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The following suggestion was created by @Bossman919 who is unable to post it himself at this time
EBRC Jaguar: Reconnaissance Enters the Future
- Combat weight: 24.7t
- Number of crew: 3
- Size:
- Length: 7.1m (7.8m with cannon)
- Width: 2.99m
- Height: 2.8m (3.5m with RCWS)
- Turret traverse: 60°/sec
- Main armament: 40 CTAS autocannon
- Calibre: 40mm
- APFSDS: 166 - 192 mm KE @ 0m using Lanz-Odermatt formula (see Available Ammunition)
- Rate of fire: 200 rds/min
- Vertical traverse: -10° to +45°, 45°/sec
- Secondary Armament: Akeron MP ATGMs
- Penetration: >1,000mm CE – defeats all current generations of ERA
- Velocity: 160 m/s – 230 m/s
- Range: >5,000 m
- Guidance:
- Fire and forget
- Optical guidance
- Top speed: 90 km/h
- Turning diameter: 17m
- Engine power: 500 hp @ 1700 rpm
- Missile departure detector and laser warning receiver
- 4th generation gunner and commander thermals
- Driver thermals (unspecified generation – most likely ≥3rd generation)
France has a rich history of using high mobility reconnaissance vehicles. Most notably these vehicles include the ERC 90 Sagaie, AMX 10RC and VAB Mephisto. However, these all entered service in the late 70s and early 90s; as such, in the modern era these vehicles have become obsolete.
Discussions on a new vehicle which would become the EBRC Jaguar began in 2004. Despite this, it was not until 2014 that a final decision was made to begin construction on this new vehicle which would form a part of the new SCORPION program – France’s attempt to transform its army into a modern fighting force. At this time, a model was unveiled which was called the ‘Jaguar’. This was to fill one of five vehicle requirements laid out by the SCORPION program – the role of Engin blindé de reconnaissance et de combat (EBRC) or “armoured reconnaissance and combat vehicle”. The other roles being VBAE, VBCI, VBMR and the Leclerc. As such, the EBRC Jaguar will replace the aforementioned ERC 90 Sagaie, AMX 10 RC and VAB Mephisto in their roles.
The Jaguar entered service in early 2022 and to this day is used by both the Armée de Terre and French Foreign Legion. Its combat weight of 24.7t ensures that it can be rapidly deployed abroad, and the Jaguar’s array of sensors and firepower enable it to be effective in both urban and open environments making it a very versatile vehicle.
In the future, the EBRC Jaguar will be equipped with France’s under-development Diamant hard-kill active protection system.
The EBRC Jaguar is equipped with the following weapons:
- Main armament: 40 CTAS autocannon
- Secondary armament: Akeron MP ATGMs
- Auxiliary armament: Hornet S RCWS with 7.62 mm FNH MAG 58
CTAS 40 Autocannon
The EBRC Jaguar is fitted with the CTAS 40 autocannon which is developed by CTA International - a joint venture between Britain’s BAE Systems and France’s Nexter Systems.
CTAS 40 Characteristics
- Calibre: 40mm
- Rifled barrel length: 70 calibres
- Horizontal traverse (turret traverse): n x 360°, 60°/sec
- Vertical traverse: -10° to +45°, 45°/sec
- Rate of fire: up to 200 rds/min
- Rate of fire (high accuracy): up to 80 rds/min
- Ready rack: 63 (+120 stored in the turret)
Available Ammunition
Whilst the French never used GPR-KE-T (general purpose round – kinetic energy – tracer) or more commonly known as AP, the 40 CTAS is still capable of firing a range of ammunition that can be used in War Thunder including:
APFSDS-T (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot – Tracer)
At a symposium in 2000 by the Chairman of CTA International at the time, David Leslie, it is stated that the APFSDS-T projectile penetrates 150mm at 1500m and 175 mm RHA at 0m.
The following characteristics have been obtained from official testing by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and Aberdeen Test Center which took place in October – November 1999:
Projectile Characteristics
- Mass: 440 g
- Length: 219 mm
- Caliber: 40 mm
- Initial velocity (V0): 1640 m/s
- Velocity decay: 0.12 m/s/m
- Accuracy: 0.3 mil
