Wishlist for Germany (WIP)


Something I still don’t see in the list of F-35A equipment


Gaijin we need to start air battles by walking and sitting into the cockpit!!!

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That’s the A8 demonstrator, the A8 is supposed to have many features of the A7HU. The AX is a project name.

East Germany had been attempting to receive more modern Soviet equipment until reunification.

They had planned to replace the 2k11 Krug with the Tor-M1

(Translation of the document)

By the year 2000, the anti-aircraft missile complex “KUB” was to be
through the “BUK” complex and the anti-aircraft missile complex
»KRUG« will be completely replaced by the »TOR« complex. With the planned introduction of the radio measuring station »KUPOL-
M1" until 1995 as the basic element of the “BUK” anti-aircraft missile system was intended to lay the foundations for this exchange

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Guys its here 😈

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God damn it Germany. Couldn’t find anything better than a phantom till 2013 but had the money for this?

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well tbf this was a private german project by Deihl BGT 😅

(i say this despite the german MOD funding the damn project 😅)

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The German Mod should start funding me, I’m totally trustworthy with government checks

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count me in that scheme lmao, ill bring all the secret projects to full development (just for warthunder egegege)

If I were to license my 2000 Ram 1500 with an assorted array of weapons like SAMs and ATGMs, then license it in Germany then made a suggestion for it. Would it work? Also where do you buy SAMs and ATGMs (unrelated)

i got a few russian and afghani contacts…
(not hinting towards anything in particular)

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This is one of the most interesting things i have seen this week, but damn they have time for this yet they never put time or investment in creating advance mobile SAM system like Pantsir S1 or Tor M1.

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I think its also to do with air defence doctrine.
Russia has a vast land area that stretches longer than any other nation iirc. Thus defending all the land simultaneously isn’t really feasible. Hence they focused more on mobile air defence batteries that can be relocated where they need to be, which also gives them the capability of self defence from HARMs and such munitions

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While not directly the threads porpoise, KDNS apparently wants to show a 140mm EMBT this year and possibly the production Leo2 A8.



Leclerc Evolution



Yea the EMBT is probably under the tarp.

It doesn’t look like he’s under a tarp.

Perhaps there is a Leclerc, and in the middle on the left there is this EMBT with 140mm.

English please 🥺