M1A1s should not get 5s reload time

You can choose to look at the game objectively or not.

The Abrams has effective turret armor, that is its only advantage over the Leclerc / Type 10 / Ariete.

The Chieftans have good turret armor but have ahistorical first stage ammo reload rates.

The Merkavas have ahistorically poor reload rates.

Gaijin’s failures for one nation =/= justification for failures on another

If you fail to produce a comment with value again I will block your account.

Okay buddy, go ahead, ain’t gonna change a bit in the world.

Because it was better than most other ~11.0 tanks ?

105mm M900 is way inferior to 120mm M829A1.

M1s at 11.7 were in a need of some sort of a buff, since many tanks at their BR started getting more armored with features like spall liners that M1s lack, which obviously put them at back foot.

Also, as others have said, they acted pretty quickly to buff the M1s, but are somehow reluctant to buff other nations/vehicles that need much more help, which is odd.

What are the 11.0 tanks it outclasses


Yes to the detriment of the game.

Heres more accurate WR for 4 days period.
More about statistics and their source here:

only suit for M1A2s, not M1A1, M1A1 now is too OP at 11.0, those 11.3 M1A1s are also the best

This statistic is completely irrational, with a very small sample of players from small countries

lol, I main Sweden, I don’t feel like I win very many matches, especially with the influx of USSR/USA/Germany premiums, TURMS-T/M1128/Pz.Btl.123 respectively when they are on my team. This is in a general sense, some of the players are decent.

You have to consider that these are % and they come from all servers combined, all time zones, etc.

Plus this is WR on 11.7 and higher for GB.


It’d be nice if Gaijin produced win rates statistics of vehicles / nations so players didn’t need to rely on 3rd party information.

Yet here we are.

“irrational” sample sizes are part of polling for all sorts of things the only question is how the sample size was obtained

Gaijin would not like the idea of players using there own data against them to justify changes.

No it wouldn’t.
I’d retire from War Thunder if that happened.
Win rates should stay as secret as possible unless we go 100% mixed nation match making all of the time.

That has a 7% magin of error with itself.
It is also a tiny amount of the playerbase.

You can not argue that data is fake while also advocating for data to remain secret.

If you don’t like what you see then find someplace else to bury your head in the sand.

Though winrate data would be nice, it would mean nothing without some accompanying stats like “average age of account”, “avg spawns per game” and “avg total battles played”. It would also need to be by BR.

This would paint a clear picture of why US teams are trash at top tier.

Thunderskill is less than 2% of the active matches.
Even their own study would be less than 4% of matches even if it was higher than 2% of matches.
There is no burying heads in sand, there is only statistics.
All of this BTW only proves team skill; and I mean the very literal definition of proof.

irrelevant you can just use an average of all accounts

Yes I would like the win rate of every vehicle in the game alongside average BR win rate. Gaijin has access to this information if it was public they wouldn’t even need to compile it people would do it for them.

They’re trash because the Abrams has almost no effective LFP armor and most players at 11.3 are now in the Click Bait. This combined lack of skill / poor performance leads to the current win rates.

You are here advocating for statistics to be hidden. Are you unserious? Is this not what you think should happen?

More than enough for a sample size.

It’s not perfect data which is why I advocate for Gaijin to release win rate statistics. Meanwhile in one hand you ask for Gaijin to keep statistics hidden and in the other deflect the statistics we have as “fake” because we can’t get the real statistics.

It’s illogical to feign care for statistics while not wanting actual statistics.

This data shows WR for countries at 11.7 counting 111k replays in 4 days span, programm downoloads and analyses replays, so this literally cant be wrong if theres no bugs.