Penetrator Characteristics
- Mass: 250 g
- Effective length: 165 mm
- Diameter: 10.3 mm
- Material: tungsten alloy
- Density: 17.5 g/cm3
Based on the data supplied by the U.S. evaluations and using Lanz-Odermatt, the APFSDS will have 166mm penetration at 0m. However, since the time of the U.S. evaluation and the symposium, the length of the projectile has increased by 36mm to 255mm and the weight has increased by 110g. It is plausible that the penetrator increased in length by 36mm to 201mm long considering the weight increase. This would result in 192mm penetration at 0m in War Thunder using the Lanz-Odermatt formula.
GPR-PD-T (General Purpose Round – Point Detonating – Tracer)
This projectile is a high explosive munition which perforates >15 mm RHA at 1,000 m and is effective against very lightly armoured vehicles.
Projectile Characteristics
- Mass: 980 g
- Length: 255 mm
- Caliber: 40 mm
- Initial velocity (V0): 1000 m/s
- Accuracy: 0.5 mil
- Maximum effective range: 2,500 m
KE-AB (Kinetic Energy – Airburst)
This airburst projectile provides the Jaguar with an effective anti-air capability against drones, helicopters, and low speed aircraft. This same munition is used in the Thales RAPIDFire naval gun system which is in service with the French navy.
Projectile Characteristics
- Mass: 1,400 g
- Length: 255 mm
- Caliber: 40 mm
- Initial velocity (V0): 900 m/s
- Accuracy: 0.5 mil
- Maximum effective range: 4,000 m
- Payload: 200 x 3.3g tungsten pellets
GPR-AB-T (General Purpose Round – Airburst – Tracer)
This is similar to GPR-PD-T except that it’s a programmable munition that allows for an airburst detonation. It still perforates >15mm RHA at 1,000 m.
Projectile Characteristics
- Mass: 980 g
- Length: 255 mm
- Caliber: 40 mm
- Initial velocity (V0): 1000 m/s
- Accuracy: 0.5 mil
- Maximum effective range: 2,500 m
Akeron MP ATGMs
The Jaguar has pop-up missile launchers carrying Akeron MPs developed by MDBA. In footage released by the Ministère des Armées, it can be seen that these ATGMs are able to destroy targets by indirect fire at distances of over 5,070m.
Whilst there is no information on the explosive mass of the warhead, it is generally considered to be on par with that of the Spike LR2.
Akeron MPs have INS(inertial navigation system), this would allow the missile to go to the last known position in the case lock against the target is lost. In War Thunder it would act exactly like ATGMs that have IOG.
One of the features of the EBRC Jaguar is that a UAV is able to designate a target to the vehicle, then the crew Jaguar is able to destroy the designated target using an Akeron MP even though it does not have a direct line of sight. This could be implemented in War Thunder.
Additionally, the commander and gunner are able to optically guide an Akeron MP using their PASEO sensors.
Akeron MP Characteristics
- Diameter: 140mm
- Length: 1.3 m in tactical canister
- Range: 160 - >5,070 m in all modes and conditions
- Penetration: >1000 mm CE and able to defeat all current generations of ERA
- Guidance:
- Optical guidance using PASEO (see below)
- Man-in-the-loop
- Fire and forget
- LOAL (lock-on after launch)
- IOG/INS(inertial navigation system)
- Attack trajectory:
- Ready rack: 2 (+2 stored in the turret)
Hornet S Remote Controlled Weapon Station
The Jaguar is fitted with a Hornet S RCWS developed by Arquus. Situated on the Hornet S is both the commander’s PASEO sensor and a 7.62 mm FNH MAG 58.
Hornet S Characteristics
- Horizontal traverse: n x 360°, 90°/sec
- Vertical traverse: -20° to +60°, 70°/sec
- Machine gun: FNH MAG 58
- Calibre: 7.62mm
- Barrel length: 679mm
- Rate of fire: up to 1000 rds/min
- Ready rack: 550 (+2200 stored in the vehicle)
Optronics, Sensors and Electronics
Commander and Gunner Sights
The commander and gunner both use separate PASEO sensors which are developed by Safran. PASEO is a modular targeting system that can be integrated with different thermal imagers. The EBRC Jaguar uses the SATIS GS thermal imager which is also developed by Safran for the following reasons:
