It’s less than 10 maps, and almost all of them are from prior to 2020.
It’s my preferred method of play sometimes as it makes flanking easier.
Both wide and “line” capture points hold value.
It’s less than 10 maps, and almost all of them are from prior to 2020.
It’s my preferred method of play sometimes as it makes flanking easier.
Both wide and “line” capture points hold value.
This is not a sniping game, tanks aren’t meant to “tank” - Gaijin Staff
I see @SadLamer is claiming that thousands of players are trolls for opposing Eastern Europe’s changes.
I told everyone to use the M4A2 in a 2019 event. I got over 500 frags in the M4A2 during that event alone, and its BR went from 3.7 to 4.0 during the BR changes after the event.
Glad you understand sarcasm like myself.
I find it’s when they’ve actually run out of ammunition for their fight that they start slipping into this attacking the person rather than the argument.
It’s a bit sad but it shows immaturity anyways.
I never said you were nasty, I was talking hyperbally about certain people’s hands
I have lines for actions.
Creating fake images and passing them off as real, or intent of others, annoys me.
Partially cause I saw a fake image passed off as real yesterday AFTER I gave my feedback to revert the bridge changes.
Fake images don’t help us. The images aren’t for Gaijin, and the forum already has people opposing the changes.
Outside the forum? Sure, propaganda’s propaganda.
But here?
Just link the topic:
So yeah, I’m a bit angry at the fake images on the forum where the topic is easily accessible.
Not at people, just the fake images.
what fake images, you are ranting right now. I just thought it was funny that you did not understand sarcasm, and made a big deal about- calling some guy a liar.
You realize your rant at me is over this?:
They’re distinctly talking of the minimap shots showing the red borders… It’s something I seen when people started posting and even I thought it was genuine…
Mariosan admitted that it is exagerated, and then Alvis proceed to call him a liar. That just dont seem right to me lol
I wasn’t addressing his sarcasm, and I knew his posts were sarcastic from the start.
The point of that post was to call a post exaggerating and portrayal of views as a lie, nothing more.
I did not say he himself is a liar, I only pointed out that his posts are not portraying his emotions the way he thinks they are.
dude this is you replying to this image:
How is that misinformation? Its called poking fun
I didn’t appreciate the posts being spammed, and I was already pre-mad from a friend believing a fake image to be a sincere change yesterday and me calming them down.
Cause yes, he spammed that image with that exact line of text at least 3 times.
I just hope everyone here is on good terms regardless of our heated discussion.
Yeah I think you are right, we probably agree on most things. I kinda bored about this topic now anyways. Lets leave on a good note right. No hard feelings. Im sorry if I was a mean or nasty.
The developer wants us to play capturing zones. Unfortunately the grind is so hard that we do what makes us level faster, fragging. If you want to olay objectives, raise XP for capturing zones.
Flanking is playing the objective though. My most consistently won matches were usually those where my team didn’t actually move in to take the point visibly, but simply hid near/behind it and shot the first wave of enemy tanks trying to capture it before moving in.
The image they created is a satire mocking of the recent map design trend Gaijin has been going on.
That or he is responsible for that change and trys to defend this atrocity.
I see @SadLamer is still accusing everyone that opposes the map changes of being a troll.
And now @VonMarder has a post claiming that opposing the map changes is defending the changes… mental gymnastics.
So @ex3333 @_Woe @EddieVanHalo , why does opposing Eastern Europe’s changes make someone a troll? Since I’m being accused of provoking people with my opposition to the removal of bridges on Eastern Europe…
speaking of maps, some maps are really worth shit. who likes taking over stupid airports in Air Battles, probably almost no one, if instead of that they would rather make maps of an attack on ground targets, so make it the best!
it’s the same with tank units, every time it prefers to go to 1 point out of 3 and is not even able to maintain it. so it’s better that ad screw this up and they’d rather give maps where the tan will go against the tanks than to take some stupid points anyway, even most people can’t play it!
Do you ignore everyone that speaks against changes to the game they see as negative?