Map design.. Why devs are doing this?

Yeah I think you are right, we probably agree on most things. I kinda bored about this topic now anyways. Lets leave on a good note right. No hard feelings. Im sorry if I was a mean or nasty.

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The developer wants us to play capturing zones. Unfortunately the grind is so hard that we do what makes us level faster, fragging. If you want to olay objectives, raise XP for capturing zones.

Flanking is playing the objective though. My most consistently won matches were usually those where my team didn’t actually move in to take the point visibly, but simply hid near/behind it and shot the first wave of enemy tanks trying to capture it before moving in.

The image they created is a satire mocking of the recent map design trend Gaijin has been going on.

That or he is responsible for that change and trys to defend this atrocity.

I see @SadLamer is still accusing everyone that opposes the map changes of being a troll.
And now @VonMarder has a post claiming that opposing the map changes is defending the changes… mental gymnastics.

So @ex3333 @_Woe @EddieVanHalo , why does opposing Eastern Europe’s changes make someone a troll? Since I’m being accused of provoking people with my opposition to the removal of bridges on Eastern Europe…

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speaking of maps, some maps are really worth shit. who likes taking over stupid airports in Air Battles, probably almost no one, if instead of that they would rather make maps of an attack on ground targets, so make it the best!

it’s the same with tank units, every time it prefers to go to 1 point out of 3 and is not even able to maintain it. so it’s better that ad screw this up and they’d rather give maps where the tan will go against the tanks than to take some stupid points anyway, even most people can’t play it!

Do you ignore everyone that speaks against changes to the game they see as negative?

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Sir, what’s wrong with having sincere discussions with others?

The main issue is that it’s not really “poking fun” because it’s not good-natured humour, it’s not constructive, and it also gives the impression of not understanding why the changes were made.

That is to say, it’s a perfect way to get the devs to see a post, then just chuckle and toss it into the proverbial waste bin without further thought.


I get that many people are passionate about this change, but every time someone:

  • posts an exaggerated “meme” style image like this

  • posts saying (directly or by omission) that “Eastern Europe” as a whole has had the bridges removed (without clarifying that it’s one specific flag layout)

  • posts an image of North Holland (which has always had a border at the river for this layout) claiming it to be Eastern Europe

  • posts a photoshopped version without clearly specifying that it’s fake

  • posts that further get things wrong like claiming it’s European Province

  • posts about how it would (supposedly) affect top-tier gameplay, when IIRC this layout doesn’t appear past about 7.7

  • posts claiming literally all map changes that have been done are bad (forgetting all the positive ones; check the notes people)

  • etc

and all of this sort of stuff… all it’s doing is eroding the community’s credibility and giving the devs an easy way to simply toss out all of the feedback (or “feedback”, depending).


That, all of that.
I was not angry at anything other than the reasons you posted.
I want the map changes reverted, and I don’t want people using exaggerated memes to diminish the voices of those not using memes.

There is nothing wrong with it but if you can’t agree on basic principles of facts there is no point to do so.

It is a fact that Gaijin is shrinking game area of the maps quite regularly. For example Mozdok almost entire 4x4km area used to be playable, now we have a fraction of actual map.
The same with the Normandy, Sinai or Fulda. And now Eastern province playable area is been reduced .

Only maps which still have fill size 4x4km area is I think Volokomansk.
So the trend is undeniably there, and therefore people are super pissed when they hear about another reduction.


It’s not regular though, and it’s on a minority of maps.
Yes, I am equally opposed to those changes as everyone else.
However, exaggerating the maps count doesn’t help our position.
Sands of Sinai shifted west with no change to area.
Small Normandy got smaller.
Fulda is slightly smaller on the East side of the map, but I can’t tell if that’s a map shift or not due to not visiting the west side.

It’s obvious you have dozens blocked if you’re upset at people opposing negative map changes since they started.

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Maybe it is not regular but shrinking is happening but never way around. Maybe in global scale but those are a few good maps (+few others) which I don’t insta quit while playing top three GSB brackets, Rest is CQB garbage.

Since not every map is in SB rotation even those few maps are significant amount.

Long way before the “recent changes”

Dunno what you mean small Normandy but the Normandy with the beach use to have the big hangar and good portion of a map sout of it:

Not mention there was aconfiguration where spawns were North/South which was even bit bigger.
Now the map end s in the midle of a d row, quite reduction…

This used to be full Fulda map:
Now we are polaying on this sand pit:
I wound not call that slightly smaller…

Also Maginot Line used to be bigger etc. I think people simply forgot how big the mas actually were and since GJ is reducing them bit by bit we got the boiling frog phenomen.


This is a full Mozdok map which used to be almost entirely playable:

Now we got this clusterfuck:
Which is something like 1200x1200m maps which is absolutely trilling when you spawn in modern MBT an you can actually drive whole 100m to first ridge where you can shoot the enemy. It gives fast vehicles a true meaning since they got there 0.5s sooner. etc.
That is shrinking 13km2 map to 1.5km2 map.

@AlvisWisla so I actually thing that those meme maps are not that exaggerated as it seems.


Whilst you don’t like the outcome of these map changes, there was a significant portion of players proclaiming they wanted instant engagement, and not have to drive 5 minutes to get to the field.

That’s why I think the devs have done all of these changes, for that vocal minority.

Then comes the ‘I got sniped from across the map’ crowd, or the ‘I didn’t even get out of spawn because someone flanked and I cbfed looking around before I drove out of spawn’ train enthusiasts.

It was the changes:
Current Normandy: Battle area is the same though with more cover in the fields.
Current Fulda: Got this at least 2 times in the last week or so. Same borders.

Not since January 2019 when I played ground RB consistently enough to start remembering maps.
Though I remember first gen Karelia, and we’re on iteration 4 or 5 of Karelia.

These are what you call “the lowest common denominator” and I think it’s sad to see the devs cater to these instead of veterans and the core playerbase.

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And how do you know ? Where the significant portion of of players express their opinion ?
Because it is not certainly here on forum where certain pol with over 3k volts clearly speaks against recent changes.

Long before…

Check my picture above.

They were RB games, I did not have full Fulda for ages, fee free to check…

Mozdok map is in WT since 2014… and there is actually record on the Wiki:

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Luck of the draw I guess. That’s 14:30 Pacific Standard Time.

I appreciate the rest of your post as well, just no comment on it.