Cold War Bombers: Enhancing Historical Depth and Gameplay in War Thunder

Bringing Cold War Bombers to War Thunder: Why It’s a Great Idea

Should Cold War Bombers Be Added to War Thunder?
  • Yes, absolutely! - It would add historical depth and new gameplay experiences.
  • Maybe, but with balanced game modes - It could work if the game modes are balanced properly.
  • No, not interested - I don’t think it would add much to the game.
  • I need more information - I’m not sure, I’d like to know more about how they would be implemented.
0 voters

Making History Come Alive

Imagine the thrill of piloting legendary Cold War bombers like the B-52 Stratofortress, B-58 Hustler, and Tu-16 Badger in War Thunder. These aircraft weren’t just machines; they were symbols of power and technological prowess during a tense period in history. By adding them to the game, players would get a chance to step into the shoes of Cold War pilots and experience the strategic importance these bombers held.

B-52 Stratofortress : Known for its long-range and heavy payload, the B-52 was a cornerstone of the U.S. strategic bombing force. Flying this bomber in War Thunder would allow players to undertake high-stakes missions, simulating the pressure and precision required during the Cold War.

B-58 Hustler : As the first operational supersonic bomber, the B-58 brought speed and innovation to the forefront. Players could experience the adrenaline rush of flying at supersonic speeds, evading enemy defenses, and delivering payloads with pinpoint accuracy.

Tu-16 Badger : This Soviet bomber was versatile and formidable, capable of carrying a variety of weapons. Piloting the Tu-16 in the game would offer a glimpse into the Soviet strategic approach, providing a balanced perspective on Cold War aerial warfare.

Adding these bombers would not only enhance the game’s historical accuracy but also immerse players in the strategic and tactical challenges faced by Cold War aviators. The detailed recreation of these aircraft, from their cockpits to their bombing capabilities, would make history come alive in a way that’s both educational and exhilarating.

A Fresh Gameplay Experience

Introducing Cold War bombers like the B-52, B-58, and Tu-16 to War Thunder would revolutionize the gameplay experience. These bombers are not just about brute force; they bring a unique set of capabilities and challenges that would require players to think strategically and adapt their tactics.

Strategic Bombing Capabilities: Unlike fighters and ground attack aircraft, Cold War bombers are designed for long-range missions with the ability to carry heavy payloads. Players would need to plan their bombing runs meticulously, considering factors like altitude, speed, and enemy defenses. High-altitude bombing runs would add a new layer of strategy, as players navigate through enemy airspace, avoid anti-aircraft fire, and deliver their payloads accurately.

Defensive Armaments: These bombers are equipped with defensive weapons to fend off interceptors. This means players would not only focus on their bombing missions but also on defending their aircraft from enemy fighters. Coordinating with teammates for escort missions or using the bomber’s defensive turrets effectively would be crucial for survival.

New Tactics and Strategies: The inclusion of Cold War bombers would encourage players to develop new tactics. For instance, players could form bomber squadrons to overwhelm enemy defenses or use electronic warfare capabilities to jam enemy radar. The need to evade interceptors and navigate through hostile territory would make each mission a thrilling experience.

Team Coordination: Bombers often require support from other aircraft, such as fighters for protection. This would promote teamwork and coordination among players, enhancing the multiplayer experience. Players could strategize together, with some focusing on the bombing run while others provide cover and engage enemy fighters.

Variety in Missions: With the addition of bombers, War Thunder could introduce new mission types, such as strategic bombing campaigns, high-altitude reconnaissance, and electronic warfare missions. These varied missions would keep the gameplay fresh and exciting, offering players new challenges and objectives.

Balancing the Game

Balancing the inclusion of Cold War bombers in War Thunder is crucial to ensure that the gameplay remains fair and enjoyable for all players. Here are some ways to achieve this:

Specialized Game Modes: Introducing dedicated game modes for bombers can help maintain balance. For example, high-altitude bombing missions could be designed where bombers have to reach and destroy strategic targets while avoiding enemy interceptors and anti-aircraft defenses. These missions would require careful planning and coordination, providing a unique challenge for bomber pilots and interceptor pilots alike.

Strategic Bombing Campaigns: Another approach is to create strategic bombing campaigns that span multiple missions. In these campaigns, players could take on roles as bomber pilots, escort fighters, or interceptors. Each mission would have specific objectives, such as destroying key infrastructure or defending against incoming bombers. This would add depth to the gameplay and ensure that all roles are equally important.

