Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

if it’s just for a Nuke may aswell just add a Famous one for each side

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Nuke like in ground modes?

they would be useful to have a complete tree that’s all

there wouldn’t be any difference with any other submarines really, basically a similar torpedo load, sound signature, except maybe for active sonar return, since they are bigger, but i’m not sure about that.

They would also be largely capable of hunting down other vessels so no reason not to add them

They just don’t think to begin with

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hey that was his idea not mine

but yes

fair enough lmao

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they do think and plan very effectively

just not to our advantage

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Oh they sure are effective/efficient…

I really wish we could get some Q&As with the devs, but on the other hand I have a feeling that questions regarding less popular additions and changes (or the lack of changes when it comes to certain vehicles…) would just get skipped over

i wonder how they imagined vehicles like the challenger 1/2/3 being played with the map changes

i think they should really let us vote for a proposed map change instead of just changing it and then plugging their ears when players start complaining

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The ww2 challenger or the modern challenger?

Also are you talking about the destroyed bridges variant or the new cap layout variant?

just the map changes in general for any map that got rid of spots vehicles like the modern chally pretty much relied on to not get instantly atomized

Oh fair, luckily the Challenger should not have to play on the destroyed bridges variant. And while I can only speak from my Challenger DS, I think I’ll have a lot more fun with that thing on the new version than on the old one.

Of course I would prefer if they move the caps a little further apart.

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we’ll see

Yo, thats hella cool!! I love bagpipes, I wishbyoubthe greatest day possible!

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If it works like the ground rb nuke (you have to unlock them with a certain amount of SP), then I can almost guarantee that a Scharnhorst player will get the nuke every time.

I say this as a Scharnhorst player, who doesnt play it too much lately because it starts to feel like a war crime nowadays

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also, something which i think is rather important, on the dev server my game bluescreens my pc very often with eac seemingly being the one to blame. not sure if they changed something but this rarely happens on live. no other games that use eac do this for me.
am i the only one or are there more people that have this? if so ill make a bug report

Do you have a Riot game that requires Riot Vanguard installed?


On the A-10C you are unable to install mavs and the tgp on the right wing simultaneously. Is this a bug or is it meant to be a balancing thing?