[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

Well written Anton! Happy New year to you and your team. Thanks for a great 2023! Now on to business lol. I agree with #6. I would alter #2 to be vehicle fun factor. As a real tanker of 21 years it’s unlikely you will realistically replicate the reality. I do think you could replicate them statistically well enough to be fun. You might group vehicles by where they fell before and after a major technical breakthrough. 88mm gun, guided missile, composite armor, Light Amplification, thermals etc.

Yet another day with Gaijin MATCH FIXING battles.

My line-up is max BR 9.2 non spaded Merkava MK1B (105 mm. cannon) from where I have to fight against BR 10.3 T-80 B (125 mm. cannon + ERA etc.) and Leopard2. This kind of favouring some players for making a lot of easy kills is MATCH FIXIGN and not MATCH MAKING.
We was simply slaughtered in a few minutes.

Why spending my time and money on being entertainment ONLY for some by Gaijin favoured players. I’m so lucky, that there are a lot of other games out there on the internet - and my time on WarThunder will be at a minimum during level 2024. No more premium account or purchasing anything form WT from me.

The great Gaijin team have succussed in making players leaving the game. Maybe one day, you will be sitting alone in your office - managing your game with no players left. … but who cares.

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If Gaijin really went down the “Realism” claim then it would be even more lobsided for toptier. Russian tanks stagnated around the 90s 2000s, Half the time it’s just been upgrade packages to the existing T72s and T80s. The other half it was propaganda or exaggeration of what their tanks was capable of, And the west R&D to match that so now we’re sitting with the balance issue. Should gaijin make the west’s vehicle accurate and make Russian and by proxy Chinese vehicles the laughing stock of the game? would it be balanced 4-5 nations ran around with tanks lobbing APFSDS shells with 700-900mm penetration at 2km range?


Yes so it can stomp everything in the sky from bvr then after the merge it can stomp everything again…Perfect game balance would be achieved once only the SU-27 players with more than 2 brain cells get more than 3 kills a match…Honestly be thankfull your not in the Glorious Mig-25 vs these F-15’s with no fox 3’s …why isnt it in game anyways?

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Chieftain mk3 should back to 8.3 and mk5 should have mk5/2 modification (L23 apfsds /Laser rangefinder). Same about the Leopard 1A1, move back to 8.7 (no laser rangefinder), add Leopard 1A3 for 9.0 before the Leopard 1A5 (9.3).


Please tell us a little about which “quirky vehicles” you are thinking of - I’m a bit curious here :-) … some examples please ? :-)

USA ??? High Tier ??? Have fun dying !!!

Since the last major release the USA are by far the worst MBT ever. The armour values are simply not there. The probability that a team with the USA will lose is immensely high. In addition, the dart is absolutely bad. Leo’s and LeClerces often take at least 2 shots, even with an actual safe kill. Almost completely powerless against the T80 and ZTZs. And against STRV ??? The big STRVs simply laughs at Abrams. Even the angles of attack on an Abrams are sometimes so stupid that you can kill these vehicles easily and nearly out of all posiiont. Unbelievable.

In reality, some Abrams are equipped with uranium-hardened composite armour. Their Dart is close to the NATO Dart. And the surivevablility is also amazing. But hey, who cares at these an realistic stats.

In this respect, the USA is currently unplayable. Unfortunately, this is another clear step backwards. It’s unbelievable how an entire top-tier nation can be ruined like this. I’m now playing matches from GRB 10.0 where there are no Americans at all. Very, very sad what Gajin is doing with this game.

Why do I come to this conclusion?
With almost (1) 100K battles and (2) 8 nations with complete tank research and (3) several years that I have been here in that game, I can judge this very well trust me. Besides I am not a one spawner or cash gamer

Oh yes … and if you then write a ticket, it says “This is not a bug, but part of the game”


What a noob are you ??? “… me and my friend got to top tier …” Top tier driving is something totally different. If you know where and how to hit, of they are instant eliminated. You are here in a time with tanks which a on current battle fields in the world. No WWII tanks anymore.,

Next point: “…3BM60 cant go through front plate of STRV122B PLSS or LEO 2A7 or A6…” If you hit them just stupidly right into the composite armor of course nothing will happen. And in the hull ??? Did you hit the ammo storage ? Did you pay attention on spal liners? Did you pay attention how the dart can fly ? Let me guess no.

The russian tanks are and always where better. I can give you a list of things where the T80s are in front of all others.

No further discussion about your comment and great ideas are necessary.

