Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

They are about the same tho no?

I hope so, I wanna fly out the EFT so god damn bad and for once the meta to be around minor nations not the US and Russia, the last time I can think a minor nation lead the meta was Japan with the T-2

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How about after France gets a squadron vehicle for air and the Arietes get fixed ;)

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These were the three last updates of last year.

If the update schedule is the same this time around (maybe it isn’t but let’s assume) then “Dance of Dragons” will release roughly in the same time as “Sons of Attila”, being late September.

This leaves two major updates until the end of the year.

I personally suspect we could get a rollout of Hornets to a bunch of nations in late October/early December, similar to how “Kings of Battle” rolled out M109s.

Possibly we’d get Eurofighter and other top of the line fighters in mid to late December, similar to how “Air Superiority” gave us F-15, Su-27 etc.


Call the DoD and tell them to stop making good aircraft and erase all records of existing fighters then lol

Arietes will never get fixed, they are cursed

Nah F-14d way cooler

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So no F-14D squadron vehicle? Fine by me )))

I just hate the in game F-14A default camo, they had literally dozens of good choices but noo

Nah Mirage III NG is way cooler than a tomcat with extra steps

i think the only good mirages were the 2000+

well thats the thing once the EFT is in game america doesnt really get a better plane then it until the F22 and F35, the hornets will be a good fight but america in the future most likely will take a back seat in the meta

Speaking of good choices, please allow me to plug this here suggestion I made ;-)

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You, are a good man

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I don’t personal care much about the EFT but even I think you guys deserve it and hope it will be the big point this Christmas.


Also I like to warn people I may get a tad excited for my own good since these updates is when they like to add new nations : )

So yea just pre warning you lol


I love this wholesome vibe that’s going on, I sure hope it lasts :P

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cant have that. ahh bloody gajoobles gib X vehicle and i hate all nations bar italy… i loathe italy

Super hornets and advanced eagle series + BLK 70 f16 could balance it out. Also, the f22 isn’t that far off from eft at least in dates of service

If the fourth update of this year is a themed one like that of the last year (Kings of Battle), I hope the theme is LCAs and Advanced Trainers