[Discussion] Balance, Bias, Matchmaking and Battle Ratings

The worst top tier tank is the Ariete hands down

Yes, but not enough to say they should be more than 1.0 apart

I’m aware

Yes, but as I was saying, even poor shots kill them often. The only time your saved is if someone hits every ERA panel. But the T-80U can be far easier killed by a Leo-2a6 or 2a7

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They can still fight the Leopards and kill them reliably it shouldn’t be the same br as the leopard but it can still fight it without problems. It should only receive a lower br so it has a lower spawn cost.

Trade off for easier to one shot kill and reload. To me Leopards and STRV122Bs 13.0, could also let some of us non CAS players from top tier CAS which will then be 13.7.
Leclerc goes 12.3 with buff, along ZTZ99A, Abrams and Challengers. 12.7 belongs to the less good leopards (STRV122A and 2A6/A5) and T80BVM/T90M. 13.0 for insane leopards.
Oh yeah, also means very weak tanks are staying 12.0 like VT4 and Ariete.

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Screenshot 2025-01-02 145923
Shoutout to the Q-5A and L being 10.3 and 10.7 without missiles in sim.

Only 0.3/0.7 lower than the Su-22s, and the same BR as a nearly identical plane that has Magic-1s too. The F-4E is also at 10.7, and it can base bomb just as good.

What’s with this terrible BR balancing?


Want to know something even better?

The Q-5L is 11.0 in arcade and the Q-5A is 10.0 despite being near identical.

Next decompression WHEN


Now we have BR separation when will mig27 get br reduction

чо с балансом?

Move every single high overload Fox-3 capable jet up to 14.0 (13.7 for F-14A IRIAF and F-14B) and increase the max BR to 14.3 with the current 14.0 aircraft.

Change up/downtier for matchmaking from +/- 1.0 to 0.3.

BR Improvements (above taken into account):

DISCLAIMER: These are all my opinion and are all the aircraft I could think of from the top of my head. Reply with improvements and post will be edited in due course. Of course, new top tier additions will go straight to the 14.3 (and beyond) pile, depending on how much more capable they are compared to current top tier aircraft. Don’t expect much to change unless major things technologically like stealth (in fighters), thrust vectoring and/or electronic warfare/jamming are modelled & implemented with said jet(s).


  • F-14A IRIAF
  • F-14B
  • AV-8B Plus
  • Su-27
  • Su-33
  • Mirage 2000C-S4/S5
  • Mirage 4000
  • MiG-29 (USSR; include R-73 and keep R-60M, for historical accuracy)
  • MiG-29G


  • JAS39C
  • F-16C/AM
  • F-15C/J/Baz (basically all F-15C-like without the SpaceX engines…)
  • Su-34
  • F-16C
  • MiG-29SMT (pending jet flight model and R-77 overall drag improvements…)


  • All Eurofighters
  • Rafale
  • F-15E/Ra’am
  • Su-27SM
  • F-16V (not an actual jet in War Thunder yet but it’s essentially the F-16C with a single F-15E engine (yes, really))

Shame this forum doesn’t have a downvote option.


That severely compresses the game, as well as overtiering some planes. 0.3 is too small of a MM spread because it only allows for 2 BR steps in a match, which makes balancing a single bracket harder.

Also, you can’t use red text, it’s reserved for mods only.


What do you disagree with?

I get that but how do you propose separating aircraft with vastly different capabilities and forcing the player to occasionally (read: very frequently) play within/against a group of aircraft that have more advanced weapons than their own (cough, F-16A and others like it)?

Your 0.3 spread isn’t needed at all, just push BRs up.

Why is SU27SM 14.3, even if the missile is fixed, it is still inferior in terms of radar performance, as N001 is just not a 14.3 radar, no where close to even the F16A radar.

F-16C/D Block 52 exists, it has the 229 engine ¯_(ツ)_/¯
(F-16I Sufa intensifies)

Gaijin - “we use statistics to balance our game”, also gaijin not using the correct statistics of kd and battle presence but sl and rp gain… Although that does put into question how they manage to balance premiums? Probably something stupid like using a flat multiplayer…

Although this does point out some issues with this like the panther daulphene (or however you speell it…) going up to 7.3? Shows what a panther can do in skilled hands but honestly they shouldn’t be lower than 6.0 but no higher than 6.7 (for the panther 2).