Draw distance after update


Great. The more involved playing simulation mode the better for everyone here. (and you are right)

They will see using their statistics that nobody is shooting down the surveillance planes, attackers and bombers anymore. Most of the time impossible to find and to see them

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Only writting for more attention to this thread


I mean, it’s not just the planes that you don’t see. Convoy vehicles are sometimes invisible at all. We had a discussion recently in last game about this problem. Ships are popping up 100 meters or so at approach. it’s not very fun to play Sim EC at the moment


That’s why I play only small and/or cold maps at the moment.

Stalingrad (Winter) and Tunisia are at least playable with this visual situation.

Tried a Rocky Canyon game, had to land and refuel 2 times without seeing one single enemy and then left the game…


You are then lucky you don’t have bug of invisible planes at close range, you just have the new feature they added.

Many people are not playing at all, because they don’t even see planes at less than 1Km. And seeing how the number of lobbies has decreased after the update, it seems many people are afected by the bug.

Well I play attackers/bombers more often than fighters, but yes, it’s more difficult to find anything.

Yesterday was flying the Sea Harrier, and after dropping my bombs always was on the lookout for enemy aircraft. Sometimes had radar contacts, but due to missing radar lock symbology on the HUD and the new draw distances never found any of those, even when flying right over/through/under them…

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In gun range I see them fine. But everything ~3km away just vanishes.
But in Stalingrad you can see the trails

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Yes, that why I say you are lucky, some people are seeing much less than you !!!

They absolutely screwed something up with the visibility. No one can tell me that this can be normal

They screwed several somethings, one of them is a bug for sure, the others we don’t know if are bugs or intended to make it more “realistic”. But this is a PVP game, and if you make things more realistic, you must ensure they are fair to everyone, no matter what settings are they ussing, and they didn’t.

Hah, funny you should mention this: Sim EC is indeed PVP, and with the visibility change one could argue it has become a bit more PVE now, just as a side effect.

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Maybe a zomber inflitrated the development team and made this on purpose.

Glad to see that other people also have this problem, BTW this also happen to GRB, i just saw a plane disappear when i’m in a SPAA.

But then, what I disliked a lot with the old system is that you could see a black dot far far away, then you zoom in and didn’t see anything. So basically we had vision from (numbers quite randomish) 0 to 10 and 20 to 50 kilometers, but no joy between 10 and 20km…

Yeah, that is also an annoying thing about spotting in this game.

I rather take the old system and be able to identify at range where my next engagement will be, so i at least have an idea where to fly and at what altitude i might find an enemy.
I will take “works most of the time” over “works almost never”.


I think the aircraft render is our smalest problem. The BIG one are clouds. They are back in every single game.

Clouds are definitely excessive since last patch.

I don’t mind some variety, but having thick black clouds every match, and bomber formations that hide in them is getting downright frustrating. This type of environment can be fun to see on rare occasion, but it ruins the fun to see 95% of matches dominated by thick clouds. It’s getting to a point that I’d even call it abusive, and makes it harder on completing tasks.

By making tasks harder to complete 95% of the time, Gaijin is undoing the positive economy changes that we’ve seen this summer.

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Yes, why are these thick clouds in every single game now? And the surveillance planes/attackers/bombers, already quite invisible are jumping in sectors around. Are they beaming themselves from Sector G2 to Sector D4? How is this even possible? Star Trek technology?

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