Yay. There is Mogador in files.
Sorry to bother @Smin1080p_WT , but are there any plans for a pre-order or GE/researchable skin for the AV-8B (NA) Harrier II pack premium, or is that something you have no knowledge of this early into the dev server cycle?
(Apologies if this was a stupid question)
What’s that?
The arras:
French coastal is already worth a while just because of this freighter.
Source is provided by the RAAF Web site. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.airforce.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-07/F111%2520A8-142.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwid7dKyhJ-IAxWXzTgGHbrnJ4kQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw01ocN_dxNAoOs7g_DNQB-H
this change just screams Russian Bias since there are now a lot less sniper sideshots from the “blocked” side of the map so most darts coming from the front where the armor is best on the T-Series Tanks.
Also Russia can still use the “blocked” side of the map since they have most of the Amphibius Tanks at the Higher BRs.
this is exactly why i didn’t whant to see this puma were gonna get in game in game , simply because it’s literally the puma we had for years , just with a spike launcher addded , that’s it .
waiting a couple years and puting the MUSS 2.0 version would have actually been way more interesting
anyone have an idea what these are on the su24
they look like something you’d see on flamethrowers
as i thought, fuel dumpsters
Could be for fuel dumping, like the famous fuel dump on the F-111
it’s not from a museum but RAAF
i have report on it: F111C should be provided with GBU-15 and AGM-142 // Gaijin.net // Issues
Could these be for the afterburner? Injecting fuel into the heated air causing the additional power?
Well there’s only one way to find out.
@Smin1080p_WT Seems like Mike could be teasing a second F-16 for Japan he said AM twice now.
Would you be kind enough to crush thre rumours about Japan getting an F-16AM ?
thats what i thought but no, like i said, fuel dumpsters
Imagine Thai F-16A replacing the AJ
I wonder if now that we have JDAM, does this mean that cruise missiles with IOG+GPS+TV/IR guidance are foreseeable in the game?
That’s what I’m thinking since the Thai used AM Blk 20 I’ve learnt.