Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’ll still be fun.

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Turret, transmission, turn rate, spall liner missing (which seems to be changed this update I think ?)

then there is whole autoloader speed thing, but that has been discussed to death before on forum so kinda over that

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yay, hull break!

With the plane itself? Nothing

It just isn’t going to be useful at all.

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It’ll be doa at the BR they’ll likely place it at.

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Hell yeah!


Add back overpressure!

Ah yes, it sits flatter in game than irl, also will it include an armor overhaul of the turret somehow? Its hilarious how easy it is to kill through the upper mantlet

Mhm I’m finally happy more Aussi things are coming for us since as we all know in their flag is our flag lol

The remodel is likely because the mantlet is wrong (too exposed) and the entire tank is too big in every dimension, most notably length and lower frontal plate being much bigger than it should be.

But finally a tpod for the mavs, plus lgbs, aim9m, and hmd. Might even get a maws.

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it goes 400 mph. LGB’s are useless

Yeah, but at a BR where the Pantsir (or any semi capable SAM) exists?

Challenger 2 PTSD

I assume they’ll rework the armor, at the same time we are also getting a M41 rework alongside it.

Okay tell me, how are you going to use LGBs on a platform that can barely give them 3-4km range at a BR with Pantsir/tor/ito present?


Would be nice if that gets fixed

I am just assuming spall liner gets added because its the simplest thing for Gaijin to implement without too much work

I play air sim almost exclusively. I’ll just bop the ground targets.


Ahh, aight, thats fair then