Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

what a surprise

And the Harrier is 500 km/h faster and has triple the climb rate.

The only real loadout option for the A-10C is 3x AGM-65D, very maybe 1x AGM-65G if it can be placed next to the tpod and the rest will be APKWS. Every other armament option is just dead weight.

But i just need that P2V-7B Neptune!


you didn’t mention any other characteristics so neither did I

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youtube and the news comments

Cant we just all agree that A-10C is THE abysmal dogshit

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I just assumed the A-10C being a shitty platform wasn’t something that needed to be mentioned.


the HE VT shells on the HSTV-L finally work

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When the competition are updates like Alpha Strike, the bar isn’t very high.

They also updated the visual model of the F-111F so that it has the same countermeasure pods as the F-111C. They only need to change the numbers in game still.

The fact that the J-10A is being added at the end of the Taiwanese fighter line and not in a second PRC line is a massive disappointment.



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No one posted this yet?

Edit: obv. because MuH nAvAl dEed GaYm


AV-8B Night Attack and AV-8B Harrier II Plus (USMC) no BOL dispensers

I never saw A-10C armed AGM-65G in USAF service

I want to see new Tpod with 2+ gen or early 3rd gen FILR thermal on A-10C and better AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening II

I’m surprised no 4x AIM-9M on AV-8B Night Attack

So now it’s just a slightly worse OTOMATIC lol, wonder how soon we’re going to see US players pushing for it to be an SPAA so they can spawn it in for less

Oh yeah, it’s all comin’ together…

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With only 26 rounds total and no radar? I think the US players will keep it as a light tank.

They’ll charge blindly because “muh spawn points” but yeah it’s not gonna be a good SPAA lol

so @Deathmisser how’s the bingo card going for ya ?