Eastern Europe rework is horrible (bad for gameplay)

Why was the map cut in half? Why disallow anyone from flanking? It only results in braindead gameplay that does not reward skill.

What are light tanks supposed to do in that map anymore? Just rush straight in and use their armor to tank shots?

  • Revert the change to the bridges
  • No, keep it as is
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There is the entire other side of the map that you can flank on.

Anyway, revert the change, it isn’t needed, and it detracts from the gameplay. It was one of only a few maps that allowed flanking to such a degree, and now it is worse.

Edit: Also, amphibiuos tanks can still cross it, since there isn’t a redzone afaik.


Indeed a horrible change and a very lazy one as well. Ruins the map, and limits variety instead of solving the spawn camping issue by reforming the terrain in those few positions.

Not to mention the spawn camping issue wasn’t that bad either to warrant such a draconic measure

Maybe remove the damn bushes and little hills the spawn campers hide behind in those few limited positions, so they have to be in the open ??? Thats a way better solution


The overly exposed side that you cannot reach because of all the covered positions that have clear line of sight on that side?


Point should just be moved to the other side instead of ruining an already poor map.


It’s a good change for this flag layout (which is what this is, a layout-specific change), as the far side of the river was obviously never a natural part of the play area for the three-on-one-side layout.

If you want a layout with points on the other side, then in that case of course the bridges should be there.


Funny thing, there used to be a point on the other side in another variant


I do agree that it is too exposed in some areas, but dismissing it entirely is wrong. You can still flank wuite effectively from both sides there.

Personally, I’d make the hills on that side of the map a bit larger, and add more cover in a couple areas so you aren’t visible from just outside of spawn.


Gonna put this here too, but one side can flank, and the other only watch rn
Vehicles like BMP-2 will have a great advantage here, but only a few tanks are amphibious, and most of them are russian/soviet made, it will make again a thing of “BIAS” with that nation


all this for what reason? you are still massively downgrading the map ! When they could just address the specific positions


oh dont get me started on the bs that is the insane double standard that gaijin has for amphibious vehicles
i could go on for like an hour its so dumb


All my takes are already present. [Context is Eastern Europe changes.]
The changes need reverted, or bridges restored on the edit.


While Soviets have a large minority, they are not most of the amphibious vehicles.


Sad IKV noises.


you’re not gonna see a Ka-Chi against a 2S38 right?

Russia have more " capable vehicle" than other nations

“Oh, china have some too, sweden have too” almost all of them are or soviet made or based on one, they have a bigger impact in high br matches, more than the Vextra, i didn’t have saw one of those, LAV-AD can but at the same time can’t, 2S38 can kill a modern MBT in the front, 2S25 have a 125mm with a good round, enought to kill again, modern MBT, BMP-2M, APFSDS and TANDEM ATGM and so on

and add the T series of tank in the game, that can do more than others MBT, they are fast, good armor, good gun, autoloader, excellent ERA so it make it more BIASed in the end making it more one sided


They do however have the most amphibious vehicles of any nation currently in the game. and since rank 6 and 7 are among the most played vehicles in ground i would argue that statistically there will be more matches played where USSR will have the amphibious advantage than not.


Horrible change, way to completly destroy a map

Only thing it does is give vehicles with amphibian abilities a massive advantage
And results ion realy stale gameplay


Aren’t they usually slower and easier to kill? Plus, the autoloader reloads are sometimes longer than manually loaded tanks.


nah, maybe top speed, but acceleration, in the T-90M is in par with M1A2 and Leo 2A7

T-80BVM accel faster, burn less speed than the leopard in a turn (Leopard 2A5 and up lose almost 80% of it speed just turning) M1A2 Sep turn fast, and retain speed, but T-80BVM can do it and accel more

the autoloader maybe that, yeah, with a manual loader is fast, but considere the match, you can lose your loader, now you reload twice the “normal” AND you need to spend skill point to reload faster, buy expert crew and ace to be faster, T- series you just need to buy it and done

easier to kill just because they have 3 crew, but there more about that, spall liner, ERA that can stop APFSDS, mantle that can TANK a DM53 like nothing (if you say that never happen… dude… please) a lot of RNG there, T- series forgive a lot in a match, more than the Strv, Challenge, Leopard 2, was gonna say M1A2Sep but i tested, even the stock APFSDS can pen it hull without problem

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You can cross from the other side too but you have to be quick enough and not screw up or you will be killed by the map border, but yes the team on the west side still has a massive advantage in that they can cross easier and earlier into the match whereas the east side have to go to the top of the map and cross there.


Try to get there from the other spawn, that will really show you if you really can get there, from the west you can but the problem is how much oneside is it

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