[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

They also all have the l/44 cannon

Player performance is often a very bad source to determine BR, especially alone.
There are some very quirky vehicles which have to be played completely differently than the standard ones. Imagine such a vehicle at a perfect BR. However, less skilled players can’t utilize its strengths and try to play it as if it was a more common vehicle, therefore they lose a lot, get frustrated, and never touch it again. Therefore only high-skilled players will ever play it, so its k/d rations get overinflated. Then the vehicle is pushed up in the BR, therefore even less of the average/casual players will use it, and that will push its k/d ratio even higher as only the best of the best play it because it’s so special. And the best players can easily destroy beginners even if they are completely outmatched. So the BR of that vehicle is now increased again, until it’s so unrealistically high that almost no one plays it, except for some pros who enjoy trolling with it.

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Is it just me or is the matchmaker breaking? I keep getting put into 12.0 games without any 12.0 planes on my team. I’m playing at 11.3 and I know there’s the premium spam at that BR but cmon dude being in a team full of F4s against F14s and F16s ain’t fun at all.


Even if there’s a max of 4 players that have 12.0 aircraft, this still isn’t on.


Sweden top tier is absalutly broken op rn. Yeah NERF THE TF out of these strvs are you kidding bro hahaha its so absalutly absurd this nation.


Your right! When I posted this was before the update regarding the low fragmentation effect after pen bug. But what is op that needs a nerf or other nations need considerable buff is SWEDEN

Sweden is broken currently.
all 3 strvs with the best spall liner in the game
best round in the game
good mobility
great AAA
Great CAS
Country has 0 compromise.

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“Best round”
Sure m/95 is decent but not the best
“Great CAS”
What cas, the strike viggens?

Sweden is decent but most definitely not overpowered.

increase the max br to 12.7 air and the 11.3 br would be playable again. F4 phantoms agaisnt f-16s and mig29s is so dumb

the russian tanks do not need a buff wtf are u on


How and who thought that putting the Ariete AMV and leopard 2A7V on the same br was a great idea


Clearly balanced
Ariete needs to aim for the leos weak spots

the leo just needs to shoot at you


Is there any chance of the F-1 being reworked? It is not competitive at all at its current BR (10.3) and is missing laser guided ordnance as well as countermeasures. It being classified as a fighter is also not accurate as it is a strike aircraft very similar to the SEPECAT Jaguar.

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the thing is even if they add laser guided bomb. it has nothing to guide them, since it never had a pod.
most likely it was meant to be used alongside the JGSDF, where the ground unit is the one giving laser target for the F-1

While there is not any mention of countermeasures or laser targeting pods in the original flight manual from MHI, all of the later upgrades (which started almost immediately after the F-1 was accepted into service) were done by the TDRI in direct coordination with the JASDF which don’t release documents of this nature. It’s especially difficult to definitively say what the Japanese were doing with the F-1 while it was in service alongside the F-2. All we have to work with in are rare photographs of armed aircraft and inferences based on what was in use by other aircraft at the time. There is however, concrete proof of the 91式爆弾用誘導装置 (GCS-1) which is a more advanced passive IR homing device attached to Mk-82 and M117 bombs. Even if the F-1 actually never could accept a laser designator pod, it would still be in the realm of believability and bring some fun to an otherwise neglected, poorly balanced vehicle.


i mean if you managed to find anything concrete for GCS-1 can be used for ground target, sure go ahead.
but you need to convince gaijin pretty hard since it was argued at the old forum, it cannot lock onto ground target or not enough evidence for it to be able to lock on to ground target.

i don’t really care whatabout-ism as long as it’s in realm of possiblity, like F-15J can actually use GBU since they cannot remove the computer for it like the F-4EJ.

Match making is very broken currently.
Other end of the scale, my rank one tri engined Italian Bomber, was just shot down by a Rank four Sakeen.

There is being up tiered and then being UP TIERED.

Either there is a an exploitable grouping system or match maker is very very broken…

I wish i’d screened it, but I was so WTF


UK can’t have nice things …

unless they’re African, Indian, Russian or Swedish maybe ?

Threadly reminder that all bias discussions should be stopped while Su-22M3 stays just a single BR step below premium Tornado.

With the current matchmaking system, we are nothing but entertainment for Russian players who need to strengthen their confidence and belief in Russian invincibility. And thus, we are purely naïve entertainment for these players.


I have a question to developers and game designers. Taking in account that current matchmaking in 80% of cases does not balance properly (like in 5 minutes half of one team is exited to hangar) and knowing that fact that developers does not allow player to choose side and balance teams by themself - what do you think about competence of these designers and coders?

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Su-27 2 circle ability is really bad and since the f15 buff it cant out 1 circle the f15 anymore, it needs a buff to its thrust or 1v1 capability