Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

can we at least know if germany will receive this update something for air? That would maybe make some people shut up

Evidently not, and I wouldn’t expect anything in the October/November update, either, since that’s always a small one.

considering the leak list has both boxer and puma s1 i sincerely doubt it.

perfect for adding a copy paste subtree!

A separate topic on the forum - what can be added to Germany from jet aircraft.

Still bothers me so much it only says boxer

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so that’s what HMS stands for /s

i know technically dutch ships don’t have the HMS before their name, but since it’s an old british carrier, i couldn’t resist


What are you talking about? Molesting the ctrl, c, and v keys takes a lot of effort!

I mean not everything has to be on the leak list. Could be something like an upgraded alpha jet or he280



I mean the bundeswehr guy was also pretty sad/salty, but that one was just karma.

Then again fleks is usually salty.

The practice of introducing similar aircraft into the game for other countries already exists.

The only things Germany can get that are better than the F-4F ICE are the Swiss F/A-18C and Typhoon, and we know that neither is coming this update.

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I mean cant they get something from Austria or Argentina?

U missed the opportunity to pist the one in the britain colours, i am dissapointed in you

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Took some time for the news to sink in lol.

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I wasn’t asking about something better. I was just asking for something for the air tree which can be rank 1 to 8

Argentina isn’t a sub nation of Germany, and Austria can only offer a Typhoon.

Can we expect teasir 2day?


There was a fairy whose name was Nuff. Fairy Nuff.