The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

It’s always funny seeing people theorize about what vehicles might be added with an upcoming subtree, all the unique and diverse options, just to get 99% copy/paste.

Given Cv9040 ammunition breadth and performance is not entirely on par with reality, I’m quite doubtful they’ll give France good ammunition.

40mm APFSDS-T ammunition: Capable of perforating up to 140 mm of homogeneous steel (RHA) at 1,500 meters, according to data provided by CTA International.


Roughly as expected then. Both may be 40 mm but the bofors rounds are HUGE compared to other 40 mm vairants, and especially compared to telescoped ammo which trades propellant for size.

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afterwards we will see what Gajin gives us but the documents do not lie

some more documents on the vbci mk2

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If you want precise penetration estimations for the CT40, this excellent EBRC Jaguar suggestion sums it up :

TLDR : According to the old 1999 US army test, we would get 166mm at 0m for the APFSDS round.

However, based on the OP calculations from modern photos and given that the APFSDS used at the time were smaller than the ones used today (219mm length in 1999 vs 255mm length today), it is plausible that with today’s munition estimations, the round would be able to pen up to 192mm at 0m. Of course, it will be up to Gaijin to decide which projectile will be used.


Figures in the region of 140mm penetration through RHS at 1500m. For the dart

This again is publicly available information

If Gaijin make it anaemic then it dooms all future French, British and Italian IFVs

Italy doesnt use the 40mm CTA just us and the french

And as said before the CT2000 has 2 darts one from the 1999s and s recent one thats longer…

We also know from the US trials that even the oldest APFSDS outperformed the 40mm bofors so the longer penetrator should have even better penetration

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We do but this is Britain and France…so

I hope they don’t make the same mistake as with the vextra with its armor because it can have armor level 5 to level 6 so will resist 30mm apfsds

Unfortunately these are the kind of reports that have to wait for general rework of automotive components. The reports that are less unlikely to pass are the ones that only affect the Leclercs, such as the UFP and similar.

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What do you mean “ce tea”?

Probably my auto correct and I don’t remember what I wanted to say

Gaijin be like: 30mm? OK, upper frontal armor 30mm rolled steel plate, there you go.

I’m pretty sure VBCI actually commonly wields an armor kit, which would be honestly worth it for out-ranging other IFVs, but the AMX-10RC never got its irl armor so probably not

VBCI uses MARS 600 and 3000 ultra high strength armor steel, there are reports about them, maybe they’ll be implemented with a new addition

we don’t worry about that, gajin is in charge of everything they are used to doing things well so the vbci 2 will I think be able to resist stone throwing… thrown from not too close 🤣

Well the MARS-15 uses MARS steel made to stop 14.5mm but can’t stop 7.62s, as with the Vextra and its armor being too thin at some angles, but I will hold out hope, since VBCI Mk2 T40 is such a different choice from Gaijin’s usual list of choices