mach 3

Around 1990, the German defence firm Diehl BGT, noticing the apparent lack of self defence for tanks against airborne weapon systems (primarily helicopters), set to work on a gun-fired anti air projectile. While the EPHAG (Endphasegelenktes Geschoss) could not be classified as a missile as it was unpropelled, it is a projectile fired using the Rheinmetall 120mm L/44 and L/55 smoothbore cannons.

Being a discarding-sabot gun-launched self-guided projectile, it requires either lock on before launch or LOAL (lock-on-after-launch). It is equipped with an IR seeker utilising quadrant sensors coupled with an air-bearing, air-driven free gyro thereby giving it impeccable DIRCM resistance.

The German government even saw promise in the munition and decided to fund official testing for two years starting from 1996. Going so far as successful demonstrations in Bundeswehr field trials. However, due to military doctrine, the concept of tanks engaging helicopters with a designated projectile was dropped even though it was a successful project.


Diehl BGT has done several test firings of the projectile from L/44 guns against 2x2 and 0.5x0.5 m^2 targets, successfully engaging them at ranges of 4 to 6 kilometres using the warhead of small kinetic and high explosive sub-munitions housed inside the aft section of the projectile.

Projectile guidance is done through an IR seeker which gives commands to the onboard computer which in turn, guides the four deployable aerodynamic cruciform wings.

Something interesting about the EPHAG as compared to other guided munitions is the control method. Instead of using the fins as rotatable control surfaces, the fins slide across the middle length of the projectile in pairs, there by altering its centre of gravity and flight characteristics and guiding the missile into the target. The wing actuator system uses two cobalt-samarium electromotors, one for each wing pair, to slide the wings and guide the projectile.

EPHAG also has an extendable metal spike at the head to reduce aerodynamic drag by deflection and breaking of stagnant air in the flight path.

Technical Specifications


Round weight: unknown (around 20 to 28kg)
Projectile weight: unknown (around 10 to 20kg)
Projectile acceleration: 35,000 G’s
Maximum speed: 3705km/h (Mach 3)
Maximum overload: unknown (around 30G)(on top of the acceleration G’s)
Warhead mass: unknown (around)
Maximum range: 6km
Maximum flight time: 5.5 to 6 seconds (not limited)

EPHAG in game

Because it was trialled on the L/44 in Germany, these German vehicles should receive this projectile:

Vehicles that do not match the operator country (Leo 2PL) should be able to utilise this shell but since this project was born and died in Germany without export, such vehicles cannot use it. Vehicles made and retired before this shells development should also not receive this shell.



Above image shows the discarding sabot nature of EPHAG


EPHAG internals, note the nose spike extended as well as the slits where the fins slide


Finally here lol, we are so back…

If only I had this 2 hours ago while fighting a premium Su-25 😔


cuz those things are rinsing my Bo-105s man…
even my stock tiger aint no luck

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Nah, Su-25K cus i was in the 2A4

man those things are really spammed out

What a fun little shell. From which vehicle would this be available? Leo 2a4? Or a5 at minimum?

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L/55 cannons (for Germany only) included.

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+1, I like seeing experimental ammunition, would love to see some for other countries as well like MRM and STAFF for Abrams, triple-tandem HEATFS for Russia etc.

Altough I think it should be limited to the Leopard 2A5 and above variants, similar to how M830A1 is not available for the M1A1.


well idk about limiting it further because the 2A4 was the first and possibly the only tank to actually fire the projectile (the guns being the same mean it can be fired from any future leopards).
besides, i doubt a shell going from 11.7 (should be 11.3) on the 2A5 to 10.3 on the 2A4 will make much of a difference as around 10.3 you can see 11.3 helicopters.

Apparently there were 2 types of AA ammunition.
An IR guided one and a Laser guided one.

  • Jane’s Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993-94

I’d vote yes, if it weren’t for the fact that it’s going to one of the most powerful toptier nations, takes already from the already very sad abrams.



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probably not worth engaging but how is this taking away from the abrams??
abrams doesnt change if this is added


  • IDR y1986/v11/p1683


  • IDR y1988/v06/p639

Because it’s taking one of the few upsides of a bad tank, and giving it to the most powerful MBT in the game.

its not taking anything away from anyone. it is a purely german creation.

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Eh. Being able to fight against planes should be a more universally accepted skill. It also isn’t really a benefit of the Abrams series- if anything, its an awkward side grade to the tank, where it just kind of exists but doesn’t notably change any gameplay. Therefore it isn’t really taking away from the US at all.

I’ll give this a +1, even if it means Heli’s are more difficult to play. It is worth having a counter for the stupid Russian Helis


I’ve seen more planes shot down by sabots than shot down by HEAT proxy shells.

Then why do you care if Germany gets some wack proxy Sabot thingy? Because clearly it being an option changes very little if anything in gameplay.