Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

They call it (e)MLU (enhanced Mid-Life-Upgrade, or just “F-16 MLU”), its to some degree better than the current Blk.50 in-game.



it honestly is quite funny how gaijin will always find away to cuck the UK and leave them behind of everyone else, even the Su24M that is currently at a lower BR has 50% more damage it can deal to bases compared to the F111C

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It’s a shame that we haven’t seen the Boxer on the list, as well as the Romania Osa-AKM, which is very much needed

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Amagi was missing as well as the super hind, could it be that theyre cut or will just be seen in the live update?

Israel F-15C Baz armed GBU-31(V)1/B

F-16C Block 50 lack GBU-31(V)1/B & GBU-38(V)1/B JDAM (not GBU-32(V)2/B from dev server)

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there is a chance they might come but if they arent in the files I doubt it, also tbf germany is getting the upgraded puma so they dont really need a 2nd top tier IFV/Lighttank

from what I seen Amagi is in the files so most likely will come this patch might not have been ready

But muh boxer skyranger

eyjooo, my suggestion got passed


I think they can use it but just don’t typically use it.
as to why i have no idea but I imagine when they are added gaijin will give all the eurofighters IRST anyway since they could all use it

oh neat the Tornado Gr4 got passed as well, it will probably be DOA because gaijin most likely wont give it any of its new weapons out side of 4 9Ms (this will single handily make it 12.7)

tbf we dont even know what variant its meant to be

need 3105

I mean for all we know it could be just another fake F-16, if that were the case then might as well add the F-14J, Tornados, Harriers and Typhoons at this point.


on the other hand if it does come with its full load out it wold be super fat but also one hell of a 13.7 ground attacker

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we like em t h i c c

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I n d e e d

now that JDAMs are here they can also add a Tornado ASSTA-3 with 9Li-1 and well JDAM

should also get Komoran, LJDAM and HARM III but Gaijin won’t bother

Even though I’m against fakes, you got to admit their air force blue camo does look sick.
