"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Typhoon uses AIM-9M/Li and AIM-120B as well.
F-15C is not artificially nerfed.

The F-15C MSIP II isnt even using the AMRAAM C-4/5s that is also used, the AMRAAM A is the only version comparable in performance so other FOX-3s so i guess they just use it for balance.


Which is irrelevant, it still has a historical loadout and has all its systems outside jamming which isn’t in-game at all yet.

F-15C is not artificially nerfed, nice lying

In the sector of secondary ordinances you lovely man, obviously the FM itself isn’t handicapped.

Typhoon uses AIM-9M/Li and AIM-120B as well

Missed the part where I said “unless heavily nerfed” (through secondary weapons)? You’re just selecting which of my sentences to argue over like a baby, a fully kitted up Typhoon would smoke the F-15C MSIP II and all other aircraft in-game with ease.

doesnt have BOL pods, but that is pretty minor

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So are perfectly useful against SAMs, and area targets at extended ranges vs F&F ordnance, also a lock is much easier top establish and have much better glide performance.

Done for commonality with other CM systems in use by the RAAF, since the ALE-28 uses effectively bespoke cartridges and so cannot take advantage of advanced designs like the MJU-51 or -47, also though the use of the modular bucket (MJU-11, -12 or -17, with 1x1" (M206), 1x2"(MJU-7) and 2x2"(MJU-10) sizing options) could be tailored to the expected threat.

No, the ALR-62(V)7 is closer to a the ALR-67 (F-15C), than the ALR-45 (F-14A) in terms of in game systems.


Considering its counterpart is the GBU-8 / -15 & AGM-130 that isn’t really saying much, and the much larger Warhead makes it significantly more forgiving.

The point is that it has a wider selection of ordnance options that make it much more effective regardless of the target set vs the F-111F, and better defensive systems, let alone the greater thrust of the later engines.

Which it doesn’t currently use IRL.

Also @TPS_Hydra , historical weapons =/= nerfed.
And since you resorted to insults, thanks for admitting to posting incorrect information.
A “fully kitted” Typhoon means all of its AAM pylons filled, which is still just AIM-120Bs and AIM-9Li/Ms [a historical loadout].
Also for something to be a nerf, it has to go from one state to another in a negative direction.
F-15C has only been buffed since release.

That is a test unit, not a general production F-111C until proven otherwise.

No, they aren’t for SAMs move.

You are aware that the Su-24 in the trailer had GPS guided bombs(KAB-500S-E) in one of the scenes (where they mention Glass Breaker) , yes? Equivalents (e.g. JDAM, SDB-I, E-GBU, etc.) probably aren’t that far away.

Operational range: 40 km

That is nowhere near the 70km+ ranges you were yapping about in your post.

me when i see Su-24

me when i see Su-24 is actually Russian and not Soviet

fr tho I get the soviet one is kinda worse but it would be much more comparable to the (current) F-111A. I personally would just rather an Su-24 or Su-24M because they’re cooler to me and I like the cold war


Also TPS Hydra, historical weapons =/= nerfed

No, limiting a vehicles weapons selection is by definition nerfing, you’re limiting the effectiveness of a vehicle BY DEFINITION - don’t try to be smart with me.


A historical loadout of the Typhoon wouldn’t be AIM-120Bs and AIM-9s, you’re mistaking that for a incredibly early Typhoon and I’m referring to a British Typhoon as I was talking to Morvran who is publicly known to be British like me.

A historical weapon would be the ASRAAM and Meteors

And since you resorted to insults, thanks for admitting to posting incorrect information

Whatever I’ve posted physically cannot be incorrect, me saying the addition of a Typhoon without its present day weapons selection is nerfing is entirely correct - continue to cope in every thread you enter.

A “fully kitted” Typhoon means all of its AAM pylons filled, which is still just AIM-120Bs and AIM-9Li/Ms

Yep, I can totally see the AIM-120Bs and AIM-9s which Britain still uses on their FGR.4s!