Dynamic Balancing: Implementing dynamic balancing mechanisms can help adjust the difficulty based on the number of players and their skill levels. For instance, if a team of bombers is performing exceptionally well, the game could increase the number of enemy interceptors or enhance the effectiveness of anti-aircraft defenses. This ensures that the challenge remains consistent and engaging.

Escort Missions: To balance the power of bombers, escort missions can be introduced where fighter planes are tasked with protecting the bombers from enemy attacks. This encourages teamwork and strategic planning, as players must coordinate their efforts to ensure the success of the bombing run.

Defensive Capabilities: Enhancing the defensive capabilities of bombers can also contribute to balance. Bombers could be equipped with advanced defensive turrets, electronic countermeasures, and decoys to fend off enemy fighters. This would make it challenging for interceptors to take down bombers, requiring skill and strategy.

Reward Systems: Implementing a reward system that incentivizes players to take on different roles can help balance the game. For example, players who successfully complete bombing missions or intercept enemy bombers could earn special rewards or achievements. This encourages players to try out different roles and ensures that all aspects of the game are equally rewarding.

Community Feedback: Continuously gathering feedback from the player community is essential for maintaining balance. Developers can use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements, ensuring that the gameplay remains fair and enjoyable for everyone.

By implementing these strategies, War Thunder can successfully integrate Cold War bombers into the game while maintaining a balanced and exciting experience for all players involved.

Community Love

The War Thunder community is diverse and passionate, with many players having a particular fondness for flying bombers. Here’s why adding more Cold War bombers would resonate so well with the community:

Dedicated Bomber Enthusiasts: There is a significant segment of the War Thunder player base that enjoys the unique challenges and gameplay that bombers offer. These players appreciate the strategic depth, the thrill of high-altitude bombing runs, and the teamwork required to succeed. Adding more Cold War bombers would cater directly to this group, enhancing their gaming experience and keeping them engaged.

Attracting New Players: Introducing iconic Cold War bombers could attract new players who are aviation enthusiasts or history buffs. The allure of flying legendary aircraft like the B-52, B-58, and Tu-16 (seen Above) might draw in those who have a keen interest in Cold War history and aviation technology. This influx of new players would enrich the community and create a more vibrant and dynamic player base.

Increased Player Engagement: More variety in aircraft means more reasons for players to log in and play. The addition of Cold War bombers would provide fresh content and new challenges, keeping the game exciting and preventing it from becoming stale. Regular updates and new additions are key to maintaining player interest and engagement over time.

Community Events and Competitions: The introduction of Cold War bombers could pave the way for special community events and competitions. Imagine tournaments or missions specifically designed around these bombers, where players can showcase their skills and strategies. These events would foster a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition within the community.

Feedback and Development: Engaging with the community to gather feedback on the new bombers would be crucial. Players often have valuable insights and suggestions that can help improve the game. By involving the community in the development process, the game can evolve in ways that resonate with its most dedicated players.

Showcasing Historical Significance: Many players appreciate the historical accuracy and educational value that War Thunder offers. Adding Cold War bombers would not only enhance the gameplay but also provide an opportunity to learn about the technological advancements and strategic importance of these aircraft during the Cold War. This educational aspect can be a significant draw for players who value learning through gaming.

Enhanced Multiplayer Experience: More players mean more diverse multiplayer matches. With a larger player base, matchmaking can be more balanced, and players can enjoy a wider variety of opponents and teammates. This diversity enhances the overall multiplayer experience, making each match unique and exciting.

By adding Cold War bombers, War Thunder can tap into the existing passion of its community, attract new players, and create a richer, more engaging gaming experience for everyone.

Cool Tech and Visuals

Cold War bombers are not just about raw power; they are marvels of engineering and design that captivate aviation enthusiasts and gamers alike. Here’s why their inclusion in War Thunder would be visually and technologically appealing:

Sleek Designs and Impressive Size: Cold War bombers like the B-52 Stratofortress, B-58 Hustler, and Tu-16 Badger are known for their distinctive and sleek designs. The B-52, with its long wingspan and eight engines, is an iconic silhouette in the sky. The B-58, with its delta wing and supersonic capabilities, looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. The Tu-16, with its robust and versatile design, showcases Soviet engineering prowess. These aircraft would add a lot of visual variety and appeal to the game, making the skies of War Thunder even more interesting to look at.

Technological Advancements: The Cold War era was a time of rapid technological innovation, especially in aviation. These bombers were equipped with cutting-edge technology for their time, including advanced navigation systems, electronic countermeasures, and powerful jet engines. For example, the B-58 Hustler was the first operational bomber capable of Mach 2 speeds, showcasing the technological race between superpowers. Including these bombers in War Thunder would highlight these advancements and give players a taste of the technological breakthroughs of the era.

