Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Strike aircraft are the perfect premium because you dont have to choose between air or ground, when the vehicle can be used in both

(to varying degrees of success)

It would also be unrealistic IMO to see things like an early F-15 prototype, or F-16

Well with China getting the JF-17 No doubt the US will get a squad F-16 soon.

So for them asking for the F-111C over an F-16 is just laughable

I’m not to miffed about it honestly. US has the more capable AV-8B plus in the TT anyhow

F-14D as a squadron, calling it

Sure, but where are the strike premiums for Britain, France, Sweden and Israel?

(Would have mentioned japan as well, but you know how it is for them)

At a more painful BR

F-16’s seems more likely : ) lol

Hmmmmm… I’d prefer it to be TT, but if it’s between that or not getting it at all, I’m taking the squadron vehicle.

I get good results with it, you just gotta play it in a certain way

The stock grind is not good though

I dont subscribe to the opinion that every nation “needs” a premium jet that is similar to or equal to what another nation gets

I personally think the F-14D isn’t unique enough to warrant its addition previous to the F-18, not saying it shouldn’t be added, but I dont think we would benefit from getting it before an F-18

So, more strike premiums for the US and USSR then?

Can’t wait for the inevitable premium F-111, A-7, Su-22 and Su-24

Usually the larger tech trees get more support in premiums, especially if they are popular

As it always has been the case, US, USSR, and Germany have always been the more popular nations to grind. Gaijin is simply offering supply to the demand

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I mean we are overdue for the F/A-18A.

To the point that I think if we do get it’ll be the F/A-18A+ variant instead of the base version.

Base F/A-18A as a premium, F/A-18A+ as a SQV and the F/A-18C as a TT plane lol

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With Smin teasing about more Commonwealth thing (Not Indian) I think he could be teasing a Hornet for us.


We would not benefit from an f-18A, we’re so past that era

I agree 18A+ would be ideal

I mainly desire it for it’s digital all-aspect radar, cockpit with MFDs/HUD for SIM, IRST, AIM-9M, and highly probable pairing with AIM-120s

And for it’s iconic legacy as the last and most capable of the Tomcat lineage.


Given Gaijin’s past in December the US is definitely getting an F/A-18A+ and everyone else is getting an F/A-18C or equivalent