- According to a 2021 press release, the Jaguar “incorporates latest-generation optronics” which would mean the 4th generation SATIS GS
- Nexter states the EBRC Jaguar’s optronics have a target identification range of >6300m which could only be achieved by SATIS GS
- Nowa Technika Wojskowa 7/2023 states that the thermal imager used is indeed SATIS GS
PASEO Characteristics
- Automatic enemy detection and tracking – up to 15 targets can be simultaneously tracked
- ATGM guidance
- Sector scanning
- Continuous optical zoom from 2.5x – 28x with FOVs of 15.2° - 1.35°
- Laser rangefinder
- Day/Thermal channel fusion
- Vertical traverse: -30° to +62°, ≥70°/sec
SATIS GS Characteristics
- 4th generation thermal imager
- Detector matrix image format: 5/4, 640 x 512
- Continuous optical zoom from WFOV to NFOV
- Narrow field of view (NFOV): 1.9° x 1.52°
- Wide field of view (WFOV): 15.2° x 12.6°
- Armoured vehicle detection in NFOV: >21,400 m
- Armoured vehicle detection in WFOV: >9,800 m (WFOV detection distance is generally greater than or equal to NFOV recognition distance)
- Digital zoom: 8x
Automatic target detection and tracking
Using the SATIS GS thermal imager, the EBRC Jaguar is able to detect enemies by automatically selecting points hotter than the surrounding ones. IRIS thermal imagers (found on the Leclerc S2 and SXXI) are a 1988 technology employing 3rd generation thermal imaging and can simultaneously track up to 15 targets. Considering that SATIS GS was first advertised in the early 2010s, it should be considered that it is in no respect inferior to IRIS; as such, the EBRC Jaguar should at least be able to track 15 targets.
Additionally, the PASEO’s daytime channel is able to automatically designate enemy targets. This is redundant considering SATIS GS’ superior detection capabilities though nevertheless interesting.
Sector Scanning
The commander’s PASEO sight is able to automatically scan horizontal sectors of 130° in order to detect threats. Given the horizontal traverse speed of the Jaguar’s RCWS and the FOV of SATIS GS, the Jaguar would be able to automatically scan a 130° sector in 1.28 seconds whilst detecting enemies over 9800m away.
Acoustic Detection
The EBRC Jaguar is equipped with the PILAR V acoustic gunshot detector developed by Metravib Defence (see below). The PILAR V allows the automatic detection and identification of enemy gunfire within certain distances and can filter outgoing fire. In War Thunder, this could be implemented as displaying on the mini-map the last known position of enemy gunfire and the calibre of weapon used.
PILAR V Characteristics
- Filters outgoing fire
- Accuracy: ± 2° Azimuth, ± 3° Elevation and ± 10% Range (RMS)
- GPS coordinate of the shooter and updates the relative coordinates of gunfire origin while the vehicle is moving.
- Interoperability with other sensors and equipment, such as: RCWS, countermeasures smoke launcher, multi-role UAV and UGV, BMS, panoramic targeting sight)
Situational Awareness System
The Jaguar is fitted with the ANTARES laser warning and local situational awareness systems developed by Thales. This is situated at two places on the Jaguar (see below) providing a 360° external view of the environment.
ANTARES Characteristics
- Horizontal FOV: 360°
- Vertical FOV: –15° to +75°
- +/– 1.5° direction accuracy, for laser designators and laser rangefinders
- Moving threats automatic detection within the FOV of the ANTARES:
- Armoured vehicles up to 500m
- UAV (Ø 1 m) up to 250m away
- 360° external view for driving aid and environment knowledge
In War Thunder, ANTARES would:
- Notify the player of the direction of all enemy vehicles within a 500m radius as well display their position on the mini-map
- Notify the player of the direction of all enemy UAVs up to 250m away as well display their position on the mini-map
- Display the direction of as well as the position within the mini-map of all range-finding and targeting lasers; also, whether the source is a tank or some kind of aircraft
- Allow for 3rd person view in simulator battles