Detailed Cockpits and Interiors: One of the most immersive aspects of War Thunder is the detailed recreation of aircraft interiors. Cold War bombers have complex and fascinating cockpits filled with instruments and controls. Pilots had to manage multiple systems simultaneously, from navigation to weaponry. Recreating these detailed interiors in the game would provide players with an authentic and immersive experience, allowing them to appreciate the complexity and skill required to operate these aircraft.

Visual Effects and Animations: The inclusion of Cold War bombers would also bring new visual effects and animations to the game. Imagine the sight of a B-52 releasing its payload of bombs, or the afterburners of a B-58 lighting up as it accelerates to supersonic speeds. The game could also feature animations of defensive turrets engaging enemy fighters, adding to the excitement and realism of aerial combat.

Historical Liveries and Customization: Cold War bombers often sported unique and historically significant liveries. Players could customize their bombers with authentic paint schemes and insignias, adding a personal touch to their aircraft. This level of customization would not only enhance the visual appeal but also allow players to express their creativity and historical knowledge.

Educational Value: Showcasing the technological advancements of Cold War bombers would also have educational benefits. Players could learn about the development and impact of these aircraft, gaining insights into the history of aviation and the strategic importance of these bombers during the Cold War. This educational aspect adds depth to the gaming experience, making it both fun and informative.

Learning Opportunity

Including Cold War bombers in War Thunder would provide a rich educational experience for players, blending entertainment with historical learning. Here’s how:

Historical Context: Cold War bombers like the B-52, B-58, and Tu-16 were not just aircraft; they were pivotal elements in the geopolitical landscape of the Cold War. By flying these bombers, players can learn about the strategic roles they played in deterrence and power projection. Understanding the historical context of these bombers helps players appreciate the tense and complex dynamics of the Cold War era.

Aircraft Design and Technology: Each Cold War bomber represents a significant technological achievement. Players can delve into the design features that made these bombers unique. For instance, the B-58 Hustler’s delta wing design and supersonic capabilities, or the B-52’s long-range and heavy payload capacity. Learning about these design elements and technological advancements provides insights into the engineering challenges and innovations of the time.

Operational Roles and Missions: Cold War bombers were designed for specific operational roles, from strategic bombing to reconnaissance. Players can learn about the different missions these bombers undertook, such as high-altitude bombing runs, electronic warfare, and nuclear deterrence. This knowledge enhances the gameplay experience by giving players a deeper understanding of the tactical and strategic considerations involved in using these aircraft.

Crew Coordination and Skills: Operating a Cold War bomber required a highly skilled crew working in unison. Players can learn about the various roles within a bomber crew, such as the pilot, navigator, bombardier, and electronic warfare officer. Understanding the responsibilities and coordination required among crew members highlights the complexity and teamwork involved in operating these aircraft.

Impact on Modern Aviation: The technological advancements and design philosophies of Cold War bombers have influenced modern aviation. By studying these bombers, players can trace the evolution of aircraft technology and understand how innovations from the Cold War era have shaped contemporary military aviation. This historical perspective fosters a greater appreciation for the continuous development in the field of aviation.

Including Cold War bombers into War Thunder would not only elevate the gameplay experience but also offer players a richer understanding of history, technology, and the intricate dynamics of the Cold War era. Please cast your vote in the poll above and share your thoughts!


Introduction Strategies

Dedicated Game Modes:

Strategic Bombing Missions: Create missions where players use bombers to destroy key targets like factories, airfields, or infrastructure. These missions would require coordination with fighter escorts to fend off enemy interceptors.

High-Altitude Bombing: Introduce missions focusing on high-altitude bombing runs, where players navigate through enemy airspace, avoid anti-aircraft defenses, and deliver their payloads accurately…

Historical Campaigns:

Developing campaigns based on historical Cold War events would provide players with a rich, immersive experience, highlighting the strategic importance of bombers during this tense period. Here are some expanded ideas:

Berlin Airlift:

Mission Overview: *Players could participate in the Berlin Airlift, a critical operation where Allied forces supplied West Berlin by air after the Soviet Union blocked all ground routes.

  • Objectives: Missions could involve flying bombers converted for cargo transport, navigating through Soviet-controlled airspace, and delivering essential supplies to the besieged city. Players would need to manage fuel, avoid Soviet interceptors, and ensure safe landings.

  • Challenges: The missions could include weather difficulties, mechanical failures, and the constant threat of Soviet fighters, adding layers of realism and tension.

