Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Aight, you win. They are totally different and both my and the staffs claim that they are close enough is completely unfounded.

Have a good day.


You too mate.

It’s alright, if there are no F8s and Mig21Ks I’ll be fine. F100 is actually the only plane in which I got a positive K/D and simply climbing up and using your AIM9Es are good enough, just not when there are AIM9Cs and R3Rs flying around.

Morning everyone. Teaser today.

If i had a dollar for everytime this got posted by somebody claiming its real…

No F-111 variant ever carried radar missiles in service. This image is a pure speculative “what if” cope fantasy made by somebody a long time ago. Its not based on any real world proposal and has no basis in reality.


Now that you mention it, I didn’t even bother cross checking that image or looking up if any F-111 ever carried ASRAAMs

Yeah it looked familiar so i had to go look for it to be sure but its from Air Power Australia so…

100% cope fantasy given its from there.

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The closest thing there was is the F-111B, which could carry six AIM-54s, however that’s a far cry from twelve AIM-120s.

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Let’s just say I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you.


Early could only work with Super Hornet imo with Blk 1-2 being “early” and Blk 3 being just the Blk 3 as it introduced major changes compared to earlier blocks

It was at least tested:


Probably next week

Possibly, not probably.

I think teaser today and stream tomorrow. Or next week.

I’d imagine it’d be a premium if they added it since the other Aussie aircraft are premium.
Would be interesting to see it with more advanced weaponry than the A.

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The Beaufighter Mk 21 is in the tech tree, so not all are premiums.

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Ah I see. Didn’t realise that was the Australian variant.
F-111C premium to UK and F-111B event to US would be cool!

Beaufort is is Australian version too. The mk sunderland is also Australian version.

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Waiting patiently for The B-1




Remind me where the Australian Abrams is.

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