Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)
F-16A Blk 15, Blk 15 ADF, Blk 20 MLU

Probs either a full sub tree or like India in future updates…

idk he did specifically say on the dev stream japan would be getting JDAMs on the F16A and F16M

I still don’t understand how the F-15s will be getting JDAMs. How are they going to lock targets? Because I don’t remember them having any cameras/optics/pods to do so.

I mean they have datalink and stuff so GPS data can be transmitted thru other vehicles/systems

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probably using CCIP where you will have to point the nose at the target to lock them

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which unless they add the 1000lb and 2000lb JDAMs the GBU-8s are probably still the call

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@Smin1080p_WT Hey! I have few questions about Israeli aviation:

  1. when can we expect the fix of AH-60 ircm system? Right now it works like a missile magnet instead of jammer.

Community Bug Reporting System

  1. Whats the point of adding 3rd inferior top-tier aircraft to Israeli TT? F-16D is worst version of falcon in a game in case of maneuverability and speed. It lacks air-to-ground capabilities and have air-to-air missile wich is practically worse in most cases compared to american F-16C. And now we get another block 40 wich is worse then amercian F-16C in case of power and doesnt have air-to ground capabilities (laser gbus are bugged right now and I dont even consider them to be viable at top tier - its just a joke compared to 6x mavericks).
    Can we actually get the jet wich is going to be superior or at least equal at any single task comparing to others?

  2. Can we actually see Spice 250 pods for F-16s? It would solve the issue of Barak II.

  3. When can we expect Spike missiles on an AH-64s?

Dont forget Israel still doesn’t have AA system capable of taking out Ka-52 and our top tier mbt’s are just a joke (even Italy got a good one), so let us at least have a good aviation please.


Not to mention the ahistorical state of the F-16C Barak. It should have only AIM-9L and Python 4. No AIM-120B or AIM-9M


I personally never take any bombs on my F-15C when playing the US regardless, it’s purely CAP and it seems like that won’t change with the JDAMs.

Normally I would take the F-16C for CAS, but I’ll probably change that for the F-111F next update.

It wouldnt hurt to take few JDAMs under missile pylons tho. They are low diameter and FnF so it wont affect your CAP capabilities by much

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Seeing how it doesn’t have a high zoom thermal pod I personally still won’t take them. When doing CAP I usually stay far away from the battlefield. I generally never come closer than 5km from the battlefield.

guys,f111c’s currect performace is so terrible that unable to play at all,don’t play it

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@Smin1080p_WT Greeting, and sorry for bothering you.

I would like to ask for a clarification of something I heard during the devs stream. At around 21:42 into the stream, the presenters say that “and for the Japanese, we have the F-16A and F-16M…”. I would like to ask if the statement made by the presenters refers to the upcoming F-16AM or related variant for the Japanese tech tree? Or is it just a misspelling of F-16AJ and F-15J(M)?

Video with timestamp:


It could be A: a new F16 for japan via asean tree/like india is represented or B: its meant like specificly the F16AJ (not any other F16 As) and the Belgian F16 AM.


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Yea for me he specifically said the AM twice for Japan, if he meant Belgium then he would of said so.

yeah i would think so to.
i couldnt think of any reason why he would write JP in front of the F16A/AM instead just F16AJ and Belgium F16AM if he means these 2.
Also shouldnt the EJ Kai get JDAMs aswell.
when it got introuced it had them but they got removed sinde GPS Bombs werent a thing back then or rather the snail had not enough money to sent a satelite into orbit to give us a GPS signal :D


And why am I not surprised that the snail chose the less powerful of the two engine options for an aircraft in the British tree? The only Tornado that has MK.101 engines is the British one. All the others have MK.103. Even the Italian “older version” of the Tornado has MK.103. Same with the 111C. Choosing between the 103, with a thrust of 83.3 kN and the 109 with a thrust of 92.7 kN, the snail OF COURSE chose the first.
I don’t really understand how the 111C ended up on 11.7 together with the Tornado GR.1. The Tornado has a maximum damage to bases of 63k against 59k for the 111C. Plus it has the ability to strike bases from a long distance due to 3 PGM-2000 (where is the AGM-142?) (although the PGM-2000 is still not capable of flying the stated ~50 km) and this despite the fact that I have left out the fact that the loadout for 59k damage EXCLUDES air-to-air missiles, and the Tornado always has 2 missiles left. The 111C is also (at the moment) inferior to the Tornado in speed.
In comparison with the 111C and 111F, it is also unclear how the decision was made to put them on the same BR. The maximum damage for bases for the 111F is 87k (versus 59k for the 111C) and there is still access to two air-to-air missiles. The difference in thrust is more than 2-3 tons per engine. Now the 111F is already a completely comparable bomber with the Tornado, maybe even better. The only thing in which the 111C is better than the 111F is countermeasures.
The Su-24M also looks questionable at 11.3. Yes, in the unarmed version it can deal 90k damage to bases, which is very good. But if you take missiles for self-defense, the damage will drop to 64k, which is still good, but not as impressive. Oh. Yes. JDAM’s. M1.0 limiter it’s just rofl. Potentially, this could be used for a relatively long-range strike on bases, dropping bombs from a pitched position. But no. The speed limit (plus the broken enumeration of points for bombing (I hope this is due to the fact that the snail reworks them)) excludes long-range strikes, as well as the advantage of GPS bombs over banal napalm.
From what I saw:
111C - definitely requires a BR reduction to 11.3
111F - a reduction is debatable, but most likely no
24M - a reduction to 11.0 is debatable, but most likely yes