Does USA dislikes SPAAs?

You sounds like you think that whenn they add Skink, they will never add any domestic SPAAs. I see it as extra SPAA for US which is W. Dont know why people complain about it.

For F sake, US is getting 2 SPAAS NEXT UPDATE. That is pretty huge.

They complain about it because it’s ahistorical and unnecessary.

If Gaijin are going to add the actual American designs to fill the gap, why even copy-paste the Skink? I agree with S3b5, if it’s a temporary thing fine I have no issues.

Are you new to this game?

Sadly to use these things as SPAA requires a little bit of skill to learn and aim those 40mm. Personally i didnt have that much of problem shooting down planes with both of them. As in both M19 versions and M42 versions i have more air kills then ground kills

I hope they actually add good SPAAs instead of good TDs. Like wirbelwind is good SPAA and it is still effective at 7.0, at least for me.

I actually hadn’t really touched them just yet, but I do spend 15 minutes in the test field and already have so much trouble trying to get rid of AI planes that fly straight lol the M19 and M42 feels like the Ostwind II, I can’t really hit any planes with it, but it’s a damn good TD which explains the high br.

But with those 40mm big mofos, you just have to hit them just once, they either suffer a broken wing minimum and that is too much damage to fly back to the airfield lol

Same…hope they wont make it into French filling of SPAA when they added like 2 more low tier and 2 SPAAs that is just 0.3 BR away from each other.

What we can blaim Gaijin for is how long it even took them to finaly start adding SPAAs…now we just need to wait what US SPAA they choose.

I dont like using test drive for training in SPAA as the AI planes dont fly like a players. So at full speed and doing all kind of manuvers. So best is to learn in RB. Been a while since i played them but i think you need to aim little bit more in front of the plane.

I have the same thinking, if I can’t even hit a plane that flies straight I expect to have more suffering trying to spade it, I would just play them in arcade, kill some light tanks then use planes to bomb them, since the plane kills counts towards the tank you use to spawn them, that I’ll at least make some progress and skip the suffering lol

Wish there would be a good tutorial for SPAA. What i try to tell anyone new (or even old) players trying to play SPAA.

Dont shoot at plane that is far from you. Wait for it to get closer to you (unless it is a bomber in sky then fire and aim far in front of it). If you can like in case of M19/M42, Ostwind, Wirble, carry 2 type of ammo it the vehicle have it. Pure HE for plane and Pure AP for ground.

Shooting from 3rd person help also as you can see if you shell is to far or to in front of the plane.

And then there is the boring part…play it when there is a air…there is no other way you will learn how to shoot down CAS

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I do sometimes shoot at enemy CAP that is out of weapon range, mainly enemies that is on my teammates tail, hoping that they would make unnecessary maneuvers then my teammates would eventually lose them or find their way to outturn/resets, I am not exactly sure if that is helpful because I just follow my instincts, it’s also a way to communicate with teammates as it indirectly ask them to fly towards my direction where there is a chance to bait the enemy to get into my weapon range so I could kill them lol

Hmm, I get a lot of kill assists with the HVAP belt, a lot hits and some severe damage but mostly result in teammates finishing them off then I received kill assist, but with HE, all it takes is one hit and they broke their wing or just OHKO. I think you might get even more air kills based on your SPAA skills if you had HE, and I absolute hate that 3 seconds ammunition swap downtime.

If i remember correctly,i read somewhere that they created a sub-variant of the Vigilante which had a 35mm minigun instead of the 37mm minigun that had a lower RoF and used the 35mm NATO ammo that the Gepard used,while raising the total ammo count at the same time

EDIT:yep, apparently for the DIVAD program they mounted the Vigilante turret on the M48 chassis with the Sperry’s 35mm minigun (a variant of the Sperry 37mm minigun found on the original Vigilante) and ≈1500 rounds of ammo with a selectable RoF

That looks sick

Wait until you find out that the radar of the XM246 is the same radar of the Phalanx CIWS,so very capable of having a strong lock on any targets

The Prototype SPAA are very wonky,you have this and also you have:
-M113 derived chassis with good radar and 37mm minigun
-same as above but with a 35mm minigun with more ammo
-M113 with SARH missiles that were very good and a Phased Array radar
-M48 chassis with the GAU-8 minigun and powerful radar

And the list goes on and on and on

What vehicle is this?

At first I thought Mauler, but it can’t be because it had continous wave radar, not PESA

Really? I didn’t know that i’ve done extensive research and found nothing, but I could be looking in the wrong places. Do you want to share them?

Some sources states that the Mauler har a Phased Array, Continuous Wave radar

It is a little bit shady,but definitely it is not a PESA

Why are they even bothering to give the US the Skink? That doesn’t solve any issues at all. No one’s complaining about the M13 → M16 → M19/M42 progression.

They’ll probably put it at 5.3 and hope that you uptier it before you get the BRRRRT. Like they do with the British ver. Except it’s useless when uptiered due to the incredibly shitty polstens and traverse.

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