Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

mid cas with trash integrated thermals and trash gimbal*

Please name another vehicle that isn’t being added in the upcoming update


The Bob Semple doesn’t count, you already named that

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You should add EAP right here


Hey why I’m in there for 😂

Probably just another E-Sports trailer

Nah, I don’t think he denied that enough yet

Also in addition to that, could you tell us if this update comes with at least one boat?

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EAP, EAP eap

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Yes, a unique Shilka and more interesting to me than the T-62M1.
On top of that, this unique Shilka is Soviet’s only addition so far.
If you take the leak list seriously, Soviets are getting as many additions as Japan using that as a source [which you shouldn’t do].

“But their existing vehicles!” Don’t matter.
No matter how much people praise BMPs, I will still not play them, and would rather play a neat new vehicle over them.

I reckon if we get to Part 4 with just EAP it will get added.

That or just get people banned.

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This capability could be filled by Philippine FA-50 Golden Hawk, as part of ASEAN air-subtree


Guys, stop hounding Smin about stuff lol, he can only say so much without getting punished by the mighty lord snail…

God that thing is gorgeous

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IKR? It’s beautiful AF and I hope as many nations as possible consider buying it.

I think both the US airforce and Navy have/are looking into it as a trainer, albeit unarmed

Hey, I don’t think the snail would mind if he told us that the Matilda 1 wasn’t being added

Hmmmm, sekrit

knowing the mighty snail they will do f18 early a premium and f18 late tech tree variant

There is always Boate


It’s not so simple.

The following are just the main variants used by the US, there’s dozens more

Legacy Hornets F/A-18A, B, C, D (B and D are two seater)

Super Hornets F/A-18E, F (F is two seater)

Growler E/A-18G

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