Battlefield Management System
All vehicles apart of the recent French modernisation program, SCORPION are fitted with the SICS (Système d’information du combat de SCORPION) battlefield management system (BMS) developed by Atos. Whilst this is comparable to other BMS’ with its blue force tracking ability, one of the touted abilities of SICS is that it “will receive alerts from different on-board sensors (such as the Thales Antares) and analyse the data, sharing the results with [friendly forces]” (French Army Approaches to Networked Warfare, 2022) with a delay of less than 10 seconds. As such, in War Thunder the Jaguar should receive an ‘automatic scouting’ ability where it is able to relay within 10 seconds all information gathered by its suite of sensors (acoustic gunshot detector, ANTARES, PASEO’s automatic tracking) to the team.
The EBRC Jaguar has a top speed of 90 km/h which is achieved due to a 500hp Volvo engine. The vehicle has a 6 x 6 drive system with the front and rear axles being able to steer, allowing a turning diameter of 17m. The front axle can be disengaged, creating a 6 x 4 drive system with better fuel efficiency.
The Jaguar also has hydropneumatics suspension allowing it to adjust its ground clearance.
The Jaguar uses a 6-cylinder, 11-litre Volvo diesel engine which produces 500hp. Therefore, the most likely candidate which fits these criteria is a Volvo D11K460 engine which has been modified to output 500hp at 1700rpm.
Whilst there is no information on the specific model of transmission used on the EBRC Jaguar, primary and secondary sources confirm that it is a 7 + 2 speed transmission developed by ZF. Given France’s prior use of the ZF 7 HP 902 in the VBCI and how it matches the above description; furthermore, how the Scorpion program prioritised the standardization of parts, it is most certain that the 7 HP 902 is the transmission used on the Jaguar.
Transmission Characteristics for the ZF 7 HP 902:
The 7 HP 902 uses the W400 torque converter which has a stall torque ratio of 1.5.
Gear Ratios:
The 7 HP 902 in service with the French army uses an additional reverse gear; however, this specific piece of information appears to be classified. As such, these are the gear ratios for the 7 HP 902 given by the manufacturer:
The chassis is able to achieve STANAG Level 4 protection. The armour consists of THD (très haute dureté – very high hardness) protection steel. France’s protection steel solutions for their armoured vehicles (e.g. VBCI, AMX 10RCR, Panhard VBL, Leclerc) are all developed by Industeel (formerly Creusot-Loire).
The turret of the Jaguar has a basic level of protection equivalent to at least STANAG Level 2. However, additional armour plating on the front and the mounting of side pods ensures the turret can meet STANAG Level 5.
Smoke Grenades
The EBRC Jaguar has 14 GALIX smoke grenades which are also found on the Leclerc, VBCI and Strv 122s. These deploy a smoke cloud in under a second that masks a vehicle in all visible ranges, laser wave bands (target designators, rangefinders) and infrared large wave bands (I, III and IV). This protection cloud last up to 90 seconds with a maximum height of 7m.

Exhibition Posters
The eyes of the SCORPION PROGRAM
JAGUAR : a high technology system for the Army
JAGUAR (Eurosatory 2022)
JAGUAR (Carrousel de Saumur 2022)
JAGUAR (Nexter exhibition)

JAGUAR (French army display)
40 CTA

SICS, SCORPION combat information system






Hornet lite


Nowa Technika Wojskowa Issue 7/2023

Livraison des premiers JAGUAR

French Army Approaches to Networked Warfare

Akeron MP

First firing of MMP from a Jaguar armoured vehicle



IRIS family of IRCCD thermal imagers integrating long life cryogenic coolers, sophisticated algorithms for image enhancement and hot points detection


37th Annual Guns & Ammunition Symposium & Exhibition Presentation
Mars® steels for military applications
Initial Evaluation ofthe CTA International 40-mm Cased Telescoped Weapon System

ZF Service Request
Solution de haute mobilitè 8x8