Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Just because they are easy to add doesn’t mean they should be added.

Most other nations have 10 or less anti air vehicles, while the USSR tree has a total of 18 and is about to get their 19th one (yes, two of them are premiums, but the point still stands)

The ARH missile does not require external radar to work. It only requires it for search and datalink functionality, both of which being optional.

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sad, i really hoped that with the addition of new ground targets for ARB it could serve as a way to put in GRB to assist radarless spaa’s

ik but still could be cool nontheless 2 birds with 1 stone

With two strikes already (and maybe more to come?) I am even more excited for potential vehicles that haven’t appeared in any leak.


Don’t get me wrong here, I’d love all of those features. I’m just saying denial for external radar doesn’t have to mean a denial for the ARH missiles.



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Every neat unique vehicle should be added irrelevant of how hard it is to research.
Spreading hate against any tech tree is toxic and unwanted.

At least now we can pretend that something more exciting will show up lol

Radarless Shilka

No hornet = no money.
But if no need it, fine then.🤷‍♂️

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Ah, that’s our speciality here on R&R

Sadly fake

Atleast the A10C is surely coming, btw is it gonna get the AGM65G or better loadouts?

some inneed:
USA: 11.7AA
German:toptier Gen4_fighter with FOX3,
USSR: CAS with thermal POD
France: rank7 tank pack
Japan:CAS with a POD
China:new rank7 tank pack
swe:New rank7 aircraft pack

–from my squadron.
Sir,anything about them?

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I would be hating on the US, Germany, Britain, or whatever other nation as well, if they were that far ahead in a certain area. This has nothing to do with these vehicles being Russian/Soviet




You got any ideas for these 11.7 SPAAs?

I don’t think this was against adding any vehicle, but rather about adding these before others that are needed more. The radarless Shilka fills a .3 BR gap that for many nations is multiple whole BRs, so players naturally would prefer those filled first.