Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

You what? F-111 can reach over 2600kph on the Sea level? Doubt
Curret Sea level speed record is 1590kph…

Your right, first source didn’t have sea level listed.

The IDS in Tornado IDS literally stands for Interdictor Strike. They both are fighter-bombers.

Just because the F.3/ADV exist doesn’t mean the GR/IDS suddenly aren’t capable of performing in the interdictor/interceptor role anymore.

The larger payload of the F-111 doesn’t mean that it is an entirely different class of plane.

Seeing as we oddly didn’t get a devblog today, has any other news appeared?


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The Australian f111 were capable of performing all the roles of the American variants except electronic warfare. They had the longer wings of the bomber variants maintaining the enormous payloads of the f111 bombers while still having the heavy anti air missile load out.

Same carrying this.
images - 2024-08-29T153251.984

Can carry this.
images - 2024-08-29T153520.532

And? It still performs the still tasks with similar specifications.

The two ASRAAMs (if we ever get there) on the GR4 will be enough for the plane to pose a threat to enemy planes and a payload of up to 9000kg is still plenty.

He’s talking about the IDS, not the ADV.


You can’t argue they are practically the same just by ignoring the things that are better. Double the engine power and bigger weapon loads and more diverse on a single model.

I can argue that they are close enough for Britain to not need a F-111 due to having the Tornados.

We’ve been told that Gaijin has a similar stance on this topic by smin

It’s a better jet bomber and a better anti air load out while having double the horses. How can you say that’s the same.

Did I say the Tornado was better?

Good edit timing. I said it was similar enough. One being better doesn’t mean they don’t perform similar tasks with roughly similar performance/specs

Typo, I’d already fixed it

IDS → MiG-23BN and deriviates (MiG-27)

honestly the MiG-23 series fits perfectly as a comparison

The MiG-23BN is very different from the Tornado IDS, and being similar to one thing doesn’t mean that it’s not also similar to another.


It literally does. The tornado can’t do the same bombing run and can’t carry a battle with missiles the same all in one plane. If the C or G were added they would single handedly become by far Britain’s heaviest loaded jet bomber and the heaviest missile truck.

Britain already has options for indigenous fighters and attackers. There is no need for an aircraft that has nothing to do with it.

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It can carry missiles at the same time as bombs, it doesn’t have to sacrifice one to carry the other.

Yeah, the Aardvark can carry bigger loads, but that’s just how it is with different planes, even when they are built for the same purpose.

It was mentioned because it could also carry asraams then he told me it was comparable to tornado which it isn’t. I never made an argument for it to be added only how it would effect the tree if it was. It would give Britain a very heavy jet bomber to match their peers and improve their options for heavy missile loads like some of their more capable peers.

The F11C could carry more bombs or more missiles or a heavier combination of both the the tornado. They aren’t comparable.