Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yay. There is Mogador in files.

Sorry to bother @Smin1080p_WT , but are there any plans for a pre-order or GE/researchable skin for the AV-8B (NA) Harrier II pack premium, or is that something you have no knowledge of this early into the dev server cycle?

(Apologies if this was a stupid question)

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More importantly there is this thing in the files


What’s that?

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The arras:


French coastal is already worth a while just because of this freighter.


Source is provided by the RAAF Web site.


@gromvoiny anything regarding that?

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this change just screams Russian Bias since there are now a lot less sniper sideshots from the “blocked” side of the map so most darts coming from the front where the armor is best on the T-Series Tanks.
Also Russia can still use the “blocked” side of the map since they have most of the Amphibius Tanks at the Higher BRs.

this is exactly why i didn’t whant to see this puma were gonna get in game in game , simply because it’s literally the puma we had for years , just with a spike launcher addded , that’s it .

waiting a couple years and puting the MUSS 2.0 version would have actually been way more interesting

Truck-Kun already isekaid its first victim XD



anyone have an idea what these are on the su24

they look like something you’d see on flamethrowers

as i thought, fuel dumpsters


Could be for fuel dumping, like the famous fuel dump on the F-111

it’s not from a museum but RAAF
i have report on it: F111C should be provided with GBU-15 and AGM-142 // // Issues

Could these be for the afterburner? Injecting fuel into the heated air causing the additional power?

Well there’s only one way to find out.

@Smin1080p_WT Seems like Mike could be teasing a second F-16 for Japan he said AM twice now.

Would you be kind enough to crush thre rumours about Japan getting an F-16AM ?

thats what i thought but no, like i said, fuel dumpsters

Imagine Thai F-16A replacing the AJ

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I wonder if now that we have JDAM, does this mean that cruise missiles with IOG+GPS+TV/IR guidance are foreseeable in the game?

That’s what I’m thinking since the Thai used AM Blk 20 I’ve learnt.