Add anti radiation missile then Pantsir will have more problem to deal with (well forcing them to be more creative like turn of radar)
Most top tier SPAAs have IRST.
There’s no need for that. It’s much easier to just shoot down the missile. Pantsir is the best spaa to shoot down missiles.
You can’t lock with irst while radar turned off.
that right so if they don’t have some kind of head trauma they’ll know how to deal with ARM
Or they can just shoot it down
not like they gonna face Longbow hellfire that if Apache pissed enough they just fire all 16 longbow hellfire at one Pantsir
Oh right, only ADATS can lock with radar off
Even if it was 13.7 or whatever it would be people complaining about, I’m not against of any sort of possible decompression that moves it, as the community asks, to a higher BR,
Actually I’m really in favor for decompression, specially the black hole that 11.3 turned to be, it’s uncommon to play 9.3 to 10.3 without going to a full uptier match.
People are complaining about it because only Russia has it and it’s undertierd af.
SPAAs are not oppressive right now so its probably not a good idea to add them. Even if it gets added to “counter” the Pantsir, other SPAAs will get caught in the crossfire.
I could list vehicles (would take a time) that are undertiered that people doesn’t mention,
96K6 is not undertiered, it’s on maximum BR we have for ground if you can understand, and as I said, I wouldn’t care if it was moved to 13.7 along with other vehicles as the community asks for.
Or maybe, as only Russia has it, just give other nations the exact same vehicle then.
There’s plenty of undertierd vehicles that ppl ignore bc they’re either almost never played in minor nations or in rank 1-2 where no1 with experience actually cares. The Panstsir is in your face every toptier match.
Pansir is a very powerful SPAA but I don’t think it really needs a nerfing, more that the game BRs need to be stretched out significantly overall, its crazy that there’s ATGM launching AFVs in the same battles as ww2 tanks and that the ww2 jets fight early vietnam jets in air games. gaijin is slowly working on it, too slow but its something
There already is.
SPAA better than Pantsir is needed in all 10 tech trees.
Pantsir is only OP to those that want to marry it.
Yeah I just played top tier GRB as Russia. I died 4 times to an F-16 with a Maverick. Nothing I could do about it since it was one of the arctic maps where you cannot hide as anywhere as a Pantsir. I can’t believe people actually want the Pantsir nerfed lol.
Pansir can lock most of CAS without warning, you can only see the signal on your RWR, but don’t know if it has launched the missiles or not
Yes great idea, then be back here 5 mins after its introduced complaining that all the other SPAAs get killed by it and the Pantsir needs to be nerfed still AND complaining about Russians having HARM to… do people actually think about the knock on effects of adding new weapon systems at all?
That is in no way unique to the Pantsir, in fact the ADATS uses TV/IRST tracking exclusively and unlike the Russian SPAAs can turn its radar off entirely and still lock targets with out triggering ANY RWR
CAS spammers obviously do, so they can brainlessly bully tanks with out any real threat. I think most ground players just want equivalent SPAAs in the other tech trees, as a Japan main I know I would like something with more than 6km max range
Pantsir is fine where it is, other SAMs should be made better or lowered in BR instead of trying to make the pantsir worse.
There is always a pansir up lmao. I have more chance of winning a lottery than fighting a Russia team with no pansir spanwed
If you use MAV that u would know that it’s not a one-hit-kill missile at all. Pre-buff was almost trash. after buff it’s better but still worse than the one on Su-25SM3. MAV is much slower, giving the target a lot of time to move behind cover or pansir plenty of time to intercept. It also has lower explosive mass so it does not guarantee one-hit-kill on Medium tanks. The Pansir need to have serious skill issue to be unable to intercept MAV.
I agree decompressing max BR higher 11.7 for ground vehicle top tier. but Pantsir-S1 unchange battle rating
I guess SAM top tier 12.3 BR for soviet tech tree maybe Pantsir-S1M
Strela killing TOP TIER jets and its missiles are unflarable.