Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Rafale and Typhoon both have a 30 degree instantaneous turn rate while the Typhoon has 23 degree sustained and Rafale has 24 degree sustained rate.

Before Tranche 4(?) LEREX they were limited to 70 Degrees of AOA while the Rafale had 100-110 degrees, after LEREX the typhoon is also at about 100 degrees.

Rafale has a slightly better Lift-Drag ratio because of its wing sweep but that is barely noticeable

I would say the Typhoon and Rafale are about tied and it would come down to pilot skill so no real point in arguing about it.


Gaijin will “balance” Dutch Leopard 2A4 at 10.7 because of “muh statistics”

Basically what they did with the Hunter F6

my favorites!

The Dutch have an insane amount of unclassified and public documents on their retired and active equipment, so they might get higher BR’s as we can actually prove these vehicles had fancy stuff (armour values, munition, etc.). XD

I hope the low-tier BeNeLux stuff gets added, but due to France having plenty, I fear I won’t see the goofy stuff(or the Dutch Ram IIs).

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Yeah, I’ll be very interested to see how they’ll implement Benelux ground…


yea that one ahah

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Both will most likely end up as Polish subs lol

We could finally get the Marmon-Harrington in game!

I’ve totally forgot about it and now laying in heaps of files lol

More ridiculous than anything I have said today. Im impressed

That was a joke, mate.


Good now cope : )

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Yugo was but no doubt Czechoslovakia will be a sub

Probably just random vehicles sprinkled throughout, like Argentina. Idk if France has room for another tree, without adding a 6th.

The issue is that their high tier lineups are pretty sparse but there is enough low tier stuff to not warrant combining some of the trees.

Im not quite sure it was intended as one.

And I am.

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We can agree to disagree on that one.

You’re wrong regardless of if we do, however.