Map changes (poll)

Do you agree with the changes gaijin has been making to maps that get rid of popular flanking routes and spots for players/vehicles that prefer a more long range playstyle?

  • I agree
  • Only for some maps (say which ones you do)
  • I disagree
0 voters

For my own curiosity, please tell me what map is your favorite one, what map you desperately want to see changed if there is any, and what map you think needs to be changed back to an older state as soon as possible. And if you feel like it, what specific changes you’d want to see to a map if there are any

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My favorite map is large Fulda, (although normal Fulda is good too). Firstly i love that you can snipe and flank on this map. You have these slight rolling hills that you can take cover and peek over. Also you have a knife fight arena (the castle) for the players that like to do that. Its a map that fits every playstyle. And finally i like it because it is aesthetically pleasing, and the vegitation reminds me at my the forests where i live.
Other maps i find good (but might be controversal) are:

  • Pradesh: because of the extreme terrain height variation, it is like no other map, you can do very cool things there, also looks nice.
  • Red Desert: absolute sniping paradise, drive up on hill, and shoot conpletely across the map, so satisfying to hit somone at this extreme distance.
  • Karelia: I think i mostly love it because it is so old, and they have not yet ruined it. Also looks good.
  • Wolokolamsk: its a winter map done right, and a flankers paradise, flanking routes have good cover.

Seversk Winter needs to be changed in a way that i dont see it every second game, and somehow make a way to stop everyone to drive to the long road between B and C and instantly die.
Also Holland, but i dont know how to fix it, i just dislike it. Also its covered in “red no go zone”.

There are a few:
-Carpathia: this map would be one of my favorites, but they hit it with the flattening tool, and now you have significantly less cover
-Mosdok: see above, they didnt fix it, they made it a spawn campers paradise
-Ash River: remove red no go area
-Eastern Europe: bring back bridges
-Fire Arc: same as Mosdok, revert to when it was called Kursk

Also i would love white rock fortress back, it was very cool.

A final question: whats about the map Ground Zero? Is it gone from map rotation? Never had it and i play every BR.


No more map changes without players premission!!!


What pisses me off is that they think it’s appropriate to stick 800m Minimum engagement range tanks on shitty tiny maps like this, the top teir goobers go ‘thats a good idea, it doesn’t impact me’ meanwhile BR2-5 is ruined again.
New holland is basically BR5 and below, sometimes higher. You have one damn street and nowhere else to go. Field is CAS death after few minutes, you have almost no play options but hold W or camp. Absolutely trash gameplay.

If you want to do these dumb small maps Gaijin, keep them to BR1/rank 1.


Kuban, all the good hills, sight lines, everything. Love this map.

  • North Holland [Domination#1], having a couple of roads to maneuver in and an open field that is biased to one side is stupid.
  • Karelia, outside of Rank I, the map is too small and makes it a point-blank brawl
  • Sands of Sinai, the map isn’t perfect but that little sniper hill off to the East was kind of fun (and fustrating) to use.
  • Advance to the Rhine, give me back my brick piles.
  • Jungle, bring back the foliage!

Mozdok, the open fields make advancing an absolute pain, need more cover.