It was OP in GRB, because of 5 bullpups and/or 2 walleyes. It was untouchable for nearly every SPAA too.
Yeah, You won’t be able to tell him any resonable things.
Anyone who used this thing or played against it knows why it was moved.
Strelas could easily destroy it with practically 0 counterplay. Clouds also made it completely useless which was especially frustrating on desert maps.
Also I don’t understand your point on the bullpups. The Gr.91 can carry 4 at 8.7 with significantly better flight performance and the ability to defend itself from CAP, yet no1 talks about it.
Hot take: the strela was fine where it is, other SPAA needed to be moved down with it. Having cloud cover is a good thing, since it wasn’t able to kill tanks as easily. It also gave the plane some cover from other fighters and some SPAA.
The A4E has good enough flight performance for 8.7. The G.91 has Nord AGMs, which are worse than bullpups.
It was way too good for 8.7 in GRB.
I mean the cloud cover that forces you to fly lower than 800 ft or be completely blind. Just one massive low cloud blanket that makes the AGMs completely useless.
I haven’t used nords but they look pretty similar on paper.
I agree, but putting it at 9.3 with the F-104 and right below the Harrier seems like high, especially as it now means it faces strelas.
all of that is true for other jets at 8.7 too however they don’t get 2 guided bombs and 3 bullpups to shoot at 7.7-8.7
You want more undertiered planes?
The F14s right now are beyond dominant at the BRs they are seeing, purely due to the multipath nerf, which im all for just need to make sure things are balanced where they are, the fact two or three of them can literally now obliterate the majority of a team is not balanced.
Ive had people on here and reddit argue that the F14s are better than every mig29 model, and even folk claim better than the su27. Which i disagree with, but not many 10.7s can content with them at all.
ideally what we all want and need is decompression throughout all the ranks.
The F-14s are fragging players that have RWR muted.
Nothing changed for Phoenix.
Multipath didn’t protect against Phoenix as much as you think they did.
I can’t think of a 10.7 that suffers against an F-14 as part of a wolf pack.
theyre not just pheonixes though are they, the initially wipe most the team, then are also a pretty good platform as well.
And yes multipathing did affect pheonixes a lot, it has changed for them, the buff they got a while ago combined with the multipath changes now you can watch 11.0 lobbies completely melt to them, 4 or 5 people die to them insanely quickly at the beggining.
and nah even folks with their RWR not muted are getting whacked by them.
Multipath change didn’t increase the lethality of Phoenix.
And their radars didn’t get buffed.
F-4F and E easily avoids getting hit by Phoenixes.
“Only 4 shitty ass missile” r73 and r60m arent shit bruh, su25s are really fun to dogfight with once you drop payload
how did multipath not increase the lethality of pheonixes it increased lethality of all radar missiles ?
and yeah i can dodge them in my EJ as well. but again ill say, if there are 3 or 4 F14s on teh enemy team, your team is all but gone in the first 4 minutes due to the aim54 spam.
Im not sitting here saying this for no reason, its beyond brutal right now at 11.0 area due the F14s
they are
R60M is too easy to get flared
and R73 is pretty much just fancy R60M
it’s resistance against flare is still shit
learnt this from experience
Cause multipath isn’t what protected people from Phoenixes, especially if the missile was launched from over 10,000 meters.
Due to their lack of knowledge and application of tactics.*
Has nothing to do with the missile’s alleged power.
I fought F-14As using Mirage 3C back when F-14A was correctly 11.3 and memed on them.
The multipath changes at most make the F-14A mid from its previous less capable state.
F-4EJ Kai is still superior to the F-14A in countermeasures, weapons, and radar.
R73 has the best irccm in the game lmao its not wunder waffe to shoot from 6km all aspect, shoot it closer preferably rear aspect and it cant be flared then
what about the harriers? the GR7 has literally no way to respond to an F14 of the same BR at all unless they get within 2km and put themselves infront of it.
or for example the mirage 2k D has 16 CMs.
AJS37 as well. etc etc.
all of these jets can see the F14 and dont even have CMs never mind an RWR capable of accurately pinging where an aim54 may be coming from.
And multipath was a massive protection for people against F14s hence why theyre doing so well again, im not gonna sit and argue if multipath helped Aim54s or not when it clearly has in game.
And the F14A was busted at 11.3 hell its still busted at 11.7 if the pilot knows how to fly it at all.
the F4EJ kai has the same missiles aim7Fs, better IR missiles, doesnt have pheonixes, has 30 more cms fair, but is a far worse platform to fire from. The F14 can run rings around a phantom.
like i said, i want the game decompressed so its equally matched, the F4EJ kai is also one of the best phantoms in the game.
GR7 turns, chaffs, turns back toward the F-14.
If an F-14 does the mistake of trying to dogfight GR7, they die to the AIM-9M.
Mirage 2000 DR1 has 262 countermeasures, only 54 of which are standard size, and Mirage C has 98 countermeasures, 48 of which are chaff only and large caliber.
AJS-37 has 48 countermeasures of large caliber.
The F-14A was mid at 11.3 when I faced it.
It became sub-par for 11.7 with all other 11.7s being vastly superior to it. The F-4J was entirely equal to it despite being a lower BR.
the f14 at 11.3 made literally the entire meta of the game turn on its head how was it mid? xD also the GR7 cannot pull that many turns without leaving itself open.
again the delta winged heavy jets like the AJS37 cant out menuever the F14A at all.
and yeah i never noticed the flare pods for the ajs my apoligies
but the mirage 2000D R1 has only 16 cms no idea where youre getting 262 from? it has 16 large ones now.
the F4J is no where near equal to the F14, the F14 can menuevere better, has better speed, acceleration, has the same aim7Fs if you so choose, has better missiles as well, (barely) but better.
why defend the F14 so heavily, they could easily go up to a respectec 12.0 and 12.3 and still absolutely slap.
Edit, also jets like the japanese F4EJ, the F4E for germany F4E for america and the J7D, mig21 lazure. all suffer at the hands of the F14.
i have the lazur and the F4EJ for japan and the F14 genuinely is about the only jet i actively try to avoid a bit in combat.
The F-14A at 11.3 fragged people that didn’t have the knowledge of defeating Phoenix missiles, that’s it.
By the time F-14A went to 11.7 most of the playerbase knew how to defeat Phoenix missiles and people were going away from playing F-14.
Within a week of F-14A being 11.7 effectively no one played it anymore and switched to the F-4J.
I’m attacking the F-14A, not defending it.
The F-14A is something I almost exclusively fought against in 2022 through present.
They are not and will never be equivalent to anything in the higher ranges.
F-14A isn’t even as good as Mirage 2000C.
I like the F-14, but people defending it with at this point American propaganda is not helpful.
It’s better to learn to defeat that worst ARHs in the game than to demand the mid platforms be moved to where they don’t belong.
Every single 12.0 in the game is vastly superior to F-14A.
Every single 12.3 in the game is vastly superior to F-14B.
All the F-4Es in the game handily defend against Phoenixes.