Is it April fools time already? (Eastern Europe, is it even a map anymore?)

Hehehe i love that screenshot. That post of his was not very well thought through.

I would love to have the quote “this is not a sniping game” as a decal and put it onto my Sturer Emil.


Fair, but Forum mods/Admins also represent the Devs. So it is plausible together with the map changes to assume that Pacifica represents the official stance of the Development Team here.

Of course just a theory.

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The issue with this screenshot is it genuinely lacks context, and the fact you even have it stashed, shows a want to pull it out in times like this.

(Edit - I’m being critical and directly questioning motive)

I have it stashed now aswell, and i will pull it out whenever i can.


If it’s misrepresented in context and making out it applies to everything, then that’s a terrible idea and reeks of bad faith and deception…

Much the same as this damn map misrepresentation…

But I suppose, that’s just you showing a genuine trait.

(Edit - Again, Nope.)

Your post should’ve been worded better and not include the image as part of the body.
Maybe I shouldn’t be as upset at the fake image as I am.

It’s just far easier to link the topic where people should vote…

I’m not mad at you, as you know my post only addressed your post, not you.
After all, I agree with you that the changes should be reverted.
I just heavily disagree with the method you used for the post; partially due to my reaction to fake images being passed off as fake yesterday prior to these topics.

Ask questions instead of making assumptions.
I’m mad at the fake images due to a friend of mine believing one of them to be a sincere change and me having to calm them down.

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put it with this too

what would make this cool is if the bridges were destructible instead of being destroyed from the start


Let us look at this post together:

OP (Uebermacht) starts with:

These two questions express shock and unbelief about the changes to the map.

The picture shows to the reader of the post the subject of the unbelievable thing that has happened. OP follows with a statement exactly depicting the situation at hand, describing what has changed in comparison to the live map.

OP then follows up with:

This sentence is satirical in nature. How do we know this?
It is written so that when you speak it out loud, it sounds like a heavy German accent.
The statement in itself; “You WILL drive frontally at the enemy and you WILL like it”; is also an amalgamation of Gaijins recent behavior. Forcing the playerbase to play on smaller and smaller maps consisting of only a few corridors.
It is therefore written from the perspective of Gaijin, forcing these map changes upon us players. And because we cannot do much against these changes, it is implied that we have to like these changes.

Honestly this image shows the map quite accurately. I must admit, it is a little too much red on the lower/south side, but all in all it shows the state of the map quite well. And also how ridiculous the changes are.
So not really a fake image.

In his last paragraph OP goes and talks about his/hers/idk feelings about these changes to this map, but also the changes to the other maps.

At the very end OP questions the reason for this behavior:

I hope I could bring clarity into this post.
@Uebermacht please tell me if I got something wrong


I’m also confident it’s a pop-culture reference to one of the american/british dystopic novels. Which one; I do not know as my literarture class was mostly reading 19th century russian and soviet stuff, but I swear I’ve seen it referenced elsewhere.

I’ve yet to see a map on live server that has lost flanking opportunities, and I’m a chronic flanker.
As I said, this’ll be the first.

So if that is the companies take on the game why do they stuff the tech trees with utter useless garbage which was not designed to go face to face with main tanks, all the armored cars, SPAA, light tanks all need to be removed from the game.
As stated by the company they have no use or purpose in the game except to offer up easy kills, they try to balance them which leads to time travel anomalies and other such weirdness.
Seems like the player base are being played like a bunch of chumps ?

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Always has been.



Dude I wrote a analysis of the post, extra for you.
And you didn’t even read it.
What are you on about?

You are wrong.
You remember how they cut off Sands of Sinai?

This is how it used to look.
Remember it.


Your previous post was answered by my previous posts, which is why I didn’t address the bulk of it cause I’d just be repeating myself.
And yes, I remember that CQC version of Sands of Sinai.
Removing the CQC portion opened up 3+ flanking routes.

There was no question needed to be answered in my post.
It was to help you read and to understand.
Should I make another post explaining my post explaining OPs post to you?
Are you that dense?

P.S. those are questions that can be answered.

P.P.S. A humble request only for the eyes of Wisla

please draw into the map the QCQ and these 3 new flanking routes.
I am failing to see the QCQ on the hill.

@DiamondCraftLP I already understood what his post was doing, and my response was a critique of the method.

As for your question.
Red = Old no-go zones.
Green = New safe routes.

Too far it need to be closer to each team

  1. Mods aren’t devs, and their opinions do not reflect the devs (pacifica explained this in other posts)
  2. They aren’t wrong. Long range maps in war thunder are like what they described due to awful map design.
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American desert. They made it flatter on the side near the train, which removed cover when flanking. On the other side of the map, they cut out a hill area that was a great flanking route. Now it is a rock close to the houses which forces frontal engadgements.

Even tho I agree with the change, a flank on Sand of Sinai was removed and the map was made smaller.

The Low Br version of Vietnam was added, and it moved one cap point to the very edge of the map, preventing flanking. (unless they changed it)

On Carpathians, a flank along the east edge of the map was removed.