Cuban Missile Crisis:

Mission Overview: Set during the Cuban Missile Crisis, players could undertake reconnaissance and bombing missions to gather intelligence and neutralize missile sites in Cuba.

  • Objectives: Missions might involve high-altitude reconnaissance flights to photograph missile installations, followed by precision bombing runs to destroy them. Players would need to evade Cuban and Soviet defenses, including surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and interceptors.

  • Challenges: The missions could simulate the high-stakes environment of the crisis, where any mistake could escalate into a full-scale conflict. Players would need to balance aggression with caution, reflecting the real-world tension of the period.

Operation Chrome Dome:

Mission Overview: Players could participate in Operation Chrome Dome, where U.S. bombers were kept airborne 24/7 as a deterrent against a Soviet first strike.

  • Objectives: Missions could involve long-duration flights, mid-air refueling, and maintaining readiness to strike at a moment’s notice. Players would need to manage crew fatigue, mechanical issues, and the psychological stress of constant alertness.

  • Challenges: The missions could include scenarios where players must respond to simulated alerts, navigate through contested airspace, and coordinate with other aircraft for refueling and support.

Vietnam War Bombing Campaigns:

Mission Overview: Set during the Vietnam War, players could fly bombing missions over North Vietnam, targeting supply routes, industrial sites, and military installations.

  • Objectives: Missions might involve navigating through dense anti-aircraft defenses, coordinating with fighter escorts, and delivering payloads accurately despite heavy opposition.

  • Challenges: The missions could reflect the intense air combat environment of the Vietnam War, with players facing SAMs, MiG interceptors, and challenging weather conditions.

Soviet Strategic Bombing Exercises:

Mission Overview: Players could take on the role of Soviet bomber pilots, participating in strategic bombing exercises designed to test the readiness and capabilities of the Soviet Air Force.

  • Objectives: Missions could involve long-range flights over the Arctic, simulated attacks on NATO targets, and evading NATO interceptors.

  • Challenges: The missions could include navigation challenges, extreme weather conditions, and the need to avoid detection by NATO radar and interceptors.

Special Events:

Limited-Time Events: Introduce bombers during special events to gauge player interest and gather feedback. This can help in fine-tuning their integration into the game.

Balancing Strategies

Spawn Mechanics:

High Altitude Spawns: Allow bombers to spawn at higher altitudes to give them a head start and reduce the risk of immediate interception by enemy fighters.

Escort Missions: Encourage teamwork by rewarding players for escorting bombers to their targets. This can make bomber missions more viable and engaging.

Defensive Capabilities:

Enhanced Defensive Armaments: Equip bombers with effective defensive turrets and countermeasures like flares and electronic warfare systems to fend off interceptors.

AI Assistance: Implement AI-controlled defensive gunners to help protect bombers from enemy attacks.

Dynamic Balancing:

Adaptive Difficulty: Adjust the number and skill level of enemy interceptors based on the performance of the bomber team. If bombers are performing too well, increase the challenge by adding more interceptors or enhancing anti-aircraft defenses.

Reward System: Provide significant rewards for completing bomber missions and for players who successfully protect or intercept bombers. This encourages participation and balances the risk-reward ratio.

New Technologies:

Electronic Warfare: Introduce electronic warfare capabilities for bombers, allowing them to jam enemy radar and communications, adding a new layer of strategy to missions.

Reconnaissance Missions: Include reconnaissance missions where bombers gather intelligence, providing valuable information for the team and adding variety to gameplay.


More bombers would be cool, but first bomber gameplay has to be fixed, see problems in the bomber gameplay thread.

Can you link that here please, so members of the community can relate and digest.


Found it here :- Gaijin, either rework bomber gameplay properly or just straight up remove bombers from the game - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum


I mean it would be cool but they would just become fighter food just like other high tier bombers we have in the game. Fitting them in current gamemodes is impossible and we all know how stubborn Gaijin is about changing them.


Very stupid idea but how about as a killstreak for high tier arcade

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Apart from cold war ones, gaijin is not even adding the usual world war ones such as B-50 or Ju-88 variants, this can be said about dive bombers too.

+1 from me for any bomber

Did I miss something or did you not mention Air RB EC once?

Strategic bombers need a lot of space and time to stretch their legs, not to mention various objectives that isn’t just “kill enemy team” like how it is currently in Air RB.

At the same time a dedicated gamemode only for bombers is not viable, why spend a lot of resources and infrastructure to facilitate just one type of aircraft and a particular playstyle that most would find too slow and boring.

“Enduring Confrontation” mode solves all of the above, and it would take Gaijin minimal effort to implement because it already exists. Air RB EC would facilitate all classes of aircraft currently in-game, and also new classes like strategic bombers and interceptors.

