EPHAG: Crocodile killer

I take it you rarely play toptier, if at all. Helicopters still cause massive issues, even without planes.

I do play top tier, quite a bit actually; but I’m not here to argue that.

What is the problem with Germany having an Anti-CAS/Heli round? Why should only the US receive one? It’s not like it’s used a lot for the US either- I very rarely see it used on anything in the sky, planes or helis. Yes, Helis can be a problem. Especially the Russian ones. So why is there a problem with the Leos receiving a round that can put a stop to that misery? It isn’t exactly taking anything away from the US, just bringing others up to par. Ish. As I said before, these types of ammunition are at most a side grade- very rarely do I see them be anything more than practically useless in GRB.

Yes: I play top tier. Yes: Germany should still receive the round. No: the US does not lose anything by Germany having access to this round.

You are against it seemingly for no good reason other than hate and hate alone.