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I mean, not really? At least, not in a historical sense. As long as both vehicles are from a similar time period, and carried appropriate armaments for that time period, neither would be considered ‘nerfed’. By your definition, pretty much every ARH slinger in WT, and every CAS aircraft in WT, is ‘nerfed’ because they don’t carry the gucciest shit they hypothetically could have carried before being decommissioned.

Gaijin should start putting years next to vehicle names to avoid confusion as to the appropriate time period for which to consider the vehicle’s strengths.

I mean, not really? At least, not in a historical sense. As long as both vehicles are from a similar time period, and carried appropriate armaments for that time period, neither would be considered ‘nerfed’

I’m mainly talking about a 2024 operated Typhoon, a modern fully capable Typhoon with ASRAAMs for the side of Britain and Meteors which are almost entirely chosen over AIM-120s.

A early Typhoon may have a place in the game right now but a later Typhoon in-game is not negotiable.

Gaijin should start putting years next to vehicle names to avoid confusion

Early and late is somewhat good enough, we are yet to get a rename of the AIM-9Ps to P-3 standard.

Now 3 aircraft only launch JDAM

  • AV-8B+ (USMC & Italian Navy)
  • F-15C Baz (Israel)
  • F-16C Block 50 (USAF)
  • F-16AM Block 15 MLU (Belgium)

New aircraft armed JDAM in the future

  • A-10C
  • F-15E
  • F-15I
  • F/A-18A+
  • F/A-18C/D
  • AV-8B Night Attack
  • F-2A
  • F/A-18C MLU 2


Give all of the BAE vehicles to Britain.
(all CV90)

Also all Marksman turret to Britain.

And finishing move, almost all countries use British L7 so… Please dont shoot from not your gun.))))

I’m mainly talking about a 2024 operated Typhoon, a modern fully capable Typhoon with ASRAAMs for the side of Britain and Meteors which are almost entirely chosen over AIM-120s

Why would you not specify that? And why would you declare that the variant of J-10 we’re getting is inferior to the modern Typhoon as a reason to not get the Typhoon, when it’s entirely reasonable to get a Typhoon (early) right now with the addition of said J-10?


Thanks for proving/admitting that “nerf” means to reduce, as I stated here:

AIM-9Ms and AIM-120Bs is a historical loadout of Typhoon, that fact does not change no matter how much you claim otherwise.
This information comes directly from its service as well as the manufacturer.
So are you accusing Italy, Germany, Britain, and Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH of lying about its use of 9Ms and AIM-120Bs?

Meteor was only introduce after 2015, Typhoon has been in service since 2003.
ASRAAM has only been used by Britain, which is an operator not the manufacturer. Just as we are operators in War Thunder.

Is not all Typhoons as you incorrectly imply.
You should research Typhoons instead of being seemingly angry at me for knowing there’s at least 4 Tranches of Typhoon, and knowing their weaponry.

Britain past WWII has been a part of the American-led hegemony. They are a client state of the US. As such, I declare all Challengers should go to the American tech tree!

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The F-14A/B/D should on the JDAM list as well, since it has the LITEINING, and so has the T^3 update.

Is not all Typhoons as you incorrectly imply

I’d be saying the EF-2000 if I was referring to Germany, Italy and/or Spain. The Eurofighter is mainly referred as the Typhoon by the United Kingdom (as it was the UK which gave the name), I’m referring to a 2024 Typhoon FGR.4 used strictly by the United Kingdom.

The UK doesn’t mount the AIM-120B nor the AIM-9 on their FGR.4 fleets as they favour the ASRAAM and the Meteor.

You should research Typhoons instead of being seemingly angry at me for knowing there’s at least 4 Tranches of Typhoon, and knowing their weaponry

Irrelevant to me saying FGR.4 as that’s a UK variant, I’m aware of the funny Tranches and there being 4 and all - doesn’t change anything I’ve said whatsoever lmao.