No look at Italy

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Since I believe that this is the best thread for this I will tell about this here.
This paeticular russian video talks about a programm which was made for statistics such as winrate, nation popularity and etc. Its much better than Thunderskill, as instead of taking statistics from only users who have account there it takes and inspects each replay and creates its statistics based of every replay fight it can get for each vehicle in the game, as I understood it for Ground battles only.
To verify that the programm is better author of video notes as example that Thunderskill only sees 5k battles on T-72A, while the programm counted 25k battles (5 times more is way incredible difference)
Note that that programm was only on for 4 days as its anonymous creator (didnt want to share his nickname, probably for his own safety)
could only get replays well for 4 days straight, as on 5th day replay downoload speed decreased massively.
Now for 4 days period winrates counting total of 111k replays at 11.7 BR are:

Nations popularity for 4 days at 11.7 BR are:

Now note that theres more info in the video itself, such as who is the best combo, which nations works or loses best with, etc.
Now, unfortunately most likely to keep programm safe it wasn’t shared publicly, as theres a reason to think Gaijin noticed that theres something downoloading replays massively, at least so seems to me.

As a small note: its all up to you if to consider this source better than Thunderskill or anything else.

May or may not finally get access to the programm or website with statistics.

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The Ariete AMV are being played by players who are miles ahead than abrams players in terms of skill and experience, so there’s that.


It’s obviously that this is better example of data than thunderskill and more reflective of the current state of the game in top tier.

It’s still not perfect, however. Ongoing event + recent sale would affect any data.

Just to be absolutely sure - do you mean IRL or here in WarThunder ?

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Found the download of K2 Kit Krabiwe - on github.com

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This is why I’ve just uninstalled this game. I’m in T5 aircraft and flying F3D-1 against MiG-21S. It’s shit free-to-play tactics to try and get you to pay to get higher tier planes quicker.

Unfortunately, you’re not the only one we’ve lost in WT. There are so many players, who have stopped because of the foolish match-making system… Or rather, and put, match-fixing system.

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Bah it took me literally years to grind into 10+BR battles, only to find out the balancing is ridiculously bad for my germans.

I got Leo 2A4 as my top tank. It seems that the premium tank Leo2A4 PzBtl123 is really popular. We might have a lineup of 50% PzBtl123 and the rest is Leo2A4’s etc.

The problem is that Germany has no tanks between 10.4-11.3. This means that time after time the entire Leo2A4 army of 10.3 is fighting, mostly russian, 10.7, 11.0 and 11.3 tanks. That’s just stupid and a complete waste of our time. There is so much difference (in game, not in reality) between Leo2A4s and T-90s for example. T-72B of 11.3 has 580mm armor penetration, just to mention.

Based on general feeling every -1.0br battle with germany 10.3 is lost. Not so surprising as the match setup is just complete bullshit. Better just immediately disconnect the battle if Leo2A4 costs 100SP.

Has gaijin seriously considered the BR issue of many unpopular vehicles in 8.3-9.0? For example, T-62, Leopard 1A1A1, T95E1, Chieftain Mk 3/5
All of them should be reduced by 0.3, or they should be given some buffs (such as faster reloading, laser rangefinder, or APFSDS)

Or Gaijin needs to further decompress the Cold War - modern. In the previous BR changes, gaijin did nothing more than put the top 11.3 vehicles to 11.7, increase some Cold War tanks by 0.3 BR, and add 0.3 BR to some late WWII vehicles, so you guys changed the BR so many times, and actually only adjusted one 0.3?

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Do you really not think that the current version of the anti-spalling liner is too strong? I understand the significance of the anti-spalling liner, but is it too unreasonable that a 125mm cannon firing a 500mm armor-piercing shell has no effect at all after penetrating? When shot into the lower front part of a Leopard 2A6 tank, grazing the upper edge of the engine and flying out of the vehicle without damaging the engine, how is it any different from hitting it with an iron rod? Also, there is another question. Both Chinese and American tanks have their fuel tanks in the front. Why is it that when the fuel tank of a Chinese tank is grazed, it explodes, while even if an American tank’s fuel tank is hit directly, it only catches fire? What kind of advanced fuel is filled in the fuel tank of American tanks? Is it a high-grade fuel that only catches fire and doesn’t explode? Or is the Chinese one more advanced, with the tank filled with C4? Oh, wait, C4 explosives are more stable than the fuel tank of a Chinese tank!

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I can understand that it’s for the sake of game balance and the difficulty in obtaining real data, but this kind of ‘balance’ shouldn’t be too unreasonable. Soviet tanks also experience fuel tank explosions, but the tougher upper armor and smaller lower frontal area offset the threat posed by fuel tank explosions. In contrast, Chinese tanks have thin lower frontal armor that is seemingly larger, resembling the frontal armor of the American M1. This indirectly magnifies the actual threat posed by fuel tank explosions. In practical gameplay, Soviet tanks are noticeably less likely to die from fuel tank explosions compared to Chinese tanks. Chinese tanks often succumb to fuel tank explosions in head-on engagements. Do Chinese tanks really need to be subject to the severity of fuel tank explosions as a seemingly absurd cause of death according to your perspective?