Last i checked it was still 11.0? Although it may have been moved to 11.3 but i doubt it considering its been unchanged for years.
It has now, just checked 11.3, works exactly the same way except for the fact that there are more premium spams. It literally doesn’t matter cause the only reason people die to it is when they don’t notice it. I really think it is one of those things that will work BRs below 12.0 just the same, although FK90 spam will change things a bit.
I mean, your in a mig 21 frame that retains more energy with excellent non all aspect missiles. Should it be higher? depends but it can stay at 11.3 for now. the bis sau and all the other mig 21 bis’ with r60ms need to be moved back up. I dont think tis right for me to get 5k games everytime i get even a slight downtier in it.
Yeah, also Mig23, 11.0? with R24s which are ok and R60M, 6 missiles in total with good radar for BR.
Dont even mate, my tornado gr 1 is sat at 11.7 because apparently pgms constitute a higher br in air… dumb fcking… cant even… My sea harrier is now a higher br than a mig 23 in sim.
That seems correct from a holistic pov - but the reality looks different.
Same here, right thinking but the reality looks different.
As soon as you realize that the MM (see title of this closed thread) has way more functions than admitted by gaijin you might change your mind.
As there are countless threads dealing with MM or SBMM in this forum i make it short:
The main target of any devs is to keep players in the so called “flow zone”:
The main thinking is that the commitment to play the game (and to spend money) depends on the perfect mix of fun & challenge.
The main parameters to steer difficulty:
- BR of the used vehicle
- Player skill on average in each team
- Player skill on average in certain nations in each team
As BRs are changed just 2-3 times a year is logical that the MM has to steer the game and player results from an average pov.
Imho you speak just for yourself.
If you take a look in this forum one of the main topics is that players want a fair game play (mainly BR / balancing discussions) - but this makes no economic sense for gaijin as one of the main sales strategies is to create the illusion that a certain premium vehicle might be suited to overcome fully intended obstacles.
Wait so if I understand your post correctly my skill on average in battles determine my difficulty? Point 2 and 3 you mentioned. Does that mean that if I consistently play well that I would get more up tiers, ie. more difficult games? Because if so I feel sorry for anyone in my team for the next week, I am going to be throwing games so hard so that my up tier count can decrease back down to a 50/50 ratio.
I’ve made a curious observation:
- Time since last played (mode on mode basis) seems to affect something.
In Naval RB, if I havn’t played in 2 weeks my first game ends up full of dumb bots that give me an easy 50-100K SL. I re-queue and I am now placed into a difficult match against actual players. This on a sunday evening with good population numbers in the MM display at a popular farming BR.
Observed same in GRB. First match since weeks gave me a 11 kill 0 death game and a few other easy ones. Then I ended up in constant matchmakers with squads on both teams.
Same for ARB. Havn’t touched the F8E in a while. It’s not spaded, it has stock syndrome and yet… got 2 b2b 3 kill games with my enemies doing the dumbest flying I witnessed (like vertically stalling themselves out while painted with a radar lock in a F5E - a plane that could easily beat my plane stock vs stock or spaded vs spaded in a dogfight and the fact that I am using only aim9C should have clued the guy in that I’m stock).
If youve ever played with Friends you would instantly realise your matches tend to just be uptiers non stop, especially in air. I could be playing for an hour or two before, grinding like butter but as soon as i join my buddy we’re sent into the ace combat universe.
This right here will make me quit War Thunder. I am all for a struggle every now and then but if almost every game is an up tier that is just incredibly frustrating.
Two things:
- Balancing of lobbies:
Gaijin uses a system to balance lobbies. You find several threads dealing with that.
They determine (based on several criteria) your skill - and try to balance with this the whole lobby. At least in theory a good thing, as on average the lobbies should have equally balanced skill levels.
In reality the system has severe flaws as the complexity of it’s game setup makes it extremely difficult to assess actual combat power in which game mode, in which vehicle (stock or spaded) etc.
That’s why you see sometimes in Air RB whole teams of highly experienced tankers fighting whole teams of highly experienced pilots with the usual outcome.
