Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It wasn’t really a reason more just… my personal dislike of it lol

I really dislike the way all the trees are slowly becoming homogeneous, like there’s gonna be no reason to play a specific country for their vehicle if you can just get it in a tree you already have researched when its added through a subtree, if that makes sense

My random guess hiden RU event vehicle might be BT-7 (L-11)

Oh the F-117 is this:



Ok, now I’m interested.

Take and IS-2 turret and slap a 85 into it.

The “Dream Comes true” vehicle name format makes me think of a KV-something with a specific gun

The wording of Smins comment to me meant likely this update, but could be december.

But leaklist rarely include naval (heck dev server/dev blogs rarely include naval)

Now whether that is September + October or October + December isnt entirely clear

Yep… over the last year, there’s been such heavy CAS/Aircraft focus :(

At least they could add more SAMs, like SLAMRAAM, SPYDER/ADAMS, and radar missiles for Type 81 (C)!

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KV, BT, IS, SU, plenty of Russian armour could fit into that, also a few planes I think?

That russian premium is probably another Object

i hope not i want that in the tree

So M2KD RMV can use Mica now? What else were changed?

That 's true, Oliviia leaked it a few months ago.

The one marked premium might be Object 140 or Object 430, which were both leaked on the wiki-app and iirc in the UHD textures

( )

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well he said in the next 2 updates before last update making this the second update but he said it may change so this deal may have been altered

F-117 and S-125 would be cool like in 1999


I mean, makes sense? Dreams come true seems to be more so a meme vehicle event so far, which that fits, unlike some other suggestions.

dude no way they’re trialing stealth before even considering ECM that’s crazy

Unless @Smin1080p_WT can comment on which 2 updates he was counting in that post. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see and hope. But yeah, things annoyingly can change.

(But Scimitar + Gr4 w/ Brimstones + a good Top tier battleship could mean one epic Briitsh focused update)

Oh, F15E my beloved

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i am hyped for what is on the list currently. but an intresting BOAT

I really hope we’ll get some cool tanks in december because the last 3 updates + this one have all been focussed on air with basically nothing interesting for ground