Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

and max speed of mach 5.0

not smokeless but reduced smoke

That wouldnt be accurate. AIM-54 is too draggy with too weak engine to achieve hypersonic speeds

according to raytheon documents thats how fast they went

V-Bombers? You must be an optimist. TBH that would be awesome though.

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pretty sure you’re talking about structural speed limit

I’d say I’m pretty pessimistic tbh, but even pessimists can have dreams

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They still pull live munitions out of my local river because of the old Raytheon Factory lol.


oh god no

No way the pinnacle of Tomcat family will be a premium


agreed it be the F4S spam all over again

Lmao at there being a skirtless StuG III.G and StuG.IV

Hilarious how it’s 2024, 10 years after Ground implementation, and some of these extremely basic and essential vehicles are still not ingame.


Yes, and that too. The results of the current event speaks for itself

You will have your £200 premium that should be in the tech tree and you will like it

plus it wouldnt make sense since they only did it once and found that it would be expesive as hell to update for aim 120 missiles

I just love that they had the Panther II (misspelled even), the Panther F and what I assume is the Tiger II 10,5cm on their original list

None of these mentioned sources can be considered primary. Mach 4+ and mach 5 capability seems like pure guesstimate

Newly modernized/ built F-14Ds had databus updates allowing for AIM-120. F-14D also received full clearance to use AIM-120. There was simply no operational need to retrofit them with AMRAAM when AIM-54 stocks still were quite full and the jet itself started being phased out of service.

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I don’t have access to the sources myself but @Texas_Engineer_Mike here has looked into the matter and basically concluded that all the necessary systems for AIM-120 compatibility was in place.

The only reason F-14D wasn’t equipped with AIM-120 was because the aircraft was being phased out and the navy didn’t see the point in ordering the actual missiles. Compared to the YAK-141 this should be a really really low bar for implementation.

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