EC is not perfect, but it exists and it would be a good base to refine and expand upon. The large maps, respawns, objective structure, and long match duration has so much potential to be a great mode if it were adapted to more accesible Air RB controls and 3rd person.


I’ve discussed Air RB EC in my previous posts and agree that it needs to be implemented. However, my current focus is on getting them added. We all know that maps need attention and their range needs to be increased to make them viable.

Absolutely! Thank you for all the hard work you put into this post, it really is great!

One condition though, if we get the B-1 I have to have this camo


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What i’d give for this.

And maybe one of the most successful strategic bombers of its era. Considering it successfully “nuked” the US (Twice).

and whilst its contribution to the Falklands was… controversial… The blackbuck raids were an awesome achievement and the longest bombing raid ever at that moment in time (and they did it 6 times)


Once we get some strategic bombers and we start to see stealth aircraft would love to get these.




Your first 2 posts show passion for aerial warfare - i like that and support any player who is trying to improve the overall gameplay.

Unfortunately your posts work with a hell of assumptions which are not backed up by reality.

If i take your quote about strategic importance as example:

  1. Cold War bombers were developed to deliver nuclear payloads either to kill critical or military infrastructure or just to kill enemy civilians / population centers.
  2. The combination of SAMs able to hit high altitude targets and the introduction of ICBMs made them essentially useless vs enemies with sophisticated air defenses.
  3. The change of their attack profiles from Hi-Hi-Hi to Hi-Lo-Hi kept them longer in service, but the introduction of PD radars with LD/SD capabilities in the 1970ties killed even this role.
  4. As wt tries to create balanced lobbies and kills asymmetric warfare with their BR setting system (strategic) Cold war I bombers are reduced to stand-off weapon carriers - just based on their non-existent chances vs enemies with sophisticated air defenses.

In addition you are projecting your own passion level on wt players as a whole - some observations from my pov:

  1. WT is a plain (vehicle based) shooter (=PvP action) dominated by kids looking for (almost) instant action. These players are throwing money like hell on gaijin - that’s the reason why wt is in it’s current state.
  2. Passionate (bomber) pilots are more or less as rare as unicorns - so even if some of your points makes actually sense, the overwhelming majority is either not interested or capable of enjoying anything which would require something like tactics or strategy.
  3. Gaijin has transformed bomber game play into a low skill grinding tool for anybody able to use a mouse - expecting that gaijin would stop this policy is simply not realistic. Just imagine the outcry of the player base in case bombing would require actual skill - you would see another review bombing.
  4. The former crown jewel Air RB was reduced to Air Arcade plus, Air SB is, was and will be just a niche mode. Implementing your suggestions in Air Arcade makes zero sense, same as for Air SB - and Air RB is already flooded with non-pilots. So you try to improve the game play for max 5-10% of the players whilst 90-95% simply don’t care.
  5. The only beneficiaries of your proposals would be hardcore sweatlords looking for cheap bomber kills.

Have a good one!

I love bombers as vehicles. They’re majestic, terrifying aircraft. If War Thunder is a game about representing the modern military vehicle in all forms, then these aircraft absolutely should be added, if nothing else that it gives Gaijin a new category of vehicles to draw on, extending the diversity of the game into the future.

However, I think their addition is predicated on major changes to the existing air battle game modes. Current WW2 era strategic bombers are cannon fodder for fighters of any type. Gaijin will have to substantially alter game modes to make bomber play viable. I’m personally in favor of adding additional objectives to random battle modes, which prevents fighter players from easily focusing on bomber players.

Plus, introducing cold-war era bombers means you can also introduce matching interceptors…

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Run, hope nothing catches up to you because you only have a few cannons at best, destroy every base and AF in one pass or die.

With a few exceptions of certain vehicles like the B-36B which actually have effective defenses, bomber gameplay would be complete AFK simulator. The only way I see most bombers being actually worth introducing in game is as bots for larger maps.

Also does this smell of GPT to anyone else

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The Vulcan was pretty overrated in the Falklands. Harrier supremacy.

But I’d like the victor. It’s funny looking and unique. Plus, the payload is a little excessive.

this would only work if there were gamemodes (maybe pve) balanced around it i think. in current RB they’d just be free kills for the fighters. maybe in sim they could work but that would also run into the “free kills for fighters” thing

Put it in the suggestion bruh!

If RB EC was added, Strategic bombers could work or if a proper PVE mode was added rather than the trash asault modes.

Gaijin just doesn’t seem to have any interest in new game modes.

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Hi, sorry for reading so late, i meant that thread: