Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I was under the impression that the C model still had the old HUD, and it was the D model that introduced a new one. But now I’m not sure since I don’t have the documents on hand.

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That sounds about right, actually
I just decided to dig, and found an old F-111D cockpit photo with none other than that distinctive HUD (semi-visible based on camera position, but you can still absolutely see it)

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idk if i should laugh or be sad

is the bar that low

“yes its only 40% ripped off :3”


I think it’ll do fine at 9.7. The problem is that you can’t move it to 9.3 because it shits on spaa like the Machbet in comparison.

I read it more as “40% of the components were already in use/production by China” rather than “40% of components were taken from existing foreign projects”

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We currently plan to add a new ship for every nation at Rank VI over the next two major updates.

Naturally this is subject to some possible changes. But vessels are indeed coming down the line for the nations you mentioned.


da, komrade, you are supposed to believe! watch film “polar express” starring tom henks. is great film!

I know BRs are subject to change. But I have no idea why it’s 10.0, the closest equivalents (The macbet, the Gepard 1A2, ZSU-23-4m4 etc) are in the 9.3-97 range. I’d like to see it go down tbh, 9.3 is a bit of a pipe dream, but the line up there is very good apart from the lack of AA

probably bacause this
ignoring that AD has less, of everything…
But has a radar, so i guess

Say it with me boys and girls:


Britain Tax!


Well every 9.7 game is a 10.3 game at a minimum. It’s br of 9.7 isn’t hugely relevant. Yes it will likely do fine, not great or useful but fine. Stingers sre so easy to flare and most of the attackers at the br 10.3 and above have an abundance of flares.
The Stromer chassis is not fast, flanking andf supporting your team will not be possible and the 25mm gun is pretty mid.


Well, thats new for me, most sringers i avoided, and people avoided mine is by manouvers, not flares.

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The MR2 would carry bombs, Martels, Mavericks, Harpoons and Torpedoes but its flight performance is worse than the Buccaneer.

No, you don’t say lmao

A Nimrod would be an absolute bus but imo it’d be funny just to fly a converted airliner and have some poor soul scream in fright as they see an ASRAAM curving off the wing of aforementioned airliner


copium Stormer AD can get GAU-13

I can feel the Dunkerque class really coming. I’m very excited.



well lets hope it’s br is ok with only 13inch guns

Yeah, I’m of a similar opinion. I’ll use it at 10.3, so as long as it’s below 10.3 I’m happy.

But this is Gaijin giving us SPAA at a BR where we already have one and not filling a void. (2x 5.3, 3x 8.3 and now 2x at 10/10.3)

A 9.3 would very useful, but yes, probably too good at the moment

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You dont fly in a straight line while flaring.
Of course you take action to evade them.