Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

F-18 has all that and more my fren

Sad as the F/A-18A was my most wanted variant. Over the fancy middle ones.

Yes, but on a way slower and more draggy airframe :)

I love the Hornet, but the Tomcat has a special place in my heart

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Tomcat will never be underappreciated, but I just am dying to see some variant of a hornet by now

Me too, me too…

A lot of nations would benefit from Hornet

Hope so.

There is a bit more of a precedent for the Aussie one with the Vark but I hope it’s the Maple one the UK gets.


Maybe this is hopium, but I dont think we’re super far out from a Typhoon

I think we’ll get it this year

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I say we are at least 6+ months from the typhoon.


Most likely we get the Typhoon in the Summer update of next year.

Can’t see it coming if Germany is getting a Swiss Hornet in December


We are off the same mind : )

I think since Gaijin has opened pandoras box (Fox-3’s), no vehicle is really off the table now

Yes there are things like AESA radar that might be avoided for now, and implementations of imaging-seeker IR’s

But collectively, the meta has reached a very massive new height, and I think the slow roll of gen 4/4.5’s will follow suit

We aren’t a sub Tree but we are in the tree, always have been. Australia has always been tied directly to the British trees though premiums and in game vehicles and decals and events. This isn’t new


I think we could get the Super Tomcat in the October/November update. Would be a pretty good time to add it.

clearly we live in a bad timeline, the correct timeline would’ve continued the F-14 development

Should’ve been saved for an event, the av8b+ is enough for tt and another prem Hurts our performance

the US’s winrate was always doomed my fren

Btw, saw a vid, it has the built in FLIR already. Just different angles/zoom than the pod.
Nice to see!

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We could’ve had it all

Christmas maybe? For Uk/Ger/Ita along some more opportunity to sell a batch of premiums for people to grind the EF