Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

i mean China is copy paste up to a point where they started manufacturing their own stuff, happy to see they are getting some good stuff

I mean, if you are a Top Tier Chinese player of C*S player, maybe, hahah

But so far, there’s nothing for Top Tier ground players. Only a 70€ Premium and 2 high tier IFVs that take 4 months to grind each because they are Squadron vehicles.

I don’t hate the update, there just aren’t many vehicles for me. I would have looked forward to MBT fixes and corrections as much as new vehicles, but there are none of that either beyond ZTZ-99A, which I won’t be able to get in a long while hahah.

So far, what I am looking forward the most, is polishes, UI and QoL updates, etc.

A-10C not mounted AGM-65H, would be AGM-65K

Sadly, I never saw AGM-65K model on cdk dev server

Battle rating 11.7 for ground RB minimum

I not saw A-10C armed AGM-65D in real life, don’t know AGM-65K colour model

As an air only player this update is great. I can totally see ground or naval players being meh about it though.

what’s new with the new dev update?

Yeah… as a Naval player, I would normally have been hyped about USS Tennessee; however, seeing it’s just another American BB that blows up to 76mm HE due to the horrendous Naval damage models’ state, there is not too much hype for her anymore xD

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Theres a reason I used to be a naval player. :(


A few minor changes, and Eastern Europe was not only changed, but also improved. It’s no longer just a line now.

1.1 Gigs and absolutely nothing new on the devserver. Not even new camos or maps.

Not with only 3x or 4x AGM-65s at most.


Well there is one new thing


Harrier GR.7 gets 4 at most, add 4 9Ms and that’s all your pylons accounted for (aside from a dumb bomb on the fuselage)

honestly speaking this update is one of the healthiest updates in a while

what a surprise

And the Harrier is 500 km/h faster and has triple the climb rate.

The only real loadout option for the A-10C is 3x AGM-65D, very maybe 1x AGM-65G if it can be placed next to the tpod and the rest will be APKWS. Every other armament option is just dead weight.

But i just need that P2V-7B Neptune!


you didn’t mention any other characteristics so neither did I

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youtube and the news comments

Cant we just all agree that A-10C is THE abysmal dogshit

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