Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

If a Aussi F-111 is coming I damn hope it’s for Britain.

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Not likely

Consider the track record up to this point:

Leopard C2A1 - Germany
Leopard 2A4M CAN - Germany

Gaijin tends to favor the manufacturer’s nation.

I guess the exception is ADATS M113, which was placed in GB TT because it was needed there. It was also largely a Canadian domestic development, as far as I know.

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Indian T-90 and MiG-21Bison?


Sub tree

Well, as we’ve been told, Canadian and Australian vehicles go where they are most needed and/or appropriate.
So, since Britain doesn’t need a F-111, an Aussie Aardvark would got to the US, if it was added

Blame Gaijin for turning India into a subtree for Britain

Good point. It seems Gaijin decided to deviate from their regular practices.

Why they did this for India and not any of the other commonwealth nations, I do not know

What about F111K?


That has been soft-denied in the past, hasn’t it?

But do Americans need another F-111? IIRC Brits don’t have heavy duty bomber as of now

Hard denied


You do realise Smin also said that Australia and canada can be in nations that can be in need of them ?

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The US didn’t need the AIM and the Germans didn’t need the Canadian Leopards either.

Britain does have heavy duty bombers, the Tornado and the Buccaneers.

In that case, why didn’t GB receive the Leopard 2A4M CAN or M1A1 AIM? I think the GB TT could really benefit from either of them

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The only placement rules for Canada and Australia is that there is no rules.

As of right now it equally if not more likely for the Avro Arrow to end up in the USSR tree then any others. Or for them to put their stuff in the Chinese trees.

Man, this thing again


Because we don’t need them

Not sure if its the actual source I’m thinking about but its definitely a proof in a way



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