In addition to that - your recent game performance plays a role too. Some say 10 games, i would guess that it counts at least 15 games.
Difficulty adjustments via the MM
I mean if you think about what i wrote - it makes sense. Having fun & a challenge at the same time increases player commitment, just google a few keywords and you find dozens of studies dealing with that.
Up- or downtiers are only part of the main issue - you said by yourself that skill can compensate hardware disadvantages (at least to a certain degree). The problem is the number of players in a queues and their vehicles - and mainly their skill value determined by gaijin. The higher you are, the less experienced are your team mates.
So if you sit on a win streak of 10-15 wins in a row you might notice two effects:
Your relative positioning within your team increases; the display of players on the scoreboard right after spawn is no accident, it reflects your skill assessment by gaijin.
At the same time your own team becomes less smart/experienced whilst the number of skilled players in the enemy team increases.
Imho this observation:
is 100% correct.
Imho there is no need to give up. Uptier loops does not necessarily mean that you shall be punished for playing good; they are way more influenced by players in the queue (and their BRs) and topics like FOTM.
The 2 main things i criticise is:
The BR setting policy by gaijin (claiming a “realistic fighting chance” vs vehicles 1 BR higher) looks more than a marketing tool instead of a real willingness to balance.
It boils down that if you meet an equally skilled player with 1 BR higher you have usually no realistic fighting chance. And even if the skill floor of your opponent is way lower - try to fight a 4.3 Yak-3 in a 3.3 Sakeen. -
Outside the main times for playing (depending on your server) it looks like that generating matches overrides everything else. So it is not unusual to get in very small 6 vs 6 matches (Air RB) in which you face squads of try hards in severely undertiered vehicles, which predetermines the outcome.
Have a good one!
My issue with this systems comes when every game is an up tier. A friend of mine asked me to join him on his quest to spade every vehicle in the German tank tree. So for about a week starting last Sunday we played about 10 games a day. Of all the games we played, at a BR of 8.3, only one was not an up tier. Last year when I was still playing ground RB a lot I logged the BR of every game and over 80% of games were up tiers.
Like I said in an earlier post. I don’t mind a challenge but that ratio is excessive. It’s just not fun getting stomped by vastly superior tanks in what feels like every game. And if it isn’t fun what’s the point of playing? Fighting stabilized, composite beasts like the T-64’s and Merkava’s in my M48A2 G A2 was a serious head ache. I understand it’s possible to go one on one and come out on top but if every game is an unfair uphill battle it drains all the fun out of the game for me.
Its why we tend to ignore certain br’s, 9.0 is the go to as its very rare to see full uptiers where as any and all games at 8.0-9.- Will be 9.0 at the minimum. 9.3 and above is the same. What doesnt help is that he plays germany and its just a fact, and ill argue anyone about this, german teams are god awfull. They dont play objective and have no object permanence so ive had multiple situations where im holding the entire game and as soon as im taken out we crumple and im stuck pushing 8 guys at once…
50/50? I wish.
More like 75% of the time uptiered… and of that 60% is a full BR.
Doing the math… 45% of ALL my battles I face a full BR uptier.
(love your response to the system though lololol)
I mean technically seen 75% of your matches are either full or partly uptiers - and just 25% should be a full downtier.
But it looks like that this 25% chance of a full downtier exists just in theory and depends extremely on your mode, highly popular vehicles in other nations, your server and the time when you play.
This perfectly explains how my teams are often ignoring like 95% of the map right from the start and still manage to lose control of the 5% they are all bunched up at.
Ah yes, so much better with its
- worse gun
- worse missiles
- barely faster turning airframe
Maybe don’t dogfight it?
Yeah, yet gaijin conveniently acts blind. Also compared to the j7d the a5c is just worse
1st question… how tf did you do colored text??
2nd question… you do know the Su-33 has no Fox 3s? So why would it be in the same bracket?
Why is the tiger E 6.0 still it got nerfed and br raised they removed volumetrics on the turret now its a easy one tap for anything with